Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1140: "·Start of Action"

Everyone has a fool and a liar: a fool is human emotion, a liar is human wisdom. The reason why emotions are stupid is that they are straightforward, true, and do not pretend; but how can they live without pretending?

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

One minute and one second passed, Muto Tateri and others in the secret room of the Liutian family had to wait an hour before midnight to act; so even waiting was a painful torment. Muto Tateri and others could only wait quietly.

I always feel that I have some uneasy King Uesugi King Tiger tonight, and I have taken the guards around me to patrol Hasetsudo Castle for the purpose; from the four walls to the Uesugi Army Barracks, from the top military barracks to the camp where the top military generals are held, Uesugi Jinghu inspected almost everywhere.

As a result, before the tour, Uesugi Jinghu just felt uneasy, and after actually going around all parts of Haseya Tangcheng, Uesugi Jinghu’s heart went up and down; I don’t know why, Uesugi Jinghu always felt he was missing Something.

What is missing? Jingshan Hu, who was thinking hard but not available, walked aimlessly in the city while thinking about the problems in his mind; suddenly, when he saw a samurai traveling with two small surnames in front, he thought Now!

"You will bring me that samurai." Jing Su, who was so excited, ordered to the captain of the guard next to him.

"Hi!" The commanding captain of the guard waved his hand, and the eight guards with long swords greeted him.

In front of the eight-handed samurai sword, this low-level samurai with two surnames beside him did not do unnecessary resistance, but allowed the guards to bring him to Uesugi Jinghu; looking at the person in front of him The low-level samurai greeted him very sensibly.

"Since you know my identity, then I don't need to talk too much, tell me, how many warriors exist in the city?"

"Master Uesugi, our Canggutang City is just a small city. The original nearly a hundred warriors have already joined the army. The warriors who are still in the city may not even have ten people." This low-level warrior, yes Uesugi Jinghu's question did not dare to hide.

"Less than ten samurai?" Knowing that the other party didn't dare to lie to fool themselves, Uesugi Jinghu felt he might be a little too nervous.

"Recently, the war in the city is critical. Don't run around in the city, especially at night." Uesugi Jinghu, who was upset again, was not embarrassed. This low-level samurai with a bad face, just said a word and took care of himself. Leaving the guard door.

"Huh..." A group of Uesugi Jinghu looking at the far away, just scared of a choking junior warrior, was relieved.

"Adult, why didn't you tell them just now that there is a mysterious samurai family next door?"

"Bang!" The low-level warrior slapped his backhand, and then he scolded the surname covering his head: "Do you know what a samurai is like a samurai? Do you have to remember, I am a warrior of Hengtang Tangcheng , Not a samurai of the Uesugi family!"

"I see." This was the younger surname of the distant relative of the samurai, and he agreed with a bitter face.

An insignificant trivial matter happened just like this in Haseya-do Castle, and disappeared invisibly; in the end, Uesugi Jinghu, who had never thought of anything, returned to the city's main palace with his uneasiness and doubts, and began to plan for him. Prepare for the breakout.

Because of the burning of grain and grass, Uesugi King Tiger could not have stayed at Haseya Castle forever. Anyway, he would do something to break through; even if the Yanhuang Army outside the city was so powerful, the Uesugi King Tiger wouldn’t be willing to catch it. Fight to the last moment!

Three hours before midnight, Uesugi Jinghu, who felt a bit heavy on his eyelids, fell asleep with his doubts full; while two hours before midnight, the three troops under the Andong family acted simultaneously.

An hour before midnight, Shimura Kuangan, Liutian Xiongcheng, and Muto Tachigo walked out of the chamber, and the 500 warriors of the Liutian family, under the leadership of the Yanhuang Ninja Ninjas, quietly infiltrated the Uesugi Army to hold the top army The soldier's camp.

Of the two thousand Uesugi soldiers stationed in this camp, less than two hundred people were divided into ten patrols to patrol; within a few minutes, the 184 Uesugi troops of these ten patrols were very important, All died under the attack of forty ninjas.

In order to maximize the success rate of the operation to break the city tonight, the nearest Yanhuang Ninja Ninjas came to the city and joined this operation; after the patrols in the camp were cleared, the warriors of the Liutian family took ten people as one The team rushed to General Uesugi's account.

Nearly 1,800 Uesugi soldiers in more than one hundred military accounts are of great importance. Most of them died in a deep sleep. Only a few awakened solemnly talked about, but only a cry of screaming, He was shot with darts by a fast-sighted ninja.

After all the Uesugi soldiers in the camp were successfully cleared, Muto Tateri quickly returned to the most advanced military barracks with the foot soldiers around him; after telling Tiantong Trust and others, they were ready immediately Start to act.

Uesugi King Tiger sent the General Uesugi, who controlled the army in the top army, and had not been awakened from a deep sleep, was cut into pieces by the top generals who rushed into their account; at this time, only half an hour was left until midnight Time, Tiantong Trust and others must speed up.

The reason why Tiantong Trust and others chose Nanmen as the place to put the Yanhuang Army into the city was not because the Uesugi Army had the weakest defense in the southern wall, but because the camp where their family members were located was near the South Gate; under the eyes of Uesugi Army It is not an easy task to take tens of thousands of civilians out of the city. Even if you have made as many preparations as possible, no one dares to guarantee that it will go smoothly.

Facts have proved that the best luck of the top army has ceased to exist from the moment they left the barracks; the Uesugi army patrol generals on the south wall, when the top army was more than 100 meters away from the south gate, found The densest army on the streets.

"Boom dong... dong dong dong..."

As the drums rang through the sky, the silent Hengdang Town soon lit up everywhere; this is the Yan Ninja Army who is still in the city. The ninja is trying to find a way to win the time for the most advanced army, and exposes the most. The army can only use violence to solve the problem.

Ten thousand soldiers of the 20,000 most powerful soldiers turned directly to **** the family members behind them to return to the camp, and the remaining ten thousand soldiers rushed to the south wall under the leadership of Tiantong Trust and others. Thousand patrol soldiers.

The Yanhuang Army, who had gathered outside the South Gate half an hour ago, had tens of thousands of elite soldiers ready, but could not cross the closed South Gate to kill the city; the same anxious, they could only wait hard in the city The supreme army that is fighting is quickly opening the city gate for them!

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