Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1116: "·Father-son conversation"

Creation depends on wisdom, and life depends on common sense; common sense without wisdom is mediocre, and wisdom without common sense is awkward. Wisdom is the most powerful force of all powers and the only consciously alive force in the world.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

The food and grass needed by the 200,000 army for three months was sent to the barracks of the Second Banner Corps from Gaoshui Temple City and Bianshi Imperial Palace as quickly as possible; according to the discussion between Bu Weixin and An Dong Jiazhong, the Second Banner The legion will shoulder the important task of protecting the army's grain.

The fighting force far exceeds the shogun of the shogunate of the standing soldiers of the Yanhuang family. They are light enough to serve as grain soldiers escorting the grain. This kind of overkill arrangement is also a helpless move by Bu Weixin and Anton Jiazhong, because the Second Banner Corps is more than any other army. Suitable for.

The First Banner Army is the most powerful army in the south, and it is definitely impossible to use them to **** the grain and grass; the soldiers of the Second Aisini and Third Luci Legions are simple barbarian warriors with well-developed limbs , Expecting them to be certainly unrealistic.

Sanada Changxing’s Sanada Standing Army and Jiuhu Kangzhen Jiuhu Standing Army are appropriate, but the number of soldiers in their two armies is not large. If one of the two armies is used to **** the grain and grass, then this one is selected. The army basically became a grain soldier.

On the premise that the strength of the hands is still sufficient, Bu Weixin and An Dong Jiazhong discussed for a long time, after all, they decided to focus on the overall situation of the decisive battle south, and did not make any decisions that are not conducive to the unity of the army; in this way, it can only be the second The Banner Corps has done more.

On the afternoon of the day when all the grain and grass were transported into the Second Banner Corps barracks, 60,000 Yan Huang standing soldiers led by Shinada Shinto arrived in Gaoshui Temple City; after a simple high-level general meeting was held, the specific time for the army to go south was set for Early the next morning.

Tomorrow morning the army will need to advance south, and the army has to do a lot of things; especially Yubu Weixin and Anton Kazu who serve as commanders of the army, they should not only prepare for the expedition of their army, but also consider the army to take over. Coming down the battle deployment.

Just when there was a busy scene in each barracks, the military camp of Sanada Standing Army was extremely quiet; thanks to Sanada’s consistent strict style of uniformed troops, the Sanada Standing Army was always in a state of preparation, and the expedition was completed with a little adjustment. ready.

Because the governor specifically stated the arrangement for Shinada in the military order, the new Sanada Standing Army who stayed in Gaoshui Temple City was handed over to the humeral heart of his family by Changxing Sanada, Miyoshi Qinghai, Miyoshiro, Miyoshi Isan Wait for four generals.

Because the new system adopted by the Yanhuang Family Standing Army is the division brigade system, the four members of the Sanada family general who were left by the commander of Sanada Changxing in Gaoshui Temple City to build the new Sanada Standing Army are basically the four brigades of the Sanada Standing Army that Sanada Changxing himself established. long.

In addition to the four brigade commanders, the Sanada Standing Army full of 40,000 soldiers should also have two higher-ranking division heads; for these two vacant division heads, there is no suitable person for the moment, Masaru Sanada, decided Leave the opportunity to the generals who have made merit in fighting south.

Every one of the ten warriors of Sanada is not only the humeral minister of the Sanada family, but also the confidant of Sanada Changxing himself. There is nothing to be equal to this idea. The reason why Changxing Sanada appointed Genjin very eight fourth ranks as the brigade leader is purely because they 'S achievements are indeed outstanding.

Rewards and punishments are clear, and appointing one's merits is the consistent principle of Masada Masuda. Even his own son will not have any privileges in this regard; of course, if there is no such strict father with military discipline as a family law, there will be no Sanada Shinko and Sanada Shinfan have already shown outstanding sons at a young age. This may be the reason why the Sanada family can survive in troubled times.

After the soldiers of the Yanhuang Standing Army were settled under the orders of Bu Weixin, Sanada Xinfan and his elder brother Sanada Xinyu came to the main city of the main city of Gaoshui Temple; their father, Changxing Sanada, did not leave the city at this time.

"Xinfan, you mean that the chiefs of the six brigades belonging to the Yanhuang Standing Army are all served by my Sanada family generals?" Masada, who just asked the situation of the Yanhuang Standing Army, said solemnly: "This is you Appointed by yourself? Or by the protagonist?"

"My father, when the expansion of the Yanhuang Changbei Army, the protagonist meant to let me appoint generals at all levels, but I only appointed the two brigade commanders of Pu Shengsheng and Kaze Pingji and one-third of the officers at all levels. I report to the protagonist for appointment."

"If the four persons appointed by the protagonist Suzuki Suzuki, Miyashita Wisteria, Kawara Tsukasa, and Ikeda Chongan are the brigade commanders, then it's all right." Masaru Sanada, who was satisfied with his second son's explanation, was in his heart. Silently thank the protagonist for his family's trust.

"My father, although the protagonist appointed our general of the Sanada family as the head of all brigades of the Yanhuang Standing Army, I can feel that the protagonist seems to have the idea of ​​reducing the influence of our Sanada family in the Yanhuang Standing Army." Road.

"The protagonist wants to reduce the influence of our family in the Yanhuang Standing Army, is there anything abnormal?" Shoichi Sanada surprised, and asked Sanada Xinfan: "Or you tell me, in your opinion, the Yanhuang Standing Army is Whose army does it belong to?"

"My father, I certainly know that the Yanhuang Standing Army belongs to the army of the protagonist and the Yanhuang family." Knowing that his father was angry, Sanada Shinfan quickly remedied: "I just think that there are more people in our family in the Yanhuang Standing Army, and the combat effectiveness will be stronger. some."

"Fuck things!" Masada, who was completely irritated by Sanada's explanation, habitually stood up to slap his son, but found that his son was already taller than himself.

Masada, who can’t reach his son, slowly lowered his right hand and raised a sigh: "Xinfan, you have been smarter than your brother since childhood, and I think you are more suitable to inherit our Sanada family than your brother; but today , You make me very disappointed with you."

"My father, everything is my fault, please punish you!" Looking at the disappointment on his father's face, Sanada Shinfan was full of self-blame.

"It's not that I want to punish you, but you have to remember your identity at all times!" Sanada Changxing said with a solemn expression: "You must always remember that you are first a servant of the Yanhuang family, and then heir to our Sanada family, you Important considerations for the Yanhuang family in advance."

"Thanks to the teachings of my father, my son will not live up to the expectations of my father!" Sanada Shinhan instantly understood what he was wrong, and then thanked his father sincerely.

"Xinfan, Xinxing, you two brothers need to understand that my age is not many years to live, you are the future of our Sanada family; I did not approve of the premature reuse of you by the protagonist before, just to worry about your lack of experience May make a big mistake."

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