Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 967 Huashan Talks on Girls (Two in One)

"Since you all agree, then I have no objection. I'm just afraid that this man is putting on airs and doesn't want to have dinner with a group of us women."

Fan Shengmei looked at Qu Xiaoxiao who was sleeping on the sofa like a dead pig, and said insincerely.

First of all, Andy used the fact that he sang in the elevator to relieve everyone's tension and the fact that the other party had a big pot as an excuse, explaining that he hoped he would come to eat together from the bottom of his heart. The hairy crabs belong to Andy, and now at Andy's house, it's etiquette for guests to follow suit, not to mention that the person she doesn't want to offend is Andy, who is the CFO of Shengxuan Group, making such friends will be beneficial to her future work and life benefit.

Secondly, don't think about it, Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying definitely welcome him. For the former, he is her colleague, and for the latter, she is his fan. If five women vote, it is three to two, and he is welcome. People are in the majority.

In the end, after what happened last night, she could see that Qu Xiaoxiao and Lin Yue didn't get along, what kind of grievances and hatred would unfold when a rich second-generation savage girl had dinner with someone she hated? She is looking forward to it when she thinks about it, and she has been in HR for many years, and she has learned to bear it long ago. She just needs to treat that person as air later on, and Director Bai will also come over. Talking to Qu Xiaoxiao for Lin Yue like that in the movie, will Director Bai hate him, and then whisper in his girlfriend's ear?

With all that said, why the rejection? Come, let him come.

Andy didn't care about her eccentric speech: "Then..."

Guan Juer understood: "I'll call him, yesterday I said I would treat him to eat hairy crabs, I didn't expect to borrow money from Sister Andy today to save me a meal."

As she spoke, she opened the door and walked out.

Fan Shengmei looked at Guan Juer's back and shook her head: "That's why it's better for young girls to say that they are stupid or childish. When a man gives some sweetness to others, he treats himself sincerely and dives headlong into it." The vortex of love, when you get hurt in the future, you cry bitterly and scold yourself for being blind."

Andy folded his arms and said, "Then you tell me, what should a man do to be sincere?"

"House, car, deposits... Don't talk about material things. At our age, we will understand that nothing can be relied on, and only these things can provide a sense of security."

Andy said: "In his early twenties, children from ordinary families would not have what you said."

"So, this woman, you should find a good family while you are young. Don't waste your time. It will be too late when you wake up to this truth."

Andy does not agree with her point of view, because she is very clear in finance, high-quality resources are limited, rich and handsome are also limited, if they all rush to the top of the pyramid, some people will inevitably return empty-handed, fearing bear's paw If you don't get it, you can't eat the fish.

Fan Shengmei said: "Of course, you are different, you can get these without relying on men."

ding ding ding dong~

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Andy walked over to open the door, Guan Juer walked in with a smile on his face, and whispered, "He's here."

Andy looked behind her, and sure enough, he saw Lin Yue walking in holding the cauldron in the "lottery".

"Come on, come in, I'm worried you're going to have dinner."

Lin Yue didn't even look at Fan Shengmei, and put the pot on the table opposite the stove: "Sometimes I forget to eat when I get busy."

Guan Juer said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Miss Andy, he was painting when I went, just those stray cats in the yard, you didn't see them, the paintings are very similar."

When Andy came back, he took the same elevator with Lin Yue, knowing that he had bought drawing boards and paints, so it was not surprising that he could draw.

"It's still early, sit down first."

She looked at Qu Xiaoxiao who occupied the entire sofa, smiled awkwardly, and led Lin Yue to the study to sit down.

"any drinks?"

"Mineral water is fine."

Andy took out a bottle of Evian water from the refrigerator, Guan Juer took it, and brought it to Lin Yue.

"Thank you." He said thank you, unscrewed the cap and took two sips.

Seeing the three people talking and laughing, Fan Shengmei suppressed her depression and unhappiness, put the cleaned hairy crabs into the steamer, and placed them layer by layer in the electric pot filled with clean water.

Ding dong, ding dong~

Hearing the doorbell ring, Guan Juer looked sideways at the surveillance screen: "Qiu Yingying and Director Bai are here."

