Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 877: The King of the Sea Is Also Afraid of the Hatchet

Although there were similar scenes in TV dramas, Lin Yue was a little caught off guard when it really happened to him. He just told Li Qi a story that could justify himself, but Fang Hui's ears changed like this.

"Fang Hui... You... Calm down..."

He pushed her out.

"I don't care about the next life after yesterday, I don't care about Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, Lin Jiamo, I only want today, I only want..."

She relaxed and hugged his neck again, the wind and rain wet her back as if she didn't feel it.

At this point, Lin Yue took a deep breath, hugged her up and rushed into the deep night against the dense rain.


I couldn't go back to school because it was too late and the dormitory doors were closed.

When the dazzling light came in from the window, Fang Hui opened his eyes.

What appeared in front of my eyes was the long dress that had been washed and dried on the hanger, and the unsmoked cigarettes on the bedside table. The warm reminder sign in the hotel said "Please do not smoke on the bed".

She moved her body, frowned involuntarily, braced herself to straighten her upper body, set up the awning with her hands, glanced at the sunshine outside the window, and smiled happily.

What about Lin Yue?

Are you too embarrassed to see her?

Fang Hui tried to turn around and yelled.

"Lin Yue."

The bathroom was quiet, as if no one was there.

She moved her body again, and was about to go to the table to get her mobile phone, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a piece of letter paper next to her.

Holding it in her hand, the girl's expression changed.

This guy... he actually... ran away.

The letter said that he had promised Wu Tingting's father that he would take Wu Tingting home to meet her parents this summer vacation, but in this case, he couldn't control himself and had sex with her. In principle, this is sorry for Wu Tingting. In terms of human feelings, he really wants to give her a girlfriend status, but... think about Qiao Ran who has been treating him well all the time, he is ashamed, think about who has always liked him Lin Jiamo and He Sha, he felt guilty.

If he is the prospective son-in-law of the Wu family, and at the same time, he is in love with her, and at the same time, he is not clear with Lin Jiamo and He Sha, then what kind of person is he? But let him choose a side, and he can't be ruthless, because he will suffer and blame himself when he sees other people sad.

Therefore, he chose to be a deserter, which might be fair to everyone.

Never look for him, the emotional pressure will drive him crazy if he doesn't leave.

"Lin Yue, you... bastard!"

Fang Hui yelled very rarely, the emotion on his face was not a breakdown, but hysteria, and he burst into tears.

She said it all last night, regardless of the next life after yesterday, regardless of Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, Lin Jiamo, she only wants today, and the only thing a person can stop and grasp is today.

Why doesn't he understand?

Doesn't Lin Yue understand? Of course he understood, but if he didn't do this, he would really be overturned. Although he wasn't asked to be responsible, he didn't ask for fame, and he didn't care about what Fang Hui said about yesterday and the next life, and she insisted on going to bed. But thinking about what happened yesterday, Liu Yunwei and Xue Shan could pinch each other. What about Lin Jiamo, He Sha, and Wu Tingting, who had a deeper relationship with him, what if they really wanted to use the hatchet? Hatchet is terrible...

What's more, you have to complete the main mission.

In this way... it should be fine, right?

Should be enough.

And if that's not enough?

Dog system, if he assigns this kind of task in the future, he must refuse, refuse!

Fortunately, this is not the first time to run, I have already run once in "To Youth", and I can be regarded as an experienced veteran.


Lin Yue left.

No one knows where he went.

What Fang Hui can offer He Sha and Lin Jiamo is the pain that he can't bear to part with everyone and can't tear himself into pieces. In order to be fair to everyone, he chooses to be an emotional deserter.

The good girl from Yangmei was silent, and the talented girl from Peking University overturned the table and called him a bastard, because she didn't want to hurt everyone's feelings, so she took all the pressure alone?

Fang Hui didn't say that they had a relationship that night, and it was this straw that crushed Lin Yue's spirit.


The earth will not stop because of a person's departure. The sun will always rise in the east and set in the west.

Eleven years later in winter.

Lin Jiamo is thirty years old.

"Who wrote this manuscript? Who?"

A man in the corner raised his hand: "Sister Lin, I wrote it."

"Xiao Wu, right? Since you are in charge of the science and technology section, you must have some knowledge of physics and chemistry, right?"

"Yes..." Xiao Wu said weakly.

"A car that can run with water? What do you think? Do you take readers for fools?"

"Sister Lin, this is a concept car. I went to interview the technicians of the manufacturer. They said that the chemical principle used is to electrolyze water and turn water into hydrogen. However, they also said that the current technology is not mature enough, and the completion rate is only 95%. In three or four years, it should be able to go out of the laboratory and expand to the civilian field."


Lin Jiamo got angry, and threw the manuscript directly at Xiao Wu, which made the twenty-four or five-year-old boy tremble.

