Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 879 The scene of the real large-scale sea king rollover

Shen Xiaotang smiled at her: "What do you think?"

Qi Qi was stunned for a while before she realized: "Him?"

Shen Xiaotang said: "Yes, "The Year in a Hurry" was originally his song."

"You actually have a story with him." Qi Qi suddenly became excited: "Quick, tell me, what made you forget him even after traveling so many places."

Shen Xiaotang smiled: "You are a big girl, don't you know that there is a saying 'the best thing in the world can't be obtained'? Walking on the way to the next city, it is very meaningful to me. A question that can never be avoided, if I had rejected Chen Xun at that time and chose to sing the theme song of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" with him, would there be any difference in the future?"

"Wow, you've been looking for him for so many years just for one thought." Qi Qi gave a thumbs up: "Sister Tang, I admire you so much."

"I remember a great monk who was walking around with a bag on his back said that this is called a demon." Shen Xiaotang shook the invitation in his hand: "It is really a demon to fly back to the imperial capital from Guangxi just for a slim hope. Plant it."

Lin Jiamo glanced at the women sitting around, sighed and said, "Which one of the women sitting here is not a demon?"

Hearing what she said, Qiqi hurried over, and the camera pointed at her face: "Sister Jiamo, you finally fell in love with the scene, do you want to express your thoughts?"

"Little girl, just stay here."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, why do you look down on people?" She pointed the camera at Lin Jiamo's face: "I want to record your fierce face and show it to Boss Zhao, so that he can see how tempered the person who pursued back then is. Stinky, he must be glad he didn't marry you as his wife."

Lin Jiamo snatched the video camera from Qiqi's hand: "Today I turned against you."

"Roujiamo! Roujiamo! Old witch!" Seeing that she was reaching out to pinch herself, Qi Qi hurriedly greased the soles of her feet and ran away, not forgetting to sneer back.


The word "roujiamo" erased all the corners and corners of Lin Jiamo's face, and there was more nostalgia in her eyes. She gently sat back on the chair and put the camera out of the way.

"This Fang Hui, why do you tell her everything?"

He Sha said: "Look at her gossip, I don't know how many times she has hurt her sister."

At this moment, Shen Xiaotang asked a question: "I went to his hometown a few years ago, and the villagers said that I moved away very early, and didn't say where I went. They also said that I was not the first girl who came to him. Before me, there were three girls who drove from door to door asking. The three girls they said...are you?"

Lin Jiamo nodded and said, "Yes, it's us."

Shen Xiaotang said: "This guy is really cruel, he doesn't even give him a chance to sit on the sidelines."

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? Did I miss the highlights?" Qi Qi turned around and came back again. Lin Jiamo glared at her, and was so frightened that she picked up the camera and ran to He Sha's side.

"Sister Shasha, look at her fierce appearance. I think she scares people away. This guy is just a tigress. Who dares to marry a man back home?"

"Don't look at her being fierce to you. In front of him, the tigress in your mouth is a hundred times more docile than a domestic kitten."

"Really?" Qiqi didn't believe it.

"He Sha!" Lin Jiamo gave her a reproachful look.

The artist pursed his lips and chuckled, and stopped talking.

"Sister Shasha, tell me the story between you and him."

"It's not like that when you like someone. There's nothing to say."

"There should always be a bright moment in a relationship, let's talk about it, let's talk about it..."

He Sha was so entangled by her: "I remember the day after the first round of the Freshman Singing Contest, I didn't go back to the dormitory that night and was with him."

Lin Jiamo and Shen Xiaotang both pricked up their ears, and the former was even more stunned, because He Sha had never heard of this matter before.

She had an affair with him one night?

Seemingly guessing what the three of them were thinking, He Sha giggled and said, "That night was very romantic. The two of us painted oil paintings all night, and the final result was to move the people in the photos to the drawing board. Now that I think about it, it's really really fun." Silly and simple."

Shen Xiaotang laughed dumbfounded, thinking that these two people are really good at it.

Lin Jiamo said, "Is that the painting on the north wall of your workshop?"

He Sha nodded, "It's the painting that you and Fang Hui will look at every time you go."

Lin Jiamo whispered: "Anyway, he left a thought for you."

In fact, there is another one that He Sha hid in the studio, but she doesn't plan to reveal it.

Qiqi interjected, "You have it too, Roujiamo."

Lin Jiamo was furious, she got up and went to catch Qiqi: "Fang Qiqi, don't run away if you have the guts."


