Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 128: Eduardo, you traitor

Under the dim light, there were two shadows whose faces could not be seen clearly...

A gloomy voice sounded.

"Sir, you have to be clear that accidents often happen in our business."

A blurred person sitting on the inner side of the room said to the person in front of him, "So for our mutual safety, it's best that none of us know who is who, that's the safest way."

After he said this, the figure opposite him hesitated for a moment, and said in an uncertain tone, "But I don't even know who you are? Then our deal..."

The gloomy voice laughed.

"You can rest assured about this. Since you can find this place, you must understand our organization. As long as we promise to do something, we will definitely be able to complete it for you. No matter who you want to kill, he is dead!"

"Then I ask for a deposit first, and then pay the balance after you finish your work..."


The gloomy voice first agreed, and then sneered twice, "But I hope you can understand one thing, in this world, no one dares to owe us a debt..."

Before the figure opposite him could speak, a strange voice came from the side.

"Mr. Carrick, will you die if you don't blow it?"


The gloomy voice sitting on the inside immediately looked to the side reflexively.


A group of white rays of light suddenly appeared above their heads, illuminating the dim room brightly.

Under the light, two panicked faces were revealed, as well as a man with spiked hair and a big boy wearing a top hat who suddenly appeared in the corner of the room.

"The traitor Eduardo..."

A thin-faced man sitting on the inside looked at the man with spiked hair and said in a hateful tone, "How did you find this place?"

"Mr. Carrick," the man with the spiked hair shrugged slightly. "In the East China Sea, there is nothing that our Azeroth Chamber of Commerce cannot find."

"Damn it!"

After the thin-faced man said something bitterly, he suddenly burst into a rage, pulled out a dagger, and rushed towards the man with the spiked hair, "Even if the mission fails, I will kill your organization." The traitor of..."

But just when his body had just rushed two steps forward, the boy in the top hat who was standing silently beside Eduardo took out his hand hidden behind him, and stretched it Uncertain flames floated in his hands.


A shock wave swept across the interior of the room, and the gorgeously dressed fat man who was sitting opposite the thin-faced man was bounced straight away, hitting the wall of the room straight, and let out a scream.

On the ground floor in the middle of the room, there was a charred figure whose body was still twitching unconsciously.

"It's really beautiful," Eduardo gently pushed his sunglasses with his hand, "Mr. Sabo is getting stronger and stronger."

"Ah! It's not that strong either,"

Sabo held his top hat with his hands, and grinned, "Don't talk about the boss, even compared to Ace and the others, I'm not the strongest one!"

"You guys are very powerful," Eduardo walked to the thin man on the ground who was knocked down by Sabo's fireball, squatted down skillfully, and groped his body.

"Without the help of a few young men, I'm afraid there will be more or less accidents in this net collection operation."

"Don't be so polite, this is also part of our homework."

"The young gentlemen are really lucky to be able to become Master's students. Everyone in the Chamber of Commerce is really envious... That's right, this is it. I knew it, and he will definitely carry it with him."

Following the words, Eduardo stood up from the thin man, and already had a special key in his hand.

"What is this?" Sabo asked curiously.

"This is a special key," Eduardo patiently explained, "The Hidden Master Gibson likes to store things in safes, so there will be a secret safe in his organization's large strongholds. It is said that this kind of safe will have three keys, and only after using these three keys to open the three locks of the safe in turn, and then combining the three keys into one key to open the last lock, the safe can be opened."

"Oh, I see!" Sabo nodded, "This is to let the people who hold the key supervise each other!"

"That's it, Mr. Sabo!" Eduardo took out the other two keys from his arms, "And this is the largest stronghold of Gibson's organization in the East China Sea."

"Is the safe here too?"

"That's right!" Eduardo nodded, his eyes swept over the furnishings in the room. Then he walked towards the side of the room without hesitation, kicked away a richly dressed noble fat man who was leaning against the wall and moaning, and pushed an oil painting behind the fat man aside with his hand, The door to the safe hidden under the painting is revealed.

"The safe is placed under the oil painting in the living room. This is the most traditional and easiest way to get Kibson's appreciation."

"You traitor, Lord Gibson will not let you go..."

From the middle of the living room came the sinister curse of the thin man.

Eduardo ignored the thin man's wailing like a defeated dog, but seriously inserted the three keys in his hand into the three keyholes on the top, middle and bottom of the safe in sequence, and then carefully put the first Turn the key half a turn to the left.

Just when the first key was turned, with a rattling sound, the keys inserted in the middle and below were also turned at the same time.

Edward took a long breath, then stretched out his hand to hold the third key and turned it twice, and finally held the second key in the middle and turned it once.

With a click, a slightly wider keyhole appeared in the middle of the safe.

Eduardo carefully pulled out the second key first, then the third, and finally the first key. As a result, after all three keys were pulled out, with a click, the wide keyhole was covered again, and another keyhole appeared beside the safe.

At this time, Eduardo put together the three keys in his hand to form a triangular copper ring, and then he directly embedded the copper ring in the middle of the top of the safe, which seemed to be a decoration.

Just after the key was inserted, there was another rattling sound. The decoration first rotated a circle to the left, and then sank slightly, and the whole safe made a click.

"Okay..." Eduardo wiped the sweat from his brow, "The safe is open!"

"Is there such a complicated sequence?" Sabo, who was standing aside, looked at Eduardo's operation, and complained, "This Gibson is so cautious that he can compete with the boss!"

"Caution is indispensable," Eduardo turned his head to Sabo and said seriously, "After all, in our business, accidents often happen! Sabo Xiaosen, you stand aside..."

Sabo held the top hat with his hands, and walked two steps to the side according to Eduardo's request.

"Well, just stand there..."

As he said that, Eduardo turned sideways slightly, letting himself avoid the front of the safe, skillfully took out a rope and tied it to the handle of the safe, then hid himself aside, gently pulled the rope, and pulled it away. The door of the safe.

As the cabinet door opened, the first thing that came out was a loaded gun...

bang bang bang...

After three gunshots, the fat noble who was kicked away by Eduardo was shot three times and fell to the ground.

After the nobleman was shot and fell to the ground, Eduardo still did not get close to the door of the safe, but pulled the rope with his hands, and opened the door of the safe a little more.

bang bang bang...

There were three more gunshots, and the unlucky fat nobleman who had been shot and fell to the ground was shot again in the head, killing him instantly.

"All right!"

Sabo looked at the unlucky nobleman who was shot dead in a daze, and then turned his head to Eduardo who had been hiding aside a long time ago, "I understand what you do, why accidents often happen!"


The thin man who was blown to the ground by Sabo's fireball let out a cry of hatred when he saw that the mechanism in the safe did not kill the traitor in front of him as he thought!

"Eduardo, you will be caught by Lord Gibson sooner or later..."

Eduardo didn't pay attention to the skinny man, but gently pulled the rope again, opened the door of the safe completely, and after confirming that there were no other defensive measures inside, he walked to the front of the safe and carefully opened the safe. The firearm inside was taken out, and then the inside of the safe was inspected.

"This is……"

Eduardo's eyes fell on a permanent pointer.

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