Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 935 You are better than anyone else

Gu Li let Gu Yuan into the living room, watched him put the plastic bag of steamed buns on the coffee table, secretly wiped away his tears, and said to himself, "I can't go back to everything."

"Gu Li, why didn't you go back to Sinan Mansion last night?"

Gu Yuan's question was not answered, and he didn't pursue it because he saw that Gu Li's eyes were a little red.

"Are you crying?"

Gu Li sat down on the single sofa: "Don't you want to explain? Tell me."

Gu Yuan looked at her and said: "Last time, after Gong Xun knew you were investigating Lu Shao's real identity, he asked Gong Ming to cooperate with my mother..."

When he said this, he heard a soft click in front of him, the door of the bathroom opened, and a man with only his upper body and trousers came out from inside.

Gu Yuan looked at Gu Li who was sitting on the sofa, and finally knew why she didn't go back to the Sinan mansion, because this woman she could never forget slept with Lin again.

"What's the matter with him? What's the matter with him!"

Gu Li said: "What's going on? As you can see, I slept with him."

"You..." Gu Yuan was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped her across the face.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Yue grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, causing Gu Yuan to stagger.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the detention center?"

"I am detained, not imprisoned."

Gu Yuan turned his face to look at Gu Li and cursed: "You bitch!"

"Am I as cheap as you? The person I like sleeps with others over and over again, and you still come up to me like a dog, Gu Yuan, tell me, who is the cheapest of us?"

"Okay, Gu Li, you're ruthless." Gu Yuan was furious, knocked the steamed buns on the coffee table to the ground, closed the door with a bang, and left.

Lin Yue looked at the woman sitting on the single sofa: "Are you satisfied now?"

Gu Li said: "Don't worry, as long as he tells Nan Xiang about your situation, I will go to Nan Xiang to explain it."

"To be clear? I want to take all the faults on myself, and then force them all away. Let's face death alone."


Gu Li stared at him blankly, since the first day she knew him, she had never won.

Lin Yue threw the clothes to her: "Let's go."

Gu Li looked blank: "Where are you going?"

"Hospital, I made an appointment with a specialist in Singapore for you."


"You have to dress nicely to die, don't you? You have to have a limit to your willfulness." Lin Yue held her wrist: "Will you go?"


"Not going, right? Then I'll tell Lin Xiao and the others about your cancer."

"How can you be such a bastard!"

"You can try to see if I can do it or not."


Gu Li compromised, got up, put on his clothes, and followed him outside.


three days later.

The underground parking lot of the office building where M.E is located.

Gu Yuan got out of the elevator and walked towards the parking space where the car was parked. Before reaching the destination, he saw a person standing in front of the car at a glance, a person who made his teeth itch with hatred.

"It's you?"

Lin Yue didn't talk nonsense with him: "Do you know why Gu Li slept with me?"

Gu Yuan didn't speak, just looked at him coldly.

"Go ask your good mother."

Lin Yue walked to the Lexus LS next to his Bentley sports car, opened the door, and was about to sit in the cab when Gu Yuan stood in front of the car.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's very simple. Your mother gave Gu Li two months to collect 400 million yuan to fill Shenggu's hole. If the time is up, she will report to the relevant department. Just a few days ago, Gu Li Met the interrogator, did I make it clear enough?"

Lin Yue sat in the driver's cab, and said coldly before closing the car door to get out of the way.


The engine of the Lexus LS let out a low roar, and drove towards the exit of the parking lot with a smear of red light. Lin Yue looked at Gu Yuan who was standing still in the rearview mirror, curled his lips, and reported Nan Xiang's mother as a drug addict, so he went to squat Although it was part of the plan to take the blame, how could he easily let go of the guy who was always making things difficult for him behind his back, as a master who must take revenge.

Gu Yuan watched Lin Yue's car disappear at the corner, did not get in the car, returned along the original road with a gloomy face, and took the elevator to the floor where M.E was located.

Soon, the staff working outside heard the sound of the mother and son arguing.

"Why do you treat her like that?"

"Why don't you marry Yuan Yi?"


"My face and that of your father are almost lost to you."


"Since I was a child, you have been helping me make decisions, what to eat, what to wear, what to use, and even ask me what brand of underwear and socks I buy."


"I have a dog and wag my tail? What's your attitude? What's so good about that woman? I think you should see a psychiatrist."

"Then you go to raise a dog? Why raise a son?"


"Don't worry about it, you'll starve to death long ago."


"Who will raise the child in my belly, you raise it, don't think I don't know that you help Yuan Yi put medicine in my food, and the mother who calculated her son like this, I'm really ashamed of you."

