Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 182: Too many things, too little time!

Kaido finally ran away!

Although it is said that the golden lion Shiji and the Qilin lion can block the sky, leaving Kaido with no way to go to the sky. But Kaido jumped into the sea and left. Golden Lion Shiji, a devil fruit capable user, and Kirin Lion are both landlubbers, so they had to send him away in the end.

But Kong Ming didn't care too much about this matter, anyway, his goal has been achieved!

The blood of Kaido, the strongest creature in the world, has collected more than 30 test tubes. If you use it sparingly, you should be able to persist until Kaido donates blood again.

But Kaido really deserves to be known as the strongest creature in the world. He gathered the golden lion Shiji, Qilin lion, Jesus Bu and his own strength, but in the end he could only make a small opening for him.

So scary!

Fortunately, I didn't intend to defeat him on the frontal battlefield at all!

As for whether Kaido will go around talking about the notorious Golden Lion Shiji behind the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce after he ran back...

Just kidding, who is Kong Ming?

Sweeping the floor is afraid of killing ants, cherishing the moth gauze lamp, the great benefactor of the East China Sea who even helps the Tianlong people when they are in trouble, the great industrialist who controls the largest free port in the East China Sea, and the partner of the world government.

And what about Kaido?

To put it nicely, he is called the Pirate Emperor, but to put it bluntly, he is the leader of pirates and water thieves.

The navy is not stupid, you can't tell the difference between close and distant?

Taking a step back, even if the navy really believed it, they began to stare at themselves closely to see if they had any moves to rule the world...

Isn't the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce equivalent to having a bunch of free bodyguards?

But if Kong Ming himself was Kaido, Kong Ming would definitely not talk about these things.

Because I want to rule the world... Ah! Pooh! The great pirate Golden Lion Shiki wants to rule the world, and Kaido should be happy to see it happen.

Pirates are bad guys after all, and they definitely like things that will cause world turmoil!

They are not like Kong Ming, a great kind person who thinks about world peace every day.

And there is another very important point...

Kaido is not a group like Whitebeard who rely on emotion as a bond, nor is it like Big Mom who relies on blood ties to connect the upper and lower families, and it is not like red hair, relying on the four words of congeniality to find like-minded people friend.

He simply relied on his strength and power to win over a bunch of younger brothers!

But this kind of superior-subordinate relationship maintained by strength is also very easy to fall apart due to lack of strength!

In other words, Kaido can lose a battle, but he cannot lose to a nobody!

Kaido can lose to Whitebeard, because he is the strongest in the world, but he must not lose to a chamber of commerce from the East China Sea.

Kong Ming believes that Kaido himself is very clear about this...

In the days after defeating Kaido, Kong Ming started his busy life again.

Defeating Kibson is just the beginning. How to take over Kibson's industry and how to connect with the original industry of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce is Kong Ming's next priority.

There is the entire East China Sea as the foundation, coupled with convenient transportation conditions, and dock storage all over the world.

A chaebol that has never appeared in this world is slowly rising.

Apart from the business affairs of these chambers of commerce, Kong Ming still has a lot of personal affairs to attend to!

For example, the dessert general Xing Kelijia who just joined the ranks of volunteers, and his younger brother Daifuku and younger sister Garrett, three superhuman devil fruit capable users.

Where is the source of their abilities?

What's the difference between them and those with animal devil fruit abilities?

Does the superhuman devil fruit have any bonus to the physical fitness of the capable person?

In the past, I only had one target fruit volunteer, so I couldn’t carry out many subjects. Now that there are so many volunteers, there are too many subjects waiting for Kong Ming to study and explore...

So much to do, so little time!

While Kong Ming was busy dizzying, Kaido of the Beasts and Jack the Drought had already returned to the base camp of the Beasts Pirates, Oni Island in Wano Country!

Immediately afterwards, Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, single-handedly entered the Navy Headquarters, fought against the Admiral Gaga, and finally rescued his subordinate Jack the Drought. The news of his escape quickly spread throughout the world.

That's right, Kaido himself notified Morgans!

Knock on the table to draw the key points, single-handedly, the Navy Headquarters, against the Admiral of the Navy.

Niu is just one word!

After a wave of operations, the whole world knows Kaido's feat!

Immediately, Kaido's prestige rose a bit. In the eyes of ordinary pirates, Kaido's strength is enough to compete with Whitebeard for the title of world's strongest!

As for a month ago, someone was beaten every day by a certain white beard in his lair...

Huh! Is there such a thing?

Kong Ming still approves of Kaido's methods. As he expected, Kaido is still very smart!

"Gu la la la la la..."

On the deck of the Moby Dick, Whitebeard poured down a large barrel of wine very boldly... Well, for the burly Whitebeard, the so-called large barrel actually looks like a draft beer mug.


White Beard pushed the empty wine barrel onto the deck, let out a long breath, and wiped his beard with his hand! "By the way, did Kaido go to the kid with the best marksmanship and his group..."

"Father, it's called the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce!" a pervert reminded weakly.

"It doesn't matter..." Whitebeard waved his hand, "Didn't he bother with that chamber of commerce?"

"This..." Marco, who was sitting next to Whitebeard, put down his glass and thought about it carefully.

"It seems that I haven't heard of it!"

"Gu la la la la la..." White Beard laughed happily.

"Didn't you hear that? Marco, tell me the truth is that Kaido didn't go to them? Or did he go to find them and come back in despair?"


"Mrs. Kaido understands it very well. She is very narrow-minded. It is impossible not to retaliate. He must have run into trouble at the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce!"

In the hall of Cake Island in the Sea of ​​​​Wan Guo, bigmom with a high belly was sitting on the throne, eating and drinking with his head down, while drawing a very certain conclusion.

"Mom, are you sure?" In the center of the hall, Charlotte Perospero, Minister of Confectionery, knelt on one knee, "That is Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, how could it be possible for someone from the weakest sea Where did the Chamber of Commerce hit a snag!"

"Absolutely sure!" bigmom threw another piece of cake into his mouth, and ate it. "Don't underestimate the people from Donghai, you know, Roger was also from Donghai back then..."

bigmom pondered for a moment, tilted his head and thought for a while. "But you didn't mean that when the Chamber of Commerce was in the East China Sea, its nickname was Qiwuhai Chamber of Commerce, so maybe the other party asked the Navy for help. Kaido had a fight and found that there was nothing he could do... hiccup!"

bigmom burped contentedly!

"Anyway, this matter is over for the time being, and Cracker and the other idiots have to find a way. Find someone to contact the chamber of commerce in the East China Sea, send him an invitation card for the tea party, and say I invite them to my tea party!"

"Yes! Mom!"

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