She went over and opened the door.

Qiu Yingying walked in with her supervisor Bai, looked at Andy, Fan Shengmei, and Guan Juer, just about to introduce them, she suddenly saw a copy of "Nash Equilibrium and Game Theory" not far away. Lin Yue with relish.

"Hey, Brother Lin, are you here too?"

Or say this guy is acquainted. Hearing Guan Juer yell "Brother Lin" once, she followed suit.

Lin Yue closed the book, smiled and waved to her.

"Oh, I almost forgot, hehe..." Qiu Yingying didn't react until Director Bai touched her from behind, and introduced them to each other: "This is my boyfriend Xiaobai, that's Sister Fan, Guan Juer, An Di, and Brother Lin who lives on the 21st floor, as I told you, he sings really well."

The man behind her smiled shyly and nodded to several people.

"Where's Qu Xiaoxiao?" Qiu Yingying took two steps inside, saw Miss Qu in an "elegant" sleeping posture on the sofa, and giggled, "Why did she sleep like this?"

Fan Shengmei looked Director Bai up and down for a while, pointed to the plastic bag in his hand and said, "I heard from Yingying that you want to cook?"

Director Bai said: "Yes, I don't know what kind of food everyone likes to eat, so I just bought some."

"Hehe, it's really embarrassing to ask you to cook when we first met. This man who can cook is a good man. Please help me, little earthworm."

"Do not worry."

Guan Juer also wanted to help, but Fan Shengmei held her back: "What are you making trouble for?"

The three women walked into the bedroom, muttering in low voices.

Fan Shengmei said: "Let me tell you, this Director Bai is really not very good, what a handsome guy, just a wretched guy."

Andy said: "It's inappropriate for you to eat other people's food and still say that about them."

Fan Shengmei said: "Am I seeking success from facts?"

Guan Juer sighed: "The key is that Yingying has been nagging in our ears, saying that her supervisor Bai is very handsome, but after seeing it today, the gap is too great."

After all, Andy is a high-end overseas returnee, and his level is there. He is not used to criticizing others in private, so he changed the subject and said, "I think it's better to call Qu Xiaoxiao, her posture is too ugly."

Fan Shengmei chuckled, and shouted in a high voice: "Handsome Bai is here."

Qu Xiaoxiao straightened up with an "ah".


A minute later, she walked into the bathroom, and complained while washing her face: "The one in the kitchen is Qiu Yingying's boyfriend?"

Andy was worried that she might not understand the situation, so he followed up to explain: "Yes."

"What kind of eyes? Just this handsome guy? Let me see, there is a wretched guy, have you noticed that his eyes are rolling around, even Xiao Guan will not let go."

"You and Fan Shengmei really... judge people by their appearance."

"Sister, I judge people by their appearance. If you ask me, there are not many men wearing glasses who are not obscene."

Andy instructed: "Don't talk nonsense while eating, just eat crabs."

Qu Xiaoxiao pouted towards the study room: "What's the matter with him? Who brought it? Is it Xiaoguan?"

Andy explained: "Oh, I invited him because there were too many crabs and we didn't have a big enough pot. It happened that he won a lottery yesterday, and it was thanks to him calming down Xiaoqiu in the elevator last time. Otherwise, God knows what will happen, we owe him a favor, so let Guan Juer go downstairs and call him to eat crabs."

"He doesn't treat himself as an outsider." Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Yue who took another book from the shelf to read, curled her lips with a displeased expression.

Andy shook his head helplessly.

On the other side, Lin Yue was indeed reading, but his ears were not idle, and he heard every word those women said.

What the hell is this group of people, not to mention whether this director Bai is a scumbag, after all, they only met in the current timeline, the other party not only bought the food, but also went to cook as a guest, the result? Several people commented on the appearance of the guests below, as if picking Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market.

Heh, how many people scrutinize and comment on men, but if a man looks at them more often, he is a shameless hooligan? Since you don't want men to see it, why do you spend half an hour in front of the mirror in order to match a set of good-looking clothes? If you have the ability to not take a shower for half a year, and not comb your hair for a month, then absolutely no man will look straight at it like an LSP.

