Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1161: "·The Battle of Yuyu·Xia"

To live upright, don't think about it! To work honestly, we have a great future.

——Dostoevsky (excellent representative of Russian literature, one of the most complicated and contradictory writers in the history of Russian literature)

150,000 Uesugi coalition generals and more than 120,000 people from the Dabaosi family, nearly 300,000 people marched in the marching queue; watching the Uesugi coalition army, which was like a tide flowing to their family capital, Suddenly, there was a panic in the heart of Dabao Temple.

Yoshiki of Dabao Temple, who was originally complacent about the idea of ​​self-protection with a 60,000 army and waiting for the assistance of the Yanhuang and Huangjun Army, saw the scale of the Uesugi coalition for the first time. Okagi was questioned.

Questioning the question, the Yoshishi of Dabao Temple is still full of confidence in the Yan and Huang United Army for their own help; because the Hegang City at his feet is the most important barrier city in the southern part of Hao, once the Hegang City is captured by the Uesugi Alliance, the Yan and Huang Alliance can You can only passively defend.

The Dabaosi Yishi, who has studied the history of the rise of the Yanhuang family, knows that the Yanhuang family’s army has never been passively defending, and the active offensive is the normal state of the Yanhuang family’s army; therefore, he firmly believes that the Yanhuang family general commander Yan and Huang’s army will definitely come to reinforce Tsuruoka Castle!

Before the soldiers approached Tsuruoka Castle, they sent a large number of cavalry to detect Uzumi Dingman in the north of Hegang City. After confirming that there was no trace of the Yan and Huang Coalition Forces within 50 miles north of Hegang City, Yuzumi Dingman was unable to make any dangerous moves. The general camp was built outside Hegang City.

Yu Zuomei's fear of the Yanhuang family is not less than that of Uesugi Kenshin. Even if he has never confronted the Yanhuang family, he will not have any contempt for the prestigious Yanhuang family. After all, the strength of the Yanhuang family is not a blow. from.

First, several military camps were built three miles away from Tsuruoka City, and then a giant camp was built for the Dabaosi family people arrested by the army; it was only in the afternoon that it rushed to Usami near Tsuruoka City, and it was over. The first day of the attack on Tsuruoka Castle.

Sitting in the Dabao Temple Yi's in the city, seeing that there are so many people of his family outside the city, he instantly had a premonition of something bad in his heart; in the evening of the day, the Dabao Temple Yi's who had already noticed something, specially gave it to the city All of them paid a bonus.

The three-player bonus for each person may only be a good reward in the Yanhuang Clan Army, but it is a rare reward in the Dabao Temple Clan Army for a hundred years; the warriors who know it are more aware that their hero has been hollowed out The family's money bank.

In addition to the reward for ordinary footsteps, after the nightfall, the Yibao of the Dabao Temple summoned the warriors who were loyal to the Dabao Temple family in the city individually; a samurai sword with a handle that symbolizes the glory and the inscription of the Dabao Temple family, a box of boxes The treasures filled with gold and silver jewelry, as long as there are in the Dabao Temple family warehouse, the Dabao Temple Yi's are used to encircle their family warriors.

The samurai warriors of the Dabao Temple family who have never enjoyed such courtesy, while ecstatically accepting the gifts from the family governor, gratefully said the words of'swear to be loyal to the family governor'; in the end, how strong their loyalty is, then it takes time to go validated.

The Uesugi Allied Force prepared for the whole night, and the offensive horn sounded early the next morning; when the horn outside the city rang through the sky, the defenders who had just had breakfast in the city had no time to finish breakfast. , Hurried to the wall to guard.

With no spirit of self-denial, nor the idea of ​​the Tosawa Army and Ono Temple Army as cannon fodder, the three armies that formed the Allied Forces each prepared a 5,000-scale vanguard unit and launched a fight against the crane. Okagi's first round of tentative offense.

Before the official offensive kicked off, 30,000 Dabaosi family people from different families in different towns were escorted to the location only one hundred meters from the city wall by the footmen of the three vanguard units; this distance is actually already on the city wall Within the range of the bow and arrow, as long as the generals of the Dabaosi family on the city wall ordered, the three pioneer troops of the Uesugi coalition army will inevitably suffer heavy casualties!

Even if a great fighter is placed in front of the defending general, who dares to give orders to shoot? Looking at the densely packed family of people outside the city, I do not know how to be a good defending general, and I found that there were many people around him who actually found their own wives, children, children, friends and relatives in the crowd; this time, I understand that the Uesugi coalition army has He tried to defend the generals, sweat instantly.

Although the families of the generals of the Dabao Temple family are in Hegang City, they also dare not give orders to shoot the bow and arrow around them; when the maintenance of the family’s rule and the personal life of their family are opposites, who knows those who are light enough How would you choose?

Seeing that the enemy's vanguard troops would rush to the foot of their own walls, the defending generals still did not give orders to shoot; at this moment, the noble tolerant Dabaosi Yishi directly pulled out his samurai sword around his waist and ordered Shoot all bows and arrows immediately!

No matter how angry and scolding the Yoshishi of Dabao Temple is, the bows and arrows of the city walls are indifferent. Even the warriors who pledged to die to the loyal family last night, they couldn’t bear to take the sword to force their bow and arrows to light up. Shoot at their loved ones.

After the first ladder was put on the city wall, the unbearable Dabao Temple Yi Shi cut the bow and arrow closest to him with a knife, and then placed the knife on the neck of another bow and arrow; felt the home governor The undisguised killing intention emanated from this, the trembling and raised bow and arrow in his hand was light enough, after all, he closed his eyes and shot the first arrow.

With this first arrow, other bows and arrows were finally fired in twos and threes; but how many casualties could these heavy and weak arrows cause to the morale of the Uesugi coalition vanguard, then only God would know Too.

Relying on the captured'Meat Shield', all three of the Uesugi coalition's avant-garde troops successfully killed the city wall; don't worry about accidentally injuring your family. Fearless.

Behind this bravery and fearlessness is not the loyalty of the defenders to the Dabaosi family, but their resentment towards the Uesugi coalition’s abduction of their families; the power of hatred has caused the defenders who were not strong enough to break out. A fairly good fighting force has emerged.

Regarding the performance of the guards on the city walls, the Yoshiki of Dabao Temple hadn’t had time to be too happy. The General Uesugi generals outside the city drove the 3,000 unarmed old weak women and children to the open ground, and then executed the three under the eyes of the public. Thousands of weak women and children.

The bright red blood soaked the land on the open ground in an instant, and the frightening screams of the children and women overshadowed the screams of the wall of the city; they saw their loved ones killed with their own eyes, and their eyes were blood red Kill the enemy, but what about the surviving family members?

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