After the money was sold, the owner of the house was forced to sell it.

Su Nian opened the box and checked the contents.

The title deed, business license, key and a bank card with a password attached to the recycling yard.

The recycling yard was Uncle Liang's hard work. Su Nian did not plan to sell it, but he would definitely not have time to manage it if he left Jiangcheng.

Fortunately, there were more than one recycling yard in Jiangcheng. He could just apply to the municipal government to suspend business.

He was not going to touch the things in the box. Uncle Liang had helped him and Xingchen a lot. He still owed Uncle Liang money for a module. How could he use Uncle Liang's assets? He would return all these things to Uncle Liang after finding him.

"Xingchen, I'm going to the municipal government now. How about you stay at home and look after the house?"

Su Nian touched Xingchen's head, with some worry in his eyes. He wondered if it would be unsafe to leave Xingchen alone at home.

After all, Xingchen was just a weak girl, but she couldn't go back to the furnace without someone watching her at night.

"Master, it's already eight o'clock. Is the municipal government still working?" Xingchen blinked her big eyes and subconsciously wiped her snot with Su Nian's sleeve.

"They get off work at ten o'clock." Su Nian smeared his snot back on Xingchen's face.

The government departments in this world are what he admires the most, and they can be regarded as role models in the industry.

When Uncle Liang took him to apply for an ID card late at night, he saw dozens of work clothes and big bald heads in the office looking at him, and anyone who saw him would feel distressed.

"Okay, master, go! Durian and I will miss you!" Xingchen raised a big durian to Su Nian.

A strong smell suddenly spread, raping someone's nose.

Su Nian: "..."

"But is it really okay for you to be alone?"

"What can be the problem?" Xingchen looked at Su Nian strangely, and soon read his thoughts from Su Nian's worried eyes.

"Master, are you afraid that bad guys will rush in and grab my durian?" Xingchen put his hands on his waist, and a fierce smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "This genius robot girl will tell them not to touch the durian with one hand or two feet!!"

After speaking, Xingchen raised his foot and stomped on the ground.


Then he picked up the durian and knocked it against his head. With a "pop", the durian broke.

Su Nian only felt his head buzzing, and the whole house was shaking, almost knocked over.

"What are you doing late at night?"

"Don't your family members rest? Are you sick!"

A few roars came from the apartments around the furnace.

Su Nian looked down and saw that Xingchen's feet had sunk into the ground, leaving a pit with spider-web-like cracks.

What a tough guy!

I forgot that Xingchen looked harmless on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely powerful.

"Then, then I'll go..." Su Nian swallowed his saliva.

He left early and came back early, because he was afraid that if a thief came to his house, Xingchen would beat him to death with one punch.

Although the Knox Rally has ended, the impact of this competition is still fermenting, especially the video of Su Nian and Xingchen's cornering, which was made into a collection and became an important material for collective research by coaches from various clubs.

The traditional method of decelerating cornering began to be questioned.

People began to pay attention to this method of cornering that relies on tire locking to correct the body.

Of course, not everyone keeps up with the times. Some people think that Su Nian and Xingchen's cornering method is simply sensational, contains uncertainty and danger, and does not recommend other drivers and drivers to learn.

As for the operation of Su Nian and Xingchen overtaking in the tunnel, it is even more controversial.

Some racers regard it as the Bible, while others sneer at it, thinking that Su Nian is an out-and-out madman and a desperate man who does not care about the safety of himself and the girl.

VVC Club——

"I have reminded you, be careful of Su Nian and Xingchen." Li Yang leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, picking his teeth with one hand and watching short videos with the other hand. Jin Zhengtai and Yunbao sat opposite, lowering their heads like defeated roosters.

"Captain, I underestimated the enemy."

"Tsk~ Forget it, even if you take me seriously, you can't catch up with me." Li Yang glanced at Jin Zhengtai and said with a smile: "Next, we will take it step by step and gradually enter the Panlongshan track. You have to learn Su Nian's skills. Yunbao is an excellent machine girl. It should not lose to Xingchen. The main reason is that you are not a good driver."

Jin Zhengtai: "..."

Captain Li likes to say the most devastating words in the most gentle tone, and the effect is very good.

"Su Nian and Xingchen's goal is

It must be a provincial competition. You will definitely meet again. Don't lose next time. "

"Yes, captain."

"This is the module I prepared for you." Li Yang took out a box and pushed it to Jin Zhengtai and Yunbao. The module in the box exuded a purple glow. It was obviously an expensive purple-grade module.

Li Yang understood the principle of a big stick and a sweet date.

Recently, the newcomers in the club are not easy to lead. These things have to be taken care of by him as the captain. Just thinking about it makes me tired.

"Captain, this, this is?" Jin Zhengtai and Yunbao were full of surprise.

I thought that the bonus and reward were gone after winning the third place, but I didn't expect Li Yang to give them a purple module as encouragement.

"This is the [Vortex Dragon No. 1] module, which can increase acceleration, but will reduce collision resistance and endurance. Yunbao's performance is too balanced, with both advantages and disadvantages. It is very suitable to use [Vortex Dragon No. 1]. Train well. "

Li Yang patted Jin Zhengtai's shoulder and stood up, preparing to go back to his room.

