Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 861 Really~ Treasure Boy

No. 13 girls' apartment building.

Liu Yunwei sat at the desk, applying eye shadow in front of the mirror.

"Let me tell you, these swollen eyes must not be painted with bright eye shadow, otherwise it will be ugly. I remember when I was in high school, there was a girl in our class who had swollen eyes and she wore bright eye shadow. It's really... ugly crying."

Xue Shan was sitting in front of the desk flipping through gossip tabloids bought from roadside stalls: "It's already late at night, why are you still wearing makeup?"

Liu Yunwei said: "The one who doesn't care about things is called Tu Ri. He gave me a box of eye shadow in the evening and said it was imported from a foreign country. I can't try the effect."

Xue Shan said, "You mean Turibao Lidao? That Mongol?"

"Yes, that's him."

"I heard that his family is quite rich. They own a pasture and raise a lot of cattle and sheep."

Li Qi, who was referring to Fang Hui's hand-knitted sweater, said, "I think you can think about this."

Liu Yunwei looked disgusted: "I don't want to be with cattle and sheep every day in the future."

Fang Hui raised her head: "Then you still accept gifts from others?"

"I'm not happy if I don't accept people. What can I do?" Liu Yunwei put down the eyebrow brush, took out the lipstick and daubed it on the lips, opened and closed her mouth a few times to make the color more even, and then picked up the mirror and took a left According to the photo, according to the right, it seems that I am quite satisfied with the eye shadow effect.

"Hey, look, Zaizai and Big S are having fun." Xue Shan shook the gossip tabloid in her hand excitedly: "I'm so envious of her. If I can spend a good night with Zaizai, I would be willing to live ten years less."

Li Qi glanced at her through the gap between the frame and scalp: "Didn't you say a week ago that Yan Chengxu was not married?"

"Isn't there a song that goes like this? Love comes too fast like a tornado. You can't escape without the storm circle."

"Do you still listen to R\u0026B?"

"Me, what kind of music should I listen to?"

Liu Yunwei, who had finished tossing her face over there, turned around and looked at the two people who were knitting together: "By the way, didn't you go to Yangmei yesterday? Did you encounter any interesting things?"

Fang Hui remained silent.

Li Qi glanced at her and said, "Are you asking people or paintings?"

Liu Yunwei was puzzled: "Didn't you say that the art gallery there is very good?"

"The original plan was to visit under the guidance of Fang Hui's classmates, but there was a small accident on the way."

"What accident?" Xue Shan didn't read the entertainment tabloids when she heard the gossip.

"The boy in the first and third grades seems to be interesting to Fang Hui's classmates. He insists on being a free tour guide for us. When introducing those paintings and sculptures, he keeps showing off his professional knowledge and offended Qiao Ran many times. Maybe he thinks that Qiao Ran treats him badly. Very threatening."

Xue Shan said: "As expected, he is the man I like. He is handsome and reliable. He can play the piano. He is the focus of attention wherever he goes."

Liu Yunwei said: "Didn't you just say that as long as you can spend a moment with Zaizai, you are willing to live ten years less?"

"That's different."

"What's the difference?"

Li Qi interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "I think that junior boy got the wrong partner."

The two looked back at her: "What do you mean?"

She glanced at the silent Fang Hui again: "The person He Sha likes may be Lin Yue."

"Lin Yue?" Xue Shan said, "Is that Lin Yue who loves to study? I heard that when he has time on weekends, he either stays in the library or in the self-study room. Fang Hui...this is very similar to you."

Liu Yunwei said: "We have eaten at the same table with him no less than ten times, and you are still so unfamiliar with his name."

Xue Shan lay down on the table, looked at the hydroponic lucky bamboo and said, "Who made him not talk much at ordinary times, as if he is not interested in anything."

Li Qi said: "I think such a person is very reliable."

Xue Shan said: "Then don't you think such a person is boring?"

Fang Hui, who had been quietly listening to their conversation about men, said, "He's not bored."

Xue Shan smiled: "Because you are more bored than him, so I don't think he is bored."

Liu Yunwei also laughed.

Li Qi said: "I don't know if it's boring or not. Anyway, the junior boys at CAFA kicked the iron board yesterday. Later, even the professor who is good at impression painting in the college was alarmed."

Liu Yunwei looked puzzled: "What happened?"

"Isn't it that the group of people is getting more and more excessive, and asks if you have seen this painting before? Do you know who Monet is? Do you know how many of his "Water Lilies" are there? Then ask if you have been to Europe , Have you seen the Sistine Chapel trial... Finally, they bored Lin Yue."

"Then what?"