"Gu Yuan! Try talking like this again."



With the heavy slamming of the door, Director Gu left the company with an angry face.

Those employees who heard some content intermittently pointed to the new general manager in the office, and whispered about the matter between the mother and son and the former M.E director.

First, CONSTANLY Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Gu's Holdings, and Ye's Group also acquired a part of the shares from the Gong family, becoming a shareholder of M.E; secondly, Lin Yue revealed Lu Shao's identity at the anniversary of M.E. Continuing to serve as the general manager of M.E may cause suspicion among the board members, so Gong Xun asked Ye Chuanping to be the general manager, and Gong Ming temporarily worked as the art director, and waited for the preparations for Beijing M.E to be completed before going there to be the manager.

"What are you looking at? Work hard!"

Ye Chuanping came out of the office, glared at the chattering staff, then turned to look at KITTY behind the desk: "Where's Gong Ming?"

"Mr. Gong has gone to the gallery."

It was only then that Ye Chuanping remembered that there was a very important client who needed to be received at the gallery today, and she took another look at the empty space next to KITTY for a long time.

"The one named Lin Xiao hasn't come yet?"


"How many days have you been on leave?"

"Today is the third day."

"Call her and say she's fired."

KITTY nodded: "OK."

Ye Chuanping turned around and returned to the office, and the people below began to discuss again, saying that she was venting her grievances, she didn't dare to touch KITTY, so she took Lin Xiao to the knife—although there was a lot of trouble at M.E's anniversary celebration, but I don't know what Gong Ming did. Considering it, she was not fired.


The sky in Sanya is very blue, and the water is also very blue.

"Hey, Nan Xiang, why is that?"

"What why? Why did you suddenly want to travel with Gu Li? You also brought us all together, where did you get so much money?" Lin Xiao glanced at the man on the yacht sofa who was playing games with NEIL who couldn't speak clearly. Tang Wanru looked at Gu Zhun and Gu Li who were standing in the stern of the boat talking quietly, and his heart was full of question marks.

She has asked this question no less than five times.

Nan Xiang couldn't help her: "Aren't you always very smart? Why do you ask such a stupid question? How can I have the money to take you here for a tour? It's not Lin Yue, who is not safe in the detention center. I don't know where to come from." Hearing that Gu Li was reported by Ye Chuanping, considering that she is in a bad mood, let me take you out with her to relax, the cost is all his."

"He would be so kind? There must be some conspiracy." The more Lin Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that he was right. In the past, everything that guy did was carefully planned, and this time must be no exception.

Nan Xiang said: "Why, you were bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes?"

Lin Xiao gave her a white look: "It doesn't look like you, I'm used to being bitten."

It took Nan Xiang a while to react, his face changed slightly, he chased Lin Xiao and hit him: "Okay, you little hoof, you are getting wilder and wilder."

"Nan Xiang, I think you're just out of breath."

Lin Xiao ran and hid, completely forgetting about Zhou Chongguang and Jian Xi, Gu Li said that she was very envious of her like this.


Tang Wanru dropped the grape in his mouth on the table.

Neil looked at her puzzledly: "What's wrong?"

"No, I should say those words, why do they..."

"What words?"

"Of course it' private talk."

At this moment, Lin Xiao's mobile phone on the wine cabinet rang. She avoided Nan Xiang's pursuit, walked over and grabbed the mobile phone and put it to her ear.

"Hey, KITTY..."

When Nan Xiang corrected his direction and rushed to Lin Xiao, he found that something was wrong with her: "What's wrong?"

Lin Xiao murmured: "Ye Chuanping...fired me."

"..." Nan Xiang thought for a while, and smiled: "I thought it was a big deal, wasn't it just being fired? I'll introduce you to Mr. Xu of ZARA's Shanghai branch some other day."

"You make it sound like you're enjoying yourself at ZARA."

"Of course, a person like me who combines beauty, intelligence and ability will be the focus of attention wherever he goes."

"Nan Xiang, I found that your skin is getting thicker and thicker."

About being fired by M.E, she quickly put it behind her, because since Gu Li got down from the position of chief financial officer after drinking the Wangqing water, M.E didn't have much for her except for the relatively high salary. It's worth remembering.


ten days later.

Lin Yue had just finished talking with the doctor, and before he could catch his breath, the screen of his phone lit up, and the caller was KITTY.

He chuckled.

The final show is about to begin.

Thanks to Mo Xueyiyun, Little Tiger of the Demon Realm, Unlimited Light 000, Zun Mojuhuan, and TOGETHER for the 100 starting coins.

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