Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 943 Want to eat cards? sorry touch one

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Wick has just stayed in this store. If you go to the bar on the -1 floor now, maybe you will have a pleasant conversation."

Charon removed his fingers, and the gold coins glistened in the middle of the smooth counter.

Has John Wick already checked into the Continental Hotel? It looks like his dog is dead and his car is stolen, just the plot point to get his revenge on Isef.

Lin Yue picked up the gold coin and put it back in his pocket, nodded, and walked towards the -1 floor with Ba Dun.

Passing through the laundry room, through the equipment room, and in front of an iron gate, Lin Yue took out the last gold coin and stuffed it into the coin slot. The peephole opened, and an expressionless face appeared behind the barbed wire.


The iron door opened, and the gatekeeper turned his head towards the inside, beckoning him to come in.

Cigars, cigarettes, alcohol, perfume, and covered body odors were drilled into his nose, and Lin Yue glanced around.

On the stage, a female singer wearing a leather jacket and fishnet stockings sings old songs from the last century. Behind her are the calm faces of the musicians. In front of the stage, some people are walking, some people are sitting on the stage and tasting the wine in the glass, and there are people and people around them. Whispering.

The bar of the Continental Hotel is a place for killers to exchange information and discuss business. The previous mission to assassinate "Radiation" was here to reach the intention of forming a team.

Lin Yue's eyes paused for a moment on the face of the female killer Perkins who dared to break the rules of the hotel, and then turned to the hotel director Winston in the corner booth of the bar. Just like Charon said, he will meet here to John Wick.

At this moment Winston was talking quietly with John Wick.

Lin Yue tidied up his suit and walked towards the bar. When they passed by the Santai where Perkins was, the two of them looked away after touching each other. They didn't nod or exchange greetings. After the unknown little character, he didn't care, and continued to drink the martini in the glass.

"What would you like to drink?" the big-breasted woman wine security guard with a tattoo of something on her arm casually greeted.

She remembered the man who just sat down, not because he had done anything well, but because the yellow face was very conspicuous in circles where whites and blacks were the majority.

Lin Yue said, "A glass of water, thank you."

"Sorry?" Andy thought he had heard wrong.

Lin Yue said, "I just stuffed the last steel coin into that damned coin slot."

He is indeed out of money, and it is not yet the day when he will be paid, and the task reward for killing "Radiation" has not been issued, so in the killer circle, he is a standard poor ghost.

"This glass is my treat." Andy smiled, took a bottle of High Vodka from the wine cabinet, filled the shot glass and pushed it over.

Lin Yue said thank you, raised his glass as a gesture, raised his head and drank it down in one gulp.

Spicy is like a runaway wild horse spreading in the mouth, the strong smell of alcohol rushes into the nose, and a hot flow goes straight into the lungs.

When he put down the wine glass, there was another person beside him.

It's John Wick.

"God, John, why are you?"

"Hi Andy."

The two greeted each other intimately, and Andy said, "How long have we not seen each other? Four years, or five years? How are you doing?"

"not bad."

John Wick's answer sounded a bit insincere, Lin Yuexin said that's right, his girlfriend died of cancer not long ago, the puppy he used as an emotional sustenance was killed, and his car was taken away, it's no wonder he was in a good mood.

Andy said, "I'm sorry about your girlfriend..."

"Thank you." John Wick didn't want to get entangled in this issue, and didn't let her finish speaking.

"John, I've never seen you like this."

"How about me?"

"Uh, fragile."

"Andy, I'm retired."

Andy hit a soft nail, and smiled awkwardly: "As long as you still come here to drink, it means you don't have it, the same?"

John Wick nodded: "Thank you."

While Andy turned to get the wine, Lin Yue looked straight ahead and said, "The suit is nice."

John Wick looked around, confirmed that he was talking to himself, and looked at him with vigilant eyes: "Thank you."

Lin Yue said, "Do you know how much your head is worth now?"

John Wick said nothing.

"Two million...dollars, that's a heartwarming number."

John Wick still didn't say a word, but the expression on his face became colder and murderous, and it seemed that his beard had hardened a lot.

Lin Yue never turned to look at him.

