Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1022: "·Expansion of the Two Armies"

You can use your mind, but in order to be more efficient, you must clear your mind. You must have a sharp mind like a razor. Only in this way can it become a tool for your conversion.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

As soon as Gamilios entered the study, Bai Feng handed him a compilation statement: "Gamilios, you are the commander of the Tuntian Command. The construction, reorganization, and adaptation of the Tuntian Corps should all be yours. Responsible; tell me, how long will it take you to complete this?"

"The Governor, whether it is to build the Tuntian Corps, reorganize the Tuntian Corps, or adapt the Tuntian Corps, is not a trivial matter. I need to understand your expectations before I can give you the answer." Gamilios, who is meticulous in his work, did not immediately Give your own reply.

"This is nature," Bai Feng nodded as he should have said: "You look at it first, we have a night to discuss the matter."

By the way, Bai Feng turned his head and asked Ward standing aside: "Ward, you are the commander of the garrison headquarters; I want to know that the number of town guards under your command will be expanded from eighteen to forty. Five, how long does it take?"

"Are you building twenty-seven town guards?" Ward, who acted decisively, replied: "The Governor, without considering the decline of the town guard's combat effectiveness, can complete the number in one month. Expansion."

"It's definitely not possible not to consider combat power." Bai Feng shook his head and vetoed: "Our town guards are garrison troops whose mission is to maintain urban security; if we can't guarantee combat power, once the chaos in the town is triggered, it will only be worth the loss."

"Governor, all town guards with a total strength of less than 18,000 will be expanded to 45,000 soldiers at once. The decline in combat effectiveness is inevitable; as long as we increase the combat effectiveness of the town guards in time after the expansion, we should not What is the impact of law and order."

"Ward, the twenty-seven town guards to be formed, their responsibilities are far heavier than you think." Facing Ward's explanation, Bai Feng pointed out the key point: "The people in the new towns are more than The people under our rule are even more reckless."

"Twelve new towns built in the former Eastern Union territory are okay. Each town is not very young, and the combat strength of the town guard is almost okay; but the fifteen new towns built in the north of the original Lu West will not work. These There are a lot of young and strong towns."

"This is the consequence we have to bear as fishermen. There is no chance to inspire the war potential in Luxi, and there are a large number of young and strong distributed everywhere; if we want to let these unruly guys settle down, there is no strong force to suppress It cannot be done."

Ward, who didn’t know much about the north bank of the Cangluo River, adjusted the plan immediately after listening to Bai Feng’s account: “Governor, then we can divide the expanded town guard into three grades; specific arrangements for the situation in different regions The Town Guard in every town."

Bai Feng, who was moving in his heart, quite expected: "Specifically."

"Separate our most elite 18,000 veterans into three parts, each supplemented by recruits to reconstruct the urban guards; among them, the proportion of veterans in the urban guards of 15 towns in northwestern Lu, maintained at over 70%. Ensure the combat effectiveness of the Town Guard."

"Relatively speaking, it is easier to manage the town guards of the twelve towns of the Eastern Conference, and the veteran ratio can be kept at 30%; the most stable town guards of the original 18 towns only need to leave Ten veterans are just as captains."

"This..." Bai Feng, who has actually moved, asked again: "In this way, how long will it take to complete the expansion?"

"Governor, there is no substantive difference between this hierarchical expansion and the previous rapid overall expansion, only the proportion of veterans in each town guard has been slightly adjusted; therefore, the time required is still one month. "

"Yes, then follow the method of your graded expansion to expand the Town Guard." Bai Feng made a direct decision: "The soldiers and weapons needed for the expansion will be provided to you by Vepsani; one month later, I hope to see forty-five town guards!"

"Nuo!" Ward decided decisively.

"Governor." Bai Feng and Ward just confirmed the expansion of the Town Guard, and Gamilios, who already had a draft on the other side, reopened: "The 70,000 Lucy prisoners of war are recruited, and the Tuntian with a force of 110,000 is recruited. For the army, it is not a difficult thing."

"The point of the problem is that the addition of a large number of Lucy prisoners of war will reduce the strength of the single army to four thousand soldiers, and the loyalty to our city of Rome will decline sharply; this is too high for our city of Rome. It may be Will cause unnecessary confusion."

Bai Feng’s worries about the expansion of the garrison troops just now become Gamilios’s worry about the expansion of the Tuntian troops; what makes Bai Feng feel helpless is that Gamilios’s worries were precisely when he formulated the plan for the expansion of the Tuntian Corps. Worry.

"Gamilios, what you said, I naturally understand it." Bai Feng, who is not going to waste time, sees it right away: "But we must build the new Tuntian Army as soon as possible, otherwise, the development of our Roman city will be Will be influenced by the Tuntian Army."

"This..." Bai Feng's unusually determined attitude made Gamilios, who wanted to request the extension of the formation of the Tuntian Army, unable to help but confess; after a short hesitation, Gamilios gave his new plan and said: "Governor, I At least 10,000 elite veterans are required."

"The seven corps of tigers, eagles, lions, dragons, cheetahs, flying leopards, Spartans and so on, the number of elite veterans is nearly 100,000; from this, 10,000 elite veterans are recruited to add to our Tuntian Corps. I am confident that within three months To complete the expansion of the Tuntian Army!"

"Ten thousand elite veterans, too many!" Bai Feng thought about it, then shook his head and refused: "These seven legions have just ended the battle, each legion has a certain number of casualties; if they recruit too many elite veterans from their legions, it is bound to be Will result in a decline in their combat effectiveness."

"I can transfer up to 500 elite veterans from each legion to you, no more is possible; and you must promise to complete the expansion of the Tuntian Corps within two months and ensure that the Tuntian Corps is stationed in the new town No riots of any kind will occur."

"Three thousand five hundred elite veterans, two months?!" Gamilios gazed at Bai Feng's scorching eyes, and had to bite the bullet and then asked the condition: "Governor, I need to expand my Commander's Guard Up to five thousand soldiers, this is my last condition!"

"Of course!" Bai Feng, who agreed without hesitation, turned around and told Ward: "Ward, after the establishment of the new town guard, your commander's guard will also be expanded to five thousand soldiers, so you have enough Troops to respond to emergencies."

"Nuo!" Ward, feeling he was hit by a pie falling from the sky, responded quickly.

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