"Some people exaggerate others for ulterior motives, bragging about themselves, I don't care, but as a media worker, if you don't know how to distinguish between true and false, you will post unverified articles on the Internet, which will bring down our media workers. The word-of-mouth reputation is second, as one of the best news portals in China, the most terrible thing is to help the evildoers."

Xiao Wu didn't dare to talk back, she lowered her head and said, "Sister Lin, I was wrong."

"This topic has been stopped, and I will give you a week to change the starting point."

"Sister Lin..."

Lin Jiamo stared, and Xiao Wu was discouraged: "Oh, okay."

At this time, the colleague sitting next to him poked his lower back, nodding at a magazine on the table under the pressure of the data report.

Xiao Wu quickly reacted: "Sister Lin, what do you think of the scientific and technological theme of solar energy? Isn't the country now vigorously promoting solar energy technology?"

Lin Jiamo said: "This selection is good, but I want to know what is the bright spot of your idea compared with those articles about solar energy on the Internet."

Xiao Wu put the data report away, picked up the full English "AIAA JOURNAL", pointed to the cover and said: "The pioneer who improved the satellite and the solar panel array of the International Space Station is also the first person born in our country, who will soon Chinese descendants who went to the International Space Station to perform missions."

Lin Jiamo didn't listen to what Xiao Wu said at all. When she saw the photo of Chinese descent under the solar panel matrix of the International Space Station on the cover of the journal, her eyes stared straight at once. She snatched the magazine from Xiao Wu's hand, anxiously and quickly Flipping through the catalog, I found an article titled "New Solar Panel Project, the Ark of the Future of Aerospace Industry".


Lin Di?

Leap from Zhai?

"This bastard!"

Xiao Wu took a big step back in fright, thinking that Lin Jiamo was scolding him: "Sister Lin..."

"Lend me the magazine." Leaving this sentence behind, Lin Jiamo didn't wait for Xiao Wu to answer, and didn't finish the work at hand. She rushed out of the editorial office with the journal in her haste, which was very incomprehensible.

What happened to the famous workaholic and heterosexual insulator in this unit today? He was so anxious that he ran away without even having the time to explain a word.


In a studio converted from a hardware processing workshop on the outskirts of the western city of the imperial capital, the girl who once painted a big tree like a bundle of celery has faded from youthfulness and immaturity, and has become mature and soft, with a faint artist atmosphere on her body.

He Sha was wearing a thermal underwear and a dark green shawl over it. Looking at the three-meter-high fiberglass sculpture in front of her, she seemed to follow the whale out of the water to the blue sky.



White mist spread around the mouth.

She glanced at the gray sky and the unfinished oil painting in the corner, and prepared to go back to the warm room.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door from outside, which sounded urgent.

"He Sha, He Sha..."

It was Lin Jiamo's voice.

He Sha tightened her shawl, walked over and opened the door, looked at the good sister standing opposite and said, "Why is it so urgent?"

"Hey..." She was about to tell her what happened in the company, but she was stunned when she saw the completed works in the work shed, and it took her a while to react.

"This work of yours is worth the wages of me and Fang Hui for several years. If I knew it, I wouldn't have been admitted to Peking University. It would be great if we all entered CAFA."

He Sha said: "I still envy you. You can meet different people and do different things. I can only be with them every day. Fortunately, you come to see me every once in a while, otherwise I would be a savage." gone."

Lin Jiamo said: "We are called savages, and you artists are called independent."

He Sha smiled and bent her eyebrows. Only at this time would she feel that there is still a deep bond between herself and the world, and it is them...these lovely and amiable good classmates and girlfriends.

Lin Jiamo took two steps forward, looking at the oil painting hanging in the middle of the north wall, the emotions on her face became very complicated.

A long time ago, she gave Lin Yue a photo frame, which contained a group photo of her, He Sha, Fang Hui, Lin Yue, Qiao Ran, Chen Xun, and Zhao Ye.

The painting in front of me is almost a replica of that group photo.

"You and Fang Hui are really serious. Every time we come here, we will stand in front of this painting and look at it for a long time." He Sha said, "It's cold outside, let's go inside."

Lin Jiamo withdrew her wandering thoughts and looked at the clay sculptures of men on the ground: "Sometimes I really want to take an ax and chop them all up."

He Sha said: "You, you have a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, and it is getting more and more serious."

Lin Jiamo followed her into the warm living room, not even thinking about sitting down, took out the journal from her bag and handed it over.

"check it out."

He Sha took it over and took a look, the expression on her face changed instantly, and the hand holding the journal was trembling.

"This bastard, we've been inquiring about him in financial-related fields. We didn't expect him to become a scientist. It's really far away. It's an ocean, and now he's in the sky again."

"Huh..." It took He Sha a while to come back to her senses: "This matter...have you notified Fang Hui?"

"Notified, she is coming to you, but because the company is far away, it will take a lot of time." Lin Jiamo said: "On the three-acre land in the United States, we will definitely not be able to beat him, so we have to find a way to get him Just go back home."

"Then... do you have any good ideas?"

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