"Captain, I heard that you are going to participate in the national competition?"

"Well, you are well-informed." Li Yang smiled.

"Captain, be careful!" Jin Zhengtai said solemnly with admiration on his face.

"Don't worry, you won't die with the comet."

Li Yang waved his hand perfunctorily and walked into the room, closed the door, but leaned against the door and let out a sigh.

The first track of the national competition-the Breath of Death-Greven Desert Track, is 4,000 kilometers long. It takes more than ten hours to run in the dry and scorching desert from dusk to dawn, challenging various complex and dangerous natural environments, testing the driver's perseverance and the endurance of the girl, and there are also a group of wolf-like players fighting with you.

As the chief of the VVC Club, he carries the hope of VVC, and the pressure he faces can be imagined.

"Damn! Damn Li Yang! "Comet's angry complaint came from the toilet: "How can someone change 5 pairs of underwear a day? ™ Leaking urine?"


Hearing Comet's roar, Li Yang relaxed all over.

With Comet around, he suddenly felt that the pressure was nothing.

SSC Club——

Wang Yiming finally felt much better when he saw the new robot girl.

Jueying had terminated the contract and left SSC. Fortunately, his father was rich and immediately got him a better robot girl.

The robot girl was named JF-12, named Hurricane, with a transfer price of 10 million. She was poached from another club and had participated in the Knox Rally and was qualified to continue to participate in advanced competitions.

In his father's words, with this robot girl, he could win the first place in the Knox Rally with his eyes closed, and the provincial track was not much different.

"From today on, you are my master, please give me more advice. "

Hurricane, wearing a snow-white racing suit and light blue curly hair, stretched out her hand.

She was tall, 1.85 meters tall, half a head taller than Wang Yiming. At this moment, her face was full of gentle smiles, and just looking at this smile made people feel good.

Wang Yiming held Hurricane's soft hand, and the last affection for Jueying disappeared at this moment, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Jueying, Jueying, do you really think I will die if I leave you? "He was secretly proud of himself.

A robot girl of Jueying's level will definitely participate in the provincial competition, so they will have a chance to meet each other in the future. At that time, he will make sure that Jueying knows what it means to be out of reach.

Oh, and there are also Su Nian and Xingchen.

This time he will train new technologies with Hurricane, and follow Su Nian's path to make Su Nian have no way to go!

When they are on the Panlongshan track, they will definitely let Su Nian and Xingchen know what a top racer is and what it means to have the power of a boy's skill for more than ten years!

Smart Island——

In a magnificent underground space somewhere, a huge crystal wall is filled with dense smart cores.

They are classified according to different models. These smart cores are all robot girls that have been activated but not yet fully "born". Although they have not yet been born, They are already able to receive knowledge from the outside world.

The screen in front of the crystal wall is playing recordings of various large-scale competitions in the past ten years.

The recently concluded Knox Rally is also among them, and the footage being played at this moment is a slice of Su Nian driving the Star through a fancy turn.

Every time Su Nian turns, the intelligent cores on the crystal wall will flash at a high frequency.

Most of the mecha girls can only receive fragmentary information, and they will forget a lot of it, but some of the mecha girls' intelligent cores are always on. They seem to be born with endless energy, recording the scenes of various competitions frame by frame, and disassembling the technical movements of the mecha girls and drivers in the intelligent cores. Of course, there are times when they don't understand, then they will put the driver or

Remember the name of the robot girl.

Among them, a black intelligent core carefully remembered Su Nian's name.

Tianyuan City, underground black market——

In a room filled with various rusty parts, discarded modules, and filled with the smell of engine oil, only the light of the TV flickered in the darkness.

The TV was very old, but the size of a notebook, the color of the picture on it was a little distorted, and there were traces of damage on the edge of the screen.

A robot girl was curled up in front of the TV.

The gray shoulder-length curly hair covered half of her delicate face, revealing only one amethyst-like eye.

She stared at the picture on the TV without blinking, with complex emotions flowing in her eyes, envy, anger, pain... and so on.

The screen showed Kun Kun interviewing Su Nian.

Su Nian was touching Xingchen's head: "My Xingchen will definitely become a world-class robot girl!"

"Tsk! So disgusting!" The robot girl spat with disdain.

But her eyes were unconsciously focused on Xingchen's face full of happiness.

For some reason, she took out a dirty mobile phone from under the bed and took a picture of Xingchen's happy smile in front of the TV, staring at this face for a long time.

After watching for a while, she wanted to delete the photo angrily, but after rubbing her fingers on the phone for a long time, she still cut out the album.

She sat down against the wall dejectedly, hugged her knees and looked at the ceiling, her eyes gradually became empty, like a broken puppet.

The room was very quiet until a rough shout came from outside:

"Hey! Zidian, it's your turn today!"

"Oh." The machine girl responded and quickly stuffed the phone under the bed.

Then she stretched out her scarred hand to turn off the TV, put on her patched clothes, and dragged her tired body out of the room.


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