Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1132: "·Furious Attack"

To love books, it will make your life easy: it will help you understand the complicated thoughts and emotions and events: it will teach you to respect others and yourself: it will encourage wisdom and emotions by loving the world and humans. soul.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

The city wall projected clay pots, fire arrows burned down the defense line, special armor piercing arrows, and Uesugi King Tiger’s combined fist, which caused not only casualties to the barbarian warriors of the Third Lucy Army, but also let the commander of the army’s Walker Frustrated.

Walker, who was not a commanding general, faced the current chaos. What he did was not to give the artillery and gunmen a chance to participate in the battle to invade the enemy, but to lead his own nearly 3,000 reserve soldiers. , Directly to the front in the form of reinforcements.

Simple minds and well-developed limbs are a common synonym for barbarian generals, similar to experienced generals like Iggs and resourceful generals like Brono. They are rare in the whole barbarian world, and the famous Valk Not in this column.

Walker, who is also known as the two great warriors of the Kingdom of Lucy with Willet, is naturally not the name of his bravery; he does not know how to send troops to command and fight, and after his army is killed into the enemy, it is like a tiger. Entering the flock generally kills all enemies that appear in front of him.

The 8,000 soldiers of the Uesugi Army, even with the help of 4,000 bows and arrows, how can they withstand the charge of 12,000 heavily armed barbarian warriors? The melee between the two armies was dominated by Valk from the beginning.

Looking at the two armed forces fighting under the city wall, they were still flattering the general who was catering to Shangshan Jinghu. At this time, he was worried. "The hero, the morale of the enemy army does not seem to decline. Do we want to send troops to reinforce? General Ando?"

Jingshang Uesugi said calmly and calmly: "The enemy army has invested nearly 13,000 troops, our army has invested 8,000 troops, and now the enemy has more than 2,000 soldiers and casualties, but our army has less than 1,500 casualties. Why should we send troops to reinforce?"

The enemy casualties are indeed more than two thousand, but the five or six hundred people who died in battle were not killed in battle. It was the merits of the bow and arrow. As for the more than 1,000 soldiers who were injured by the enemy, as long as they were not lost Mobility, how do they look like the wounded when they fight hard? On the other hand, if your own soldiers have killed less than a hundred soldiers, there are already more than a thousand soldiers killed and wounded.

There are countless waitresses in the heart, but he dare not have a rebuttal to say, as a waitress general who has a status of high and low, after his hero has decided, all he can do is to lower his eyebrows. obey orders.

Is King Uesugi the kind of stupid short-sighted person who deceives himself? The answer must be no. How could he not see the problems that even the generals could see? It's just that he had already deployed, and he didn't want to talk more.

Knowing that his soldiers are not as good as the enemy’s forces, Ando did not expect that the fighting power of the enemy and our forces would be so great; even if he personally took command of several officers and generals, the sturdy and powerful enemy troops still took him under his command. The army rushed back and forth.

Seeing that his eight-thousand soldiers were almost less than six thousand, he couldn’t sit back and watch his own army collapse. Ando Dahui didn’t want to deploy too early, and had to use the final step prepared by his hero in advance under the aggressive attack of the enemy. .

The determined Ando Dahui successively issued several orders, and with these orders, the four thousand severe bow and arrow light suddenly turned around and withdrew to the wall not far behind them; the eight thousand lances light responsible for protecting the bow and arrow light Then, under the command of the two generals, they respectively withdrew to the position of the wings parallel to the foot of the bow, exposing the front of the foot of the bow.

The four thousand bows that have lost the protection of the eight thousand lances have no strength to protect themselves, and they are almost the same as the lambs to be slaughtered. In the face of such a scene, they mistakenly thought that the enemy archer troops should withdraw to the city’s Walker. , With both eyes flushed, he gave the order to attack.

When the pro-leader army rushed to kill the enemy, Walker’s reason was not lost, because he did not use the artillery gunmen indiscriminately, and left two thousand soldiers to protect them; but the current accident, but His mind was quickly filled with anger.

Watching the enemy archer troops who killed hundreds of brethren in their tribe safely withdrew into the city, Walker could not do it, nor could the soldiers under his command; they suddenly became violent, as unstoppable as the tide Rush forward.

Although the old Lu Xiluo has been replaced by the current Luxi Kingdom, the concept of the tribe is not eradicable in a short time; in the hearts of Wark and his warriors, each of them is a brother and sister , Loved ones whose blood is thicker than water!

The desolate and barren land makes the barbarians' lives always struggling on the food and clothing line; therefore, barbarians with tribes as their production and living units are very united, no matter what kind of battles they will have with other tribes, each The interior of the tribe is peaceful.

In the former Lu Xiluo, among the barbarian fighters in the same settlement, the prestigious Valkyrie warrior and other ordinary soldiers without a name have a very close relationship with each other because the straight barbarian fighters What we believe in is always strength.

Walker possesses great strength, and he will protect every individual and every fighter he deserves; ordinary soldiers are not as strong as Walker, they will follow him faithfully and obey every order he has issued. There is no right or wrong order.

The army built on this tribal concept is very similar in nature to the Xiangjun Group and Huaijun Group in modern Chinese history. Such a strong military is only one aspect, and the more important aspect is that they have With enviable unity.

The fighters of the third Lucy Legion, who had taken up and down, overwhelmed the thousands of light weights of Ando Dahui with a heavy attack of casualties, and then pursued in the direction of the retreat of the bow light; at this time, the four thousand bows were light Two hundred meters away from the city wall.

The defeated Ando Dahui headquarters lost at least two thousand pieces in the previous fight, and the temporary formation of the governor team could not save the defeat. Ando Dahui can only lead the personal guards and some samurai around, heading towards the head The enemies coming up.

In the eyes of only the retreating enemy archer, Walker, he did not care about trying to block his Ando Daihui; a hundred or two hundred unrestrained enemies, just a wave of soldiers can rush over to solve them. Where is Walker needed? Distracted?

After chasing into the light range of the bow and arrow on the city wall, Walker, who was in a violent state, did not care about the arrows that poured down on the wall. He led the soldiers under his head with an unprecedented attitude and rushed towards the arrow rain, rushing towards Enemy archers too late to escape.

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