Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1249: "·The work of dogs and horses"

To lose time or to panic is to lose everything.

——Lenin (leader of Bolshevik and international communist movement, founder of Soviet state)

Facts have proved that Bai Feng's earlier worry about the Takeda family is superfluous. The Tokugawa family without the Oda family as a reliance is still not to be underestimated; the excellent family of officials has allowed the Tokugawa family to withstand the full attack of the Takeda army.

The Tokugawa family, which was dominated by geographical advantages, pinned the Takeda Army in the Junhe territory, and did not perform well on the battlefield; if it was not for Takeda Shingen who played a textbook-style ambush in the Yuanjiang territory, the overall performance of the Takeda army was even Not as good as the Tokugawa Army.

The Tokugawa family, established with the support of the Oda family, has always been in the last rank of the imperial overlord family, while the Takeda family is known for its strong military strength. As a result, the performance of the two armies in actual combat is impressive. Falling glasses.

The Tokugawa Army, which was temporarily formed with a small number of standing footholds as the core, and the Junhe people who supported the rule of the Tokugawa family, actually blocked the fierce offensive of the Takeda Army; this really made Bai Feng, who always paid attention to the battle of Junhe, I don’t know. What to say.

Say that the Tokugawa army is stronger than the Takeda army. The fifty thousand Tokugawa army who returned from the Oda family to the Tokugawa family was defeated by the 11,000 Takeda army at the cost of minimal casualties; this is the only battle. , It is enough to show that Takeda Army's combat power is far superior to Tokugawa Army.

Let’s say that Takeda’s combat power is far superior to Tokugawa’s army, and attack the Takeda’s army of the Tokugawa family’s Junhe branch, facing the castle town where the Tokugawa family’s peasants and soldiers jointly defended, although they successfully captured the castle town every time. , But the cost of casualties they paid was extremely heavy.

This may be the common problem of all the families of the Yamato Empire. The large number of recruited peasants and soldiers on the surface has increased the number of troops available for each family. In fact, it has weakened their combat power. It is a typical practice of exchanging quality for quantity.

However, with the advent of the Great Controversy, the major families of the Yamato Empire are constantly improving the military system of their respective families and beginning to establish a new military system in which the standing army and the peasant soldiers coexist; for example, the five-color preparation of the Hojo family, the Takeda family Jiafei Jingqi and so on.

Among the elite standing armies of the major families of the empire, the most famous is the Jiafei Jingqi, known as the empire's "first strong army"; the cavalry is the king of the cold weapon era, like the king of the cavalry like the Jiafei Jingqi. It is not an exaggeration to claim that the Empire's'first strongest army'.

The Tokugawa army, which is five times as strong as the Kaji fine ride, is not as strong as the Jiafei fine ride on the battlefield, so it can be seen how to pay for the Takeda family's Jiafei fine ride, the Tokugawa family or the Oda family. It can be done at a heavy price.

In Bai Feng's view, even if the Tokugawa family successfully dragged the army of the Takeda family into the territory of Junhe, until the Tokugawa and Oda coalition forces returned to Junhe, it does not mean that the Tokugawa family has the strength to defeat the Takeda army, not to mention Said to counterattack the Takeda family.

The Tokugawa family can use military-civilian tactics to defend the castle town to delay Takeda’s offensive speed, but cannot use such defensive tactics to counterattack; once the war enters the Tokugawa family’s counteroffensive stage, a positive decisive battle will inevitably be the only one that cannot be avoided select.

With the current strength of the Tokugawa family, it is simply impossible to form an army that can confront Kaji Jingji; the Oda family behind the Tokugawa family, the Maori family with the eye on the side, and the Nobunaga Oda will take risks for the Tokugawa family. Do you fight against the Takeda family?

The answer is definitely no, Oda Nobunaga may send troops to help the Tokugawa family recover the Junhe branch, but they will not choose to die with the army of the Takeda family; the fierce name of Jia Fei Jing rides, but the blood of the enemy Stacked up with corpses.

The Takeda family, which still has ten thousand fierce riders, has to some extent been invincible in this battle; the premise is that the Yanhuang family who freed up their hands will not stab the barrel behind the Takeda family.

After arriving at the border between Musashi and Jiafei for more than a month, Bai Feng once again saw the "Tiger of Jiafei" Takeda Shingen; just like the servant of the last time, he rushed from the front of the river to the Takeda Xingen on the frontier of Jiafei on the day and night. Full of exhaustion.

"Congratulations to your general, who defeated the Hojo family in one battle and achieved the grand **** of the imperial empire!" Takeda Shingen met and said.

"The Hojo clan does not respect the emperor's order and respect his majesty, and opposes the people to keep private soldiers. All kinds of acts have long been angry and resentful, but the contempt is only for the conquest of His Majesty the Emperor's order. How dare he speak of hegemony." Bai Feng said with a polite air.

"Senior General, the Hojo Family's five-color preparation combat strength is not weak, and after the six months of rectification by the Hojo Kashi, it has been greatly enhanced; before the next assessment of the combat power of the Hojo Five-color Preparation, they should be able to be strong in the empire. The column ranks in the top five."

Suddenly referring to Takeda Shingen, Hojo Five Colors prepared, Bai Feng smiled and said: "Do you mean?"

"Being able to easily defeat Hojo Five-color Preparation means that the Yanhuang family's army has completely crushed Hojo Five-color Preparation; will a family with a strong army have no ambition to dominate?" Takeda Shingen asked with a burning look.

"The army can be a guarantee for defending its homeland, not necessarily a tool for external expansion."

"It's barely the uppermost family of the hegemonic family and the Ida family that is the last of the hegemonic family. In just half a year, four hegemonic families have become stepping stones for the Yanhuang family. Why should you cover up?"

"Today you invited me to come, is it to tell me that our Yanhuang family is an ambitious family?"

"Don't you dare to play with your lord in this way!" Takeda Shingen shook his head with a wry smile, and then explained: "I just want to know what the lord lord wants, and if he can, he is willing to serve the lord's dog."

"Effect of the dogs and horses?" Bai Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, but he smiled and said: "Will the tiger of Jiafei bow his head?"

"No matter how powerful the fierce tiger, in front of the powerful hunter, after all, it's just prey." Takeda Shingen sighed.

After taking a deep look at Takeda Shingen, Bai Feng asked: "With your existing combat strength in the Takeda Army, can you capture all of Junhe?"

"As long as the Oda family does not send a large army to support the Tokugawa family, our army can capture the entire territory of Junhe within two months."

"What about the Tokugawa family's army? What if the Tokugawa family's army returns?"

"The army of the Tokugawa family?" Takeda Shingen disdainfully smiled: "The Tokugawa army's famous combat power can only block them to the west of the Junhe River with only 10,000 Jia Fei Jing riding in my hands."

"It's so good." Bai Feng nodded and continued to ask: "Now let's talk about it in detail. What is meant by working for me?"

"If your general does not dislike, my Takeda family is willing to imitate the Tokugawa family and offer loyalty to your family!"

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