Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1224: "·Into Musashi·Xia"

One should arrange life well and make every moment meaningful.

-Turgenev (Russian 19th century critical realist writer, poet and playwright)

Zema came to the Yanhuang Army's Chinese army camp and looked at the more than two thousand warriors in two rows in front. The face of Kodama Guze immediately became difficult to see; in his view, this practice of the Yanhuang family superintendent , Is simply a demonstration of Chiguo Guo!

Not willing to succumb, the child Yu Guze, not only did not dismount in front of the passage listed by the samurai warriors, but instead put on a posture to enter the camp; the feared child jade party warrior, seeing his hero unwilling to dismount Of course, they can only helplessly keep up.

Seeing that Yuer Guze was about to rush into the passage, a young samurai captain standing at the entrance of the passage suddenly pulled out the samurai sword at his waist, and the sword finger raised up in the sky and shouted, "Please let the leader Yuer Yu come down camp!"

"Please lead Eryu to dismount and enter the camp!" More than two thousand child sword warriors shouted in unison, and the birds in the mountains and forests far away slammed in the distance.

The war horses, startled by the murderous murders of the young sword warriors, immediately jumped up with uneasy roars, and the unprepared Kodama warriors dropped the war horses; even the superb equestrian Kodama Kozawa, after appeasing the invalid, Jumped off the war horse with a leap.

Compared with the chaotic Pei Guze and his party, the Roman cavalry who also drove the horses nearby stood still. This contrast made some gray-faced Pei Gu Ze directly blush and become angry and angry. Grunted.

Eryu Guze, who could only walk into the military camp along the middle passage of the young sword samurai, his face was still unhappy, but his heart was rolled up by the stormy waves; because of the more than two thousand of the Yanhuang family Samurai, the worst are intermediate samurai!

Before being traumatized, the Kodama Party was originally the third strongest party among the seven Musashi Parties. Even so, the Kodama Party has only 300 warriors, and they are mainly low-level warriors, and less than three mid-level warriors. Ten people, senior warriors are very few.

To the best of the knowledge of Kodama Guze, even the Murakami party with the largest number of warriors among the seven Musashi parties, there are only more than 400 warriors, and they are mainly dominated by low-level warriors. The Yanhuang family felt great pressure.

Through the passages listed by the samurai warriors, as soon as they crossed the gate of the barracks, Eryu Guze saw two rows of black and black armoured infantry; the Roman heavy infantry and the Roman youth army armed to the teeth were formed by the shield wall. In two rows, the black-pressed people feel depressed when they see it.

"Congratulations to the leader of Eryu!" Thousands of Roman heavy infantry and the Roman Youth Army shouted in unison, and the ears of Erguze were instantly deaf, and they recovered after a long time.

Every time he took a step forward, his eyes were fixed on Gu Yuze, a Roman heavy infantry, and he had to admit in his heart that the fine weapons and equipment he had carefully selected in the past were compared with the weapons and equipment used by the army in front of him. , Just like garbage!

As for the spear warriors standing behind the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry, they have already shocked the numb child Yu Guze. Seeing them is no longer shocked, but deep sorrow; such a powerful Yanhuang army, Musashi family Can the parties stop it?

When a group of people came to the gate of the military account, the two flaming sword saints standing at the gate just glanced, and Yuyu Guze felt that he was seen through everything; as a super warrior, he could not bear the other side at a glance. Isn't the opponent's strength...

Gu Yuze, whose face changed again, no longer had a chance in his heart. He who knew the difference in strength, was discouraged before entering the military account; so much so that the follower was stopped and he didn’t say much. what.

Gu Yuze, who thought that the military account was full of Yanhuang family officials, only found that there were only four generals wearing black armor in the military account; Bai Feng, who was sitting in the handsome position, gave Naru Yuge The first feeling is youth, the second feeling is too young!

Young to young, Eryu Guze didn't dare to look down upon Bai Feng at all; when he saw how powerful the Yanhuang family army was, he put his posture very low, and said on his own initiative: "Under Eryu Guze, see Lord Zuowei General."

"The leader of Kodama, I heard that the Narita family of your party’s ally, for the slight benefit provided by the private market party, betrayed the covenant with your party, making your lone army face the joint attack of the private market party and the pig Minamata party. Is it true?" Bai Feng opened the door straight away.

"Admiral adults are right, the Narita family indeed betrayed the covenant with our party." Kodama Guze replied in a deep voice: "If there is no betrayal by the Narita family, our party will not be in the private market party and the pig Minamata party. Under the attack, the male junior who had just occupied was thrown away."

"Did your party really only lose the male junjun?" Bai Feng asked with a faint smile on his face.

Looking up at Bai Feng for a moment, Kodama Guze gritted his teeth and said: "Our party's garrison in southern Kodama-gun has been annihilated by the whole army a few days ago."

"Leader Yuer, today you have seen the power of my Yan and Huang army. I wonder if it is stronger or weaker than the Musashi army?"

"It's the tiger, the wolf and the lion under the command of the general, is it comparable to the Musashi army?" Eryu Guze said honestly.

"Since leader Eryu looks at me so high, I can't help telling the leader." Bai Feng waved his hand, and Bai raised a map, and Bai Feng's right hand pointed at the map: "My Yanhuang family is about to There are 80,000 troops in Changlu and eastern Musashi."

"Admiral, the seven counties in eastern Musashi are the sphere of influence of the Beppu family and the Hengshan Party. I am afraid they will not easily give way."

"The leader of Eryu, the army of the Yanhuang family, has never had a precedent of marching by way of way."

Bai Feng’s words have been so straightforward, and it’s impossible for Kodama to continue to be stupid. He can only answer: “The Beppu family and the Hengshan party are certainly not strong, but the seven parties of the four Musashi families will encounter foreign enemies. Let go of old grudges and unite with each other, and work together with the outside world."

"In addition to the 80,000 troops stationed in Hitachi and the 80,000 troops that are about to break into the seven counties in eastern Musashi, I also have 200,000 elite troops here. Can the parties be stopped?"

The 200,000 elite army is indeed Bai Feng’s deliberately exaggerated figure, but Eryu Guze has no doubt about him; how many troops are in this barracks now, he has not seen less than 80,000, plus The two left and right military camps of the same size, 200,000 troops are not exaggerated.

"All the forces of our Musashi are united. Although we can't stop the 200,000 troops under your command, you can also destroy Musashi into ruins." Eryu Guze said softly and hardly: "It's you who destroyed Musashi Want Musashi?"

"Even if Musashi turns into ruins, my Yanhuang family has the power to rebuild Musashi, but it only takes a few more years." Bai Feng convergence smiled: "As long as my purpose is achieved, I don't care if Musashi is in ruins, it's just Trivia."

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