Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1007: "·Mutation of War"

In today’s world, we rank the economy as the top priority in human life. Your love is not important, your joy is not important, your freedom is not important, your sensitivity to beauty is not important, and your music and dance are not important. The most important thing is your economy.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

Bai Er and Bai San, who listened to the order, cleanly completed the task Bai Feng handed to them; the only thing left was Antio who suddenly lost his fighting opponent, and he had no fighting enthusiasm and remained at the same place. Did not leave.

Roderick and Hall were captured in an instant, completely defeating the will of Lucy’s two-winged army to resist the remnants; they could not beat the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry, and they could not run the Roman Spear Legion Light Cavalry, they had to choose Put down the weapon and surrender.

From the soldiers of the Seventh Roman Legion led by Lucurus, they were killed halfway, to the two flaming swordsmen who captured Roderick and Hall; but within half an hour, the left and right wing soldiers of the Luxi army, the whole army The annihilation lost the battle as the final result.

Since the Seventh Roman Legion participated in the war, no more than five thousand soldiers of the Lucy two-winged army were killed, and the remaining defeated soldiers were almost all captured by the light cavalry of the Roman Spear Legion; plus Bai Feng’s previous captives who did not participate in the war were captured by Lu The warrior of the west has reached 30,000!

The two-winged army of Luxi with a total number of 50,000 fighters, the number of captured fighters exceeded 30,000; such a ratio of captives is enough to show that the second-tier fighters in Western West have a lower will to fight than their standing fighters. It's too much.

Although the battle on the flanking battlefield was over, the captured Lucy soldiers needed the guards of the 7th Roman Legion; the Hammer Legion and the Roman Spear Legion, and the cavalry’s horses needed to rest, and Bai Feng was right. They gave other orders.

On the main battlefield where the main forces of the Roman army and the main forces of Lucy battled each other, it was only a matter of time before the dominant Roman army won the final victory; even the army of Lucy, who was still struggling with beasts, even with the personal command of their leader, Veriasius, also It is impossible to save the defeat.

However, the instantaneous collapse of Lu Xi’s two-winged army resisting the remnants, but gave Bai Feng a wake-up; if the enemy master can be directly captured and the battle can be ended, then send the flaming sword to live to capture the enemy leader Viriasius, can Does it end the war directly?

According to multiple investigations conducted by spies and battlefield ghosts, the strength of the leader of the West Lui Xiu Xiu Xiu Si will not exceed the level of the intermediate sword saint; while the intermediate juggernauts in the area, for the powerful and powerful sword juggernaut, It's really not a strong opponent.

Even if a flaming swordsman cannot complete the live capture of Veriasius, what about the two flaming swordsmen? What about the three flaming swordsmen? There are five flaming swordmaster Bai Feng around him at all times, with full assurance, like live capture of Roderick and Hall, live capture of Veriasius.

After passing Rodric and Hall who were in a comatose state to their followers, the barbarian slave Bai Sheng, Bai Feng ordered the white around him: "Bai Yi, you take someone to the battlefield and give me a live capture of the enemy leader. Liasius, end this war!"

"Promise!" Bai Yi, who was in the know, didn't ask how many people he took with him, but left with the second and four others.

Everyone knows that as soon as the battle in front is over, the war in the eastern part of the Roman city will be declared over; the Roman city of the Eastern Alliance has been destroyed, and after the fall of the western part of Lu, it will become the only overlord in the eastern part of the vast land power!

The five flaming sword saints, Bai Yi, who were ordered to capture Veriasius alive, had not rushed to the battlefield. The Luxi Chinese Army, commanded by Veriasius in person, broke out a mutation that no one could imagine; This mutation directly ended this **** and tragic battle.

Because the soldiers of Bai Feng’s army came to the battlefield, he took his own guard and rushed to his own Chinese army to command Viriasius. After his Chinese army was hit by both sides of the Roman army, he clearly felt that his own The warrior's will to fight is plummeting.

No soldier can maintain a strong fighting will in a battle that is destined to be defeated; even a barbarian warrior who is known for his firm fighting will and strong fighting power cannot achieve this, and the Lucy warrior will never surpass the barbarian warrior. Category.

Knowing that this battle will surely be defeated, Viriasius has no fluke in his heart; but he is not willing to lose his army and tribe. He will use the only soldiers under his command to attack them. The enemy has left a profound and terrible memory!

Veriasius, who was determined to fight to the end, sent out almost all the guards around him in order to avoid the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command and was defeated by the powerful attack of the enemy. Lucy warrior.

As the leader of Lu Xiluo, Veriasius can be selected as the Lusi warrior beside him, and he is naturally a noble warrior with high prestige in the Luxi settlements. This is what is supposed to be.

It is no exaggeration to say that the decision of Viriasius to send his own guard as an intermediate officer of the army plays a vital role in stabilizing the Chinese army in Luxi; but with a large number of personal expeditions, Viria Hughes himself didn't have enough guard power.

The strength of the Intermediate Juggernaut gives you Veliasius' self-confidence; at this time, Veliasius did not know that the long sword that gave him a fatal blow did not come from the enemy before and after him. It comes from the loyal warrior around him.

An unremarkable Lucy warrior with a long sword in his hand was already cut out of a gap in a brutal battle; seeing this warrior with no more than five **** wounds on his body, he was panting next to him, relieved with relief Hughes reached out and patted his shoulder.

Looking at the warrior's face, his expression of encouragement showed his excitement, and Veriasius was better off anyway; in his view, no matter what the outcome of the war, at least he still had There are these fearless warriors following, aren't they?

The prideful Veriasius turned around, and just wanted to encourage a few words to the soldiers around him, and he felt a crisis hit; waiting for him to react, he noticed that his chest hurt, He had bowed his head and saw the long sword piercing his heart.

Ignoring the stunned fighters by their side, Veriasius, who turned around with a strong pain in his body, was excited at the previous second, but now the trembling fighter asked: "You, Why do you do this?"

"You traitor! Dare to assassinate the leader, come to life!"

A warrior who first responded, and just wanted to rush to kill the warrior who stabbed the sword into the heart of Veriasius, was stopped by the **** Veriasius: "Stop! He says!"

"Chief, he..."

"I said, let him talk!"

Veriasius glared at the warrior who wanted to avenge him, so he had to put down his long sword on his opponent's neck.

"First... Chief, I don’t want that either. I just want to go home... My husband, who died in a war a few years ago, and my two older brothers died in battle not long ago; My wife and children are waiting for me to go back, I just want to go home...I don't want to die..."

Faced with the trembling words of this warrior, what else could Viriasius say with a bitter smile on his face? The angered soldiers next to him, after hearing such words, were silent, and no one said anything.

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