Qi Qi made a face at her: "Am I not right? When you saw a meat bun seller when you went to the street, would you think of him?"

Lin Jiamo was stunned by this sentence, but after thinking about it, it really made such a reason.

Qiqi's attention was all behind her, she didn't notice the situation in front of her, and bumped into the two people coming from the door.

"Ouch." She suddenly came to her senses, checked that the camera was fine, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

At this moment, Lin Jiamo and He Sha stood up.

"Empty bell grass? Jiang Xiaoxuan?"

Lin Jiamo stopped paying attention to Qiqi, looked at Kong Lingcao and said, "I haven't seen you for more than three years."

"Yes." Kong Lingcao said, "The last time we met was at Zhang Huiran's wedding."

After speaking, he looked at He Sha and smiled. Twelve years later, the severance and estrangement of old age and death have all become youthful past events.

Lin Jiamo said: "I heard that you are now the section chief of the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway section? If you are the fastest promoted person in the system, you will be the only one in our class."

Kongbellcao said: "Deputy..."

"What's the difference?" Jiang Xiaoxuan sat down and poured a glass of water into her mouth: "I'm thirsty."

After drinking the water, Wang Konglingcao said: "If you want to say that you are comfortable, you are comfortable with a job like yours. People like me who sell funds and wealth management products everywhere, saying that financial migrant workers are flattering, are simply...refugees."

"Konglingcao, oh, the one who studied at Nanjing University, I saw you in my sister's address book." Qiqi didn't feel presumptuous: "Are you also here for him?"

Kongbellcao said, "Who is he?"

"Lin Yue."

"Isn't today Qiao Ran's wedding?"


Qiqi finally hit a wall.

Lin Jiamo had a gloating expression on her face.

He Sha said: "You're mistaken. The person Kongbellcao has always liked is Chen Xun, but it's a pity that he has settled down in Australia. He just called Qiao Ran and said he couldn't come."

"Oh." Qiqi said: "It's a pity, I thought I could hear stories about him again."

Kongbellcao smiled, but didn't answer.

She said no, but only she knew the truth.

"Work hard, classmate, when you can come in front of me, let's study this issue again, you are not good enough for me now."

This sentence is like a thorn, which has been stuck in her heart since the third year of high school.

She went to Nanjing University to study and joined the railway system after graduation. Because of her family relationship and because she worked hard enough, she was promoted to deputy section chief in just eight years. This achievement far surpassed her peers in the railway system. Now Qiao Ran He is about to get married. He is the best of Lin Yue's few male friends in Experiment 1. That person should come to the wedding.

Now, can she raise her head and ask him with pride: "Isn't your wish to enter the railway system? If you really enter the railway system, can you achieve what I am now?"


Just then, a journal fell on the table.

Several people looked up, and saw a woman standing behind Jiang Xiaoxuan, very beautiful, even more beautiful than Lin Jiamo, wearing a wine red dress, holding a white Hermes bag in her left hand, and a gold inlaid jade bracelet on her right wrist, slightly curled. The long hair is scattered on the shoulders, and it looks bright and glamorous.

In terms of temperament alone, only He Sha can compare.

"You are..." Lin Jiamo got up and thought for a long time before she remembered who she was.

"Chen Tongtong."

Chen Tongtong? The physics class representative of the second class?

He Sha and Jiang Xiaoxuan looked at each other, no one expected that she would come here.

Lin Jiamo said, "How could you..."

If you think about it, Chen Tongtong and Qiao Ran are not very good friends, why is she here too.

"I invited her here." Qiqi ran over, put her arms around Chen Tongtong's arm and said, "Sister Tong is now a partner of a well-known headhunting company in Beijing, everyone wants to change jobs in the future..."

Seeing Lin Jiamo's cold expression, she quickly changed her mouth: "Well, I admit that I did some research beforehand and interviewed several graduates of the same class as you, and finally I found her and told her that he might come ,so……"

Chen Tongtong looked at Lin Jiamo and He Sha and said, "Don't worry, even if he really comes, I won't snatch him from you. I got married last year, and I just want to see him again. Ask how he has been doing so many years." ."

Lin Jiamo didn't relax because of this sentence, because it could be seen that although Chen Tongtong was married, "first love" always followed her like a curse, although strictly speaking, she could only be considered unrequited love.

Think about her, think about yourself... Why do I feel relieved, obviously he is such a jerk.

Lin Jiamo, He Sha, Jiang Xiaoxuan and the others were all focused on Chen Tongtong, but Konglingcao's gaze was fixed on the journal cover.

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