While being a bastard, while erecting a memorial archway, tsk tsk...

Lin Yue closed the book, wrote a line on the blank A4 paper on the table, picked it up and walked towards Director Bai.

"Xiaobai, wait a minute."

Hearing the greeting behind him, Director Bai turned around: "Brother Lin, are you calling me?"

Lin Yue said: "Yes, let's put the matter at hand first and talk to me a few words."


"Come on, come here."

Seeing his insistence, Director Bai took off his apron and walked to the reception sofa. He tilted his head and looked at the A4 paper in Lin Yue's hand: "The scoring system for five girls, please start from the aspects of appearance, figure, personality, cultivation, conversation, and potential. Evaluate the room in six aspects..."

His voice was getting weaker and weaker, and he didn't even have the courage to finish reading later.

Seeing the two chattering, Qiu Yingying walked over out of curiosity: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Lin Yue said, "We are giving you five points."

"What's the point?" Qiu Yingying looked bewildered.

The four women in the bedroom and bathroom noticed the situation here and were all attracted by their conversation.

At this moment, Lin Yue glanced at the embarrassed Director Bai: "I have no idea, do you? Then you might as well listen to my opinion first."

"Qiu Yingying, although she is not naturally beautiful, she is not tall, has average education, average potential, and average conversation, but she is young, cute, and simple-minded. This is a plus for me, because I can use my knowledge Changing her mind and thinking, she will live a stable life after the three views are consistent, and she will be centered on me in her future life. For high-quality men, she will be a little difficult to handle in some occasions, but for affordable men, it is a good choice. .”

"Guan Juer, looks above average, has a fair figure, average education, good potential, and good conversation, but is too much influenced by the family background of civil servants, he sticks to the rules in everything, and is not flexible. Honor and disgrace are self-motivated, and the family is suitable for a girl. The same three views are malleable, but a girl like her has been restrained for more than 20 years. If she really meets that person who cannot be separated from her life, she may become different from the original She does outrageous things, such as elope with others, or simply give you a green hat, so I'm not sure if she really likes you so much, don't waste energy on her."

"Andy, an elite girl, has good looks, good temperament, high education, smart, potential, and good conversation. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is an eight-point girl. The disadvantage is a workaholic. I wish I could spend 20 hours a day 24 hours a day. In terms of work, she is more than competent, but not feminine enough, and her three views have become difficult to change, and she is too old, not good at communicating with others. For high-quality men, she has a desire to conquer, and there is not much motivation to marry, because she may be a good partner. people, but definitely not a good wife."

"Fan Shengmei, looks 6.5 points, temperament? Does she have it? If the wind and dust can be counted. Education is average, personality is poor, conversation is poor, potential is average. There are shortcomings that cannot be ignored, such as vanity worshiping money, slippery and artificial, unrealistic, partial I also feel good about myself. Because I have been working in HR for a long time, I am good at being a teacher, and I always look at people around me with critical eyes. It is too hypocritical because I have worked in Shanghai for many years, with complicated interpersonal relationships and rich emotional experiences. Ren's boyfriend has slept with her. She is over 30 years old and she is really not attractive to high-quality men. Oh, the most unbearable point is that the skeleton is too big. If I really want to marry this kind of woman, I will turn over in my arms in the middle of the night. There will be an illusion of holding a man."

"Qu Xiaoxiao, looks 6.5 points, her temperament is equal to nothing, and her family assets are over 100 million. She is a returnee from a foreign pheasant university. She has a little potential to earn money, mainly because she is shameless enough, a philistine enough, and has enough mobility. She has a personality. On the other hand, if you regard being uneducated as innocent, and disrespecting others as being true, then I have nothing to say. There are many shortcomings, and I am too lazy to go into details. The most obvious one is that you have an almost obsessive obsession with handsome guys, just like the one just now. Hearing that handsome guy Bai is here, he is more active than going home to attend his father's funeral, but as long as you don't get her point, if you look at her more than once, you will be labeled as wretched, rotten, and rubbish immediately, that's right A double-standard dog, if it’s not for Shaking M, my personal suggestion to you is to avoid this kind of woman as far away as possible, so as not to add countless green hats without knowing it, or she will have a lot of fallacies. Proving her innocence for promiscuity, and even packaging you as a scumbag, she is the victim. She was forced to go to the state of "seeking flowers and asking willows". Academically speaking, this kind of person is serious, maybe you can fight with her to see who dies first, and ordinary people should not take this risk."

