Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1009: "· Punishment Measures"

You can deceive yourself, you can deceive society, you can deceive the world around you, you can deceive your friends, but there is no way to be deceived. Wanting to deceive exists means making yourself ugly. No matter how you pretend, the real look is inescapable.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

Bai Feng, out of love, wanted to keep Veriasius alive; but unfortunately, under the circumstance of error, Naoki Yoshikawa killed Veri, who was a saint-level strongman, with the sacrifice of a ninja Asius, helped Bai Feng end the battle ahead of time.

With the death of Veriasius and the surrender of the army of Lucy, the war to unify the eastern part of the city of Rome also ended; the Roman army that captured the seventy or eighty thousand Lucy warriors became the final winner. The eastern part of the city has become the back garden of the city of Rome.

Next, what Bai Feng needs to do is to transfer Vipsani from the Roman city to the north bank of the Cangluo River; let him, in the name of the Roman governor's palace, as soon as possible to appease the people of the Eastern Union under the rule of the Roman city and the West Lu fell on the people.

According to the original plan, the Eastern Union’s ruling areas on the east and west banks of the Cangluo River will be divided into six directly-owned towns; the Eastern Union’s total population will drop to about 1.1 million, even if it becomes the twelve Roman cities. Directly under the town.

Due to the split of the southern region into the western part of the kingdom of Lucy, the northern part of the city annexed by the Roman city has a total population of about 1.3 million; for this 1.3 million people, Bai Feng’s current thinking is to They are divided into fifteen directly-owned towns.

When Bai Feng and Weipsani negotiated in the city of Rome, they considered that the population of Luxi was as high as 2.4 million; therefore, their previous idea was to divide Luxi after being annexed by Rome into 30. Directly under the town.

Now, the Kingdom of Luxi, with Yamashita Yangxi as the king, not only divided half of the territory of the original West of Lu, but also divided the population of nearly one million from the original West of Lu; the rest of the West of Lu fell into the people, it is no longer necessary So many direct towns are divided.

In this way, the newly added Eastern Union and the territories and people in the western part of the city that were included in the sphere of influence of the Roman City all need to add 27 new directly-owned towns. For such a large-scale urban construction, for the rich Roman city, It is also a big burden.

Before the establishment of these 27 directly-owned towns and its attached Tuntian Military Region, the food demand of more than 2.4 million barbarians will bring a very heavy economic burden to the developing Roman city.

What makes Bai Feng helpless is that the newly established Kingdom of Lucy and the eastern provinces of the restored Tianlong Empire also need the assistance of the Roman city; where the limited food production of the Roman city has supported the development and construction of so many regions.

Fortunately, in the market in the city of Rome, you can use the treasury funds to buy food without restriction. This is where Bai Feng swallowed the Eastern Alliance and the West of the West in one fell swoop. He, who has millions of treasury funds, has enough funds to come Buy enough food.

As long as the food problem is solved, whether it is the Kingdom of Lucy attached to the Roman city or the direct towns directly under the Roman city, it will quickly stabilize; when the time comes, only the holiday time, the overall strength of the Roman city will be Get a leap forward!

Bai Feng, who sent the ghosts of the battlefield back to the Roman city to convey his orders to Vipsani, was the top priority. He still had to deal with the large number of Lucian warriors and Eastern Union soldiers captured by the Roman army. Among them, the fate of the latter was already determined.

In order to maintain the balance of power between the Kingdom of Essini and the Kingdom of Lucy, all captured Eastern Union soldiers and their families will be moved to the Kingdom of Essini; Bai Feng’s ultimate goal is to bring the population of the Kingdom of Essini to 100 Ten thousand, and the overall strength is not inferior to the Kingdom of Lucy.

The mission to **** the captured soldiers of the Eastern Alliance and their families to the Kingdom of Essini was handed over to the fifth and sixth Roman legions by Lu Ques; and the Roman Spear Legion of Nelson was responsible for supporting the two Roman legions. To ensure that the captives will not escape on the way.

The reason is that Nielsen’s Roman Spear Legion assisted the two Roman legions south, rather than the more deterrent Antioch’s Heavy Hammer Legion; on the one hand because the light cavalry had greater mobility than the heavy cavalry, on the other hand It is because Bai Feng needs time to think.

Nelson, the commander of the Roman Spear Legion, can be described as useless in the decisive battle. For Nelson who performed so badly, Bai Feng has countless reasons to dismiss his post and even cancel the Roman Spear Legion!

What makes Bai Feng headache is that Nielsen and his Roman Spear Legion also made great contributions during the early development of the Roman city; coupled with Nielsen's own loyalty, it is also a level of diehard loyalty. Bai Feng is really impatient. He imposed heavy penalties.

As a leader, the most taboo thing is that the rewards and punishments are not clear enough; if Bai Feng really does not deal with Nelson who made a big mistake because of Nelson’s past merits, then all reward and punishment systems in the future city of Rome will be reduced to An empty talk.

Therefore, it is impossible for Bai Feng not to punish Nelson, nor to mention his past credit for punishment; merit is merit, merit, reward, and punishment. This is what a qualified leader should do Things.

Of course, with regard to the specific disposal of Nelson and his Roman spear legion, Bai Feng also needs to discuss it with Lucius; after all, Lucius is the highest military commander in Rome appointed by Bai Feng himself. It happened to be under his command.

After two hours of careful discussions, Bai Feng and Lucius finally reached a consensus to remove Nielsen's army commander on the charge of poor command and improper command, and officially changed the name of the Roman Spear Army to the Swift Wolf Army.

The Swift Corps, which was directly changed by the Roman Spear Corps, will be replaced by Nelson who has just been removed from his post. As to whether Nelson’s role as the deputy commander can be changed, it depends on his own performance.

The expanding city of Rome now has seven Roman legions, four barbarian legions, three phalanx legions, and two cavalry legions; excluding the Tuntian legion, the Roman city has sixteen commander levels General of the army.

If you count the 18 Tuntian Legions in the six Tuntian Military Regions, the number of the head of the Roman city will be as high as 34; this means that any head of the army must take It is enough to convince others to take the oral war.

Otherwise, the heads of other legions certainly will not have any objection to Governor Bai Feng’s decision, but privately they will not recognize the head of the legion without military merit; this means that anyone who wants to take the position of head of the legion is not the same. An easy thing.

The order of changing the number of the Roman Spear Army and the revocation of the post of Commander of the Nielsen Army .

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