"Then he talked about several works in the exhibition hall from the creator's resume, personal characteristics, philosophical thoughts to the application of painting techniques, the highlights and shortcomings of the works, and the faces of those junior students turned green. He also pointed out that the traditional Chinese painting There is a painting in the exhibition hall that is not the only one, but the framed painting after the original painting was divided into two by the framer and remounted on the upper layer of drawing paper."

"How does he know so much?" Liu Yunwei glanced at Xue Shan with curiosity on her face.

Fang Hui said, "Oh, he reads a lot of miscellaneous books, so he has a wider vision than ordinary people."

"Really?" Li Qi looked at her with doubts on his face: "Why do I feel that he behaves like an insider? The old saying goes that if you only absorb knowledge from books and meet someone like Professor Wen People, they have already shown their feet, but the two of them talked for almost an hour."

Xue Shan said: "According to what you said, he has such good art skills, why didn't he take the art test route, CAFA is much more famous than our school."

Li Qi said: "Then who knows."


In December, the wind blows and Lin Tao roars.

Lin Yue hid his true colors, stood behind a cedar tree, and looked at Wu Tingting who was squatting on the ground not far away, burning paper money for the people in the tomb.

Today is the anniversary of Baifeng's death. As before, she brought two pieces of yellow paper, a blue bottle of Red Star 8, and an oiled paper bag, which contained a ten-and-a-half yuan roast duck from Fuchengmen.

The wind was a bit strong, and she had to light the yellow paper several times before igniting it.

Watch as the black smoke and ash are blown up by the wind and blown away.

"When you were alive, you liked to drink this every time you had a fight with someone. You also said that the taste was softer, and it was easier to drink than Niu Er. If you drank too much, you would not have a headache. And this roast duck, you are quite fair. Buy one at a time and eat half of it, and keep the other half for me, I said I don’t like it, you have to say no to it, sometimes I really want to smack you to death with the sole of a shoe, so I don’t have to worry about it.”

"Later, you really died, and there was no chance for you to think about it. Sometimes I wondered, did I owe you in my previous life? What do you say is good about you, an ignorant little bastard, How can I never forget it?"

"Later, I met a man who is completely different from you. I remember I told you about him last time. He loves to study, loves to work, is reliable, has a little humor from time to time, and saved you Grandpa lives."

"Later, I suddenly realized that I wouldn't miss you anymore. Well, after two full years, I fell in love with that person. I know you won't blame me, but even so, I told myself in my heart that I want to I will give you back all those roast ducks that ate you. I will buy half of them for you at a time during Ching Ming Festival, Death Day, and Hungry Ghost Festival. Sometimes I will viciously want to get tired of you again and forget it. Who made you such a jerk back then? , Said he didn’t like it, and he always bought it for me.”

"Thinking about what the fortune teller said before, my love life was bumpy. Now that I think about it, it's true. Men really don't have a good thing. You two bastards, one is dead, the other is running away, and you're going to leave me alone. .”

Having said that, she unscrewed the bottle of Red Star Erguotou, raised her head and drank a couple of sips, and poured the rest of the wine on Baifeng's tomb.

"Tell me, how much did I owe you in my previous life?"

She stopped when there was less than half of the wine in the bottle, stood up and walked outside the cemetery, sipping the remaining wine in the bottle.

Wu Tingting did not go home after leaving the cemetery, and drove to a remote alley near Changchun Street.

It was already night, so she went straight to a roadside stall surrounded by oilcloth, ordered some fried skewers, a grilled eggplant, and half a bundle of beer, and ate and drank alone.

She didn't know that Lin Yue saw that she was not in good condition and kept following her. The person with a burn scar on her forehead and a mask on the other side of the street was the one she never forgot.

Since the end of the summer vacation, Lin Yue has disappeared, and in the past three or four months, it can be said that there has been no news.

She drank a bottle of beer.

Drank another beer.


One person drank five or six bottles, and then asked the boss to pay the bill under the surprised eyes of diners around him, and left the food stall.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the cool wind was blowing on the face, arousing the drunkenness in the body.

Walking on Chang'an Avenue in early winter, facing the endless headlights and sparse traffic of bicycles, her speed became slower and slower, and her steps became messy.

At the entrance of Xidan subway station, she stopped, thought for a while, and then turned in.

It's okay to go down the stairs, and after walking forward for a while, I finally couldn't suppress the drunkenness in my body, and sat down in the long connecting passage.

The first few guys who just came out of the subway station, either with yellow hair or disheveled hair, did not look good at first glance and walked over "kindly".

"Hey, girl, girl, can you go? Why don't you tell me a place, how about some brothers to take you home?"

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