Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 904 This Christmas, there are smooth meat and soft wine

"Mr. Gong, I have something I want to share with you." Lin Yue hugged Gong Ming's shoulder affectionately.

Over there, Sun Nan was about to move, but was stopped by the eyes of the boss.

Lin Yue took out his phone, selected a video file, and pressed the play button.

When a small movie with a resolution of 1080P appeared in front of his eyes, Gong Ming's calmness collapsed, and he grabbed Lin Yue by the collar.

"Let go, I tell you to let go." Lin Yue looked at him coldly.

Gong Ming's clenched hand gradually let go, and the hand holding his collar slowly loosened.

Lin Yue picked up the clothes thrown on the cabinet and walked outside.

"Love is a light, so beautiful."

"Guide us, the future we want."

"Magic arctic circle, fantastic prophecy, hurry up and find incredible love."


Lin Yue's singing could be faintly heard in the corridor.

Gong Ming sat down on the sofa. Although KITTY was not his girlfriend, Lin Yue's humiliation to him today was many times higher than the time when he threw an A4 paper in his face.

He looked up at KITTY.

She turned her face away from him.

"Mr. Gong..." Sun Nan heard the crisp sound of the car door opening, and was very unwilling to let Lin Yue leave just like that.

"Let him go."

The content of the conversation seemed like he let Lin Yue go, but Gong Ming knew very well that it was Lin Yue who let them go. As for the price...

He glanced at KITTY again.

Losing his wife and losing his army is the truest portrayal of his current situation.


KITTY didn't answer, and got up from the sofa, struggling to go upstairs, but because of the drunkenness, the whole person was staggering, as if he might fall at any time.

Gong Ming got up to help, but she pushed it away, grabbed the handrail of the stairs, and walked towards the bedroom step by step.

At about the same time, two policemen walked in, and the leader asked, "Who called the police?"

Gong Ming said, "It's me."

"Is there a rape case here?"


"Why call the police without you?"

"I thought it would be fun."

One sentence stunned both the policeman and Sun Nan.

The leading police officer was furious: "Do you know the consequences of reporting a false alarm?"

Gong Ming said: "I know."

"Then you still report?"

"I said it, it's very interesting." Gong Ming looked at the leading policeman coldly.

"Interesting? I really want to know if you will still say it's interesting when you enter the class, Xiao Li, handcuff him and take him away." The newly recruited policeman took out a pair of handcuffs from his waist, and clicked Handcuff Gong Ming, pull him and go outside.

"Mr. Gong?" Sun Nan didn't know why he deliberately provoked the police. If such a thing was explained properly, he would never go to the step of squatting in his capacity, but now...

"Notify the lawyer to meet me at the police station tomorrow morning."

Gong Ming was taken away just like that, leaving Sun Nan and Sun Nan staring at each other.

After a while, the two also left. In the bedroom on the second floor, KITTY was lying on a messy bed, curled up with bowed legs.

bang, bang~

Someone set off fireworks outside again, and the night sky was dyed colorful.

Christmas Eve this year was anything but peaceful.

Only now did she know what Lin Yue meant when he said that he owed nothing to each other.


An hour later, the female dormitory building of Shanghai University.




Nan Xiang, who was lying asleep on the sofa, moved, slowly raised his head, and his waist-length hair fell from his shoulders.

In the empty room, the colorful lights hanging on the Christmas tree flickered around the photo stickers of Gu Li, Lin Xiao, and Tang Wanru, emitting colorful lights.

She felt a little cold, and hugged her two shoulders involuntarily, her body shivered a few times.




There were a few more meows.

Nan Xiang looked over to the balcony, there was a black cat in the square window, squatting in a touch of white, looking at her with some special eyes.


This year's snow looks much bigger than previous years.

She got up and walked over, endured the chill that hit her face and opened the window, and walked into the world wrapped in silver.

The neon lights in the distance were still shining, but a thin layer of snowflakes had accumulated on the balcony. The black cat that had been squatting on the concrete guardrail seemed to be frightened and jumped down.

Their dormitory is on the third floor, some distance from the ground. Nan Xiang was taken aback, worried about its safety, and walked quickly to the guardrail, only to see a black shadow jumping several times in succession from the second floor The balcony jumped onto the canopy of the gate on the first floor, and swished into someone's embrace.

When she looked over, the man raised his arms and waved at her. It seemed that he had been standing in the snow for a while, his hair was covered with a thin layer of white, and the street lights reflected a little silver light.

"Lin Yue?"

Nan Xiang recognized the identity of the person who came, and was very anxious. He hurried back to the house, picked up the denim jacket on the hanger and put it on his body, opened the door and ran outside in the form of a charge.

The snow formed a layer on the ground. When she ran forward, her feet slipped and her upper body fell backwards.

At this moment, a hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her back from the brink of losing control.

Nan Xiang calmed down, looked at him and said, "Why are you standing there, it's so cold outside..."

"I just got busy with the fashion design rookie competition. Seeing that you have made so many calls, I thought it would be better to give you a surprise by answering the calls, so I came here directly."

"Then you can't just stand in the snow stupidly."

"If I hide under the awning, how can you see me?"

"Stupid or not?"

"Not stupid."

"It's strange."

"Let's not talk about each other. How many times have you called me? Twelve or three times? Are you not tired? If I don't call back, it must be because I have something to attend to at hand, or I left my phone where I can't see it. Place, fighting like you, doesn't the more you fight, the more irritable you become?"

"..." After he said this, Nan Xiang realized that what he did today was indeed too reckless. He kept calling him on the phone, and it was still on special days like Christmas. As long as a man is not gay or Silly, you can definitely guess what the woman is thinking.

Nan Xiang noticed the black cat in his arms.

"Is it your pet?"

Lin Yue said: "Yes, I can raise it. A few days ago, I saw it was dirty and pitiful by the side of the road, so I secretly brought it back to the dormitory."

Nan Xiang said, "You are so kind."

Xiahou looked up at Lin Yue, let out a meow, kicked his front legs, and jumped out of his arms, trotting forward, leaving a row of plum blossom-like footprints on the ground with the cat's claws.

"Is it cold?" Lin Yue asked.

Nan Xiang tightened his denim jacket: "It's okay."

"Then let's go for a walk." He glanced at his watch: "At this time...the small frying stall diagonally across the alley from the north gate is still open, do you want to have some supper?"

"Okay." Nan Xiang said, "I'm not hungry if you don't tell me, but when you tell me, I realize I haven't had dinner yet."

"I'll eat more at that time. I remember that in addition to stir-fried vegetables, they also make good wontons. It's just enough to drink a bowl to drive away the cold."

"Hmm." Nan Xiang was very glad that he resisted Lin Xiao's temptation, and finally managed to hold back the clouds and see the moon. Relationships are often like this. Some people choose to give up, and some choose to be stubborn. In fact, there is no right or wrong, only just right You and me just fine.

"Then your cat?" She found that the black cat was nowhere to be found.

"It's okay, it will follow by itself."

Nan Xiang raised his head and looked at the flying snow blown away by the wind: "With such a heavy snow, I hope I won't miss tomorrow's game."

Lin Yue didn't tell her that the stage was not a problem, because Miss Gu had made two preparations, but what really caught him off guard was...Mr. Gong Ming had a flash of inspiration.

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the big guy A, the 500 starting coins rewarded by the bookworm in the 1980s, the 100 starting coins rewarded by Zun Mojuhuan, Infinite Light 000, the little tiger in the devil world, and Liu Daohai.

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