Some of the people sitting around the bar sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and glanced at the two people's positions.

"Is that John Wick?"

"Who is this guy? He doesn't want to live anymore? Even Yobabayeg dares to provoke him?"


The whispers were drowned out by the singer's sudden high notes.

At this moment, Andy turned around and put a glass of wine in front of John Wick. She didn't notice the change in the atmosphere on the other side, and nudged the paper handkerchief with her right hand: "I'll invite you."

John Wick didn't drink the whiskey in the glass, looked down at the lip prints and letters on the paper handkerchief, and looked back at Winston sitting in the booth, who was raising his glass to him.

Without any hesitation, John Wick turned and left.

At this time, Lin Yue picked up the piece of paper handkerchief, and blinked at Andy: "It's a pity, he doesn't seem to be interested in you."

After saying this, he also left.

Andy looked at the backs that disappeared one after another, with a puzzled look on his face. John Wick is a well-known night devil in the killer circle. He is focused, strong, keep his promise, and keeps calm at all times. It is not too much to describe it as "legendary". It can be said that picking the head of the enemy is very familiar. You must know that five years ago he wiped out the entire Yaguta gang by himself, and that Asian man... was young and unfamiliar, and he didn't see friends greeting him. Description is a newcomer.

Isn't it courting death for a newcomer to participate in the John Wick business?


"Mr. Lin, please wait a moment."

Lin Yue left the underground bar and returned to the hotel lobby. Charon stopped him and handed him a document.

"Contract No. 8356211-03 is confirmed to be fulfilled, and the reward has been credited to your bank account. Please sign here."

Lin Yue took the pen handed over with him, and signed his name at the end of the document. At this time, Charon took out a black wooden box from under the counter and pushed it in front of him. He didn't say anything, but waved, meaning It was his.

Lin Yue held it in his hand, opened the box and saw that there was a stack of six gold coins inside.

He picked up one of them and put it on the counter: "Help me open a room next to Room 818."

Charon took a deep look at him, took the gold coin, and handed over a room card: "Room 820."

Lin Yue put the room card into his trouser pocket, greeted the man who had been squatting in the corner of the lobby on standby, and walked towards the hotel gate.

Behind him, Charon pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, picked up the phone next to him and dialed Winston's number.


Two hours later, the RED CIRCLE club.

bang bang bang~

bang bang bang~

With the sound of gunshots, men and women in cool clothes ran out like crazy, screaming endlessly, some were thrown to the ground by their skirts, some rolled from the steps to the door, lying on the curb and moaning endlessly .

Lin Yue threw half a hot dog out of the car window, watched it fall steadily into the trash can, said "It's really unpalatable", turned the car key to start the engine of the Chevrolet sedan, reversed into the corner, and pointed the front of the car at RED CIRCLE The gate of the club.

Five years ago, John Wick chose to wash his hands in the golden basin in order to stay with his girlfriend. Isef's father, Vigo, gave him an almost impossible task-to destroy the gangsters of the rival Yaguta.

John Wick took over this task, joined forces with the son of the Italian mafia boss to kill hundreds of people overnight, and finally successfully achieved the goal and obtained the qualification to wash his hands in the golden basin.

The good way is the reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good. Five years later, Vigo's son killed his dog and took his car, so the retired old man came back, this time the target was Vigo's Russian gangster.

Just like in the movie, John Wick and Vigo's particularly capable bodyguard fought hard inside. Isef ran down with a gun in his hand and a white towel wrapped around his waist. Steps, mixed with a group of men and women rushed to the middle of the road.

At this moment, the headlights flickered, and a Mercedes-Benz SUV came from the side of the road and stopped at the entrance of the club.

"Come up, come up quickly..."

Seeing that it was one of his own, Yisef hurriedly opened the door to get in the car.



At this time, with a dazzling light piercing his eyes, a white car rushed out from across the road and slammed into the cab of the Mercedes-Benz SUV.

There was a bang.

The hood of the Mercedes-Benz was deformed, the window glass was cracked, the airbag deployed, and the people in the cab were knocked unconscious, while Yisef was swept by the swinging front of the car and fell to the curb with a thud.

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