At the end of his words, Director Bai was dumbfounded.

No, it should be said that everyone in the room was dumbfounded, only the electric cooker was unresponsive, and was still hissing and steaming.

Qiu Yingying blinked her big innocent eyes, she still didn't understand what happened, Guan Juer also looked at a loss, and was very entangled in his evaluation of herself, and Andy, Andy was still persuading Qu Xiaoxiao just now Don't make trouble for her, turn your face away. The man who has been quiet since entering the room and focused on reading in her study broke out first, and... Those words really touched her heart.

" stinky rascal!" Fan Shengmei tried to hold back, but she couldn't hold back, to be exact, she couldn't bear it, the words that described her, such as vanity worshiping money, slippery and contrived, having slept with many men... like a An invisible thorn pierced into my heart, this feeling is simply terrible.

"Ah..." Qu Xiaoxiao let out a scream: "Today I must tear your stinky mouth apart."

If Lin Yue's words were a thorn in Fan Shengmei's part, they were peeling her skin layer by layer until she was dripping with blood. Fan Shengmei has scolded these words in the elevator, but it is really useless. This guy is completely indifferent and indifferent like "he will let him be strong, the breeze will blow the hills, and he will be forced by him, and the bright moon will shine on the river", although Hate to admit it, but the truth is it's really hard to piss him off.

Lin Yue glanced at Fan Shengmei: "I'm just seeking truth from facts."

He glanced at Qu Xiaoxiao again: "Well, actually, compared to what you did just now, I just raised my voice and deepened my connotation."

Guan Juer remembered that he was hiding in the bedroom with Fan Shengmei and discussing Supervisor Bai's matter just now, and his face was a little uncomfortable. Fan Shengmei said that she was seeking truth from facts, but now that others are seeking truth from facts, she can't accept it.

"I admit that what you said is very reasonable." Andy didn't deny his comment on himself, stopped Qu Xiaoxiao, and said to Lin Yue: "So, you heard our conversation just now?"

Lin Yue nodded and said, "That's right, it's uncomfortable to be judged by others, isn't it? Then my goal has been achieved."

Guan Juer said: "Aren't you reading in Sister Andy's study?"

Lin Yue said: "I'm reading, can't I be distracted while reading and listen to your comments on men? My hearing is very good, and with my IQ, it's enough to read while listening to lectures."

Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying couldn’t understand it, and thought he was bragging. Many of the books in Andy’s study were English books, and they were not novels or history books, but books in the field of economics and finance. Listen to conversations in the bedroom while reading.

As for Andy, she always felt that Lin Yue's words were very familiar...yes, why did they sound like what she said when she was chatting with Singularity while listening to the financial salon at Tan Zongming's home.

"Why? Don't believe me?" Lin Yue said: "Chapter 8 of "Nash Equilibrium and Game Theory", Bacon's Links - Network, Society and Game, Section 4 Small World, a basic common feature of different networks is Many of them have the property of small world, for example, when the nodes of a network are people, the small world is the rule of this network..."

"Chapter 5, Freud's Dream—Game and Brain, Section 1, Brain and Economics, one of the attractions of game theory is that it can reflect many aspects of real life, to win a game of cards game, or to survive in the jungle, or to win in the mall, you must know how to play your cards..."

"SuperFreakonomics" chapter1, how is a street prostitute like a department-store santa? One afternoon not long ago, on a welcoming cool day toward the end of summer, a twenty-nine-year-old woman named LaSheena sat on the hood of an SUV outside the Dearborn Homes…”


Lin Yue patted the A4 paper into Supervisor Bai's arms: "Do you still need me to memorize it? In fact, you should buy more books that are more out of the way, so I might spend more time on the bookshelf instead of coming over Take care of your crap."

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