Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1296: "·The Mortality of the Empire·Nineteen"

Always staring at the past, you will blind one eye; but forget the history, you will be blind.

——Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Russian writer)

Hades took the most elite combatants under his command and hurried back to the fortress after the early morning; about an hour before dawn would arrive, the time was already very tight, and Hades had no time to save all the legions. Warrior.

Under the premise that there is no way to rescue all the soldiers of the Legion, Hades can only give priority to the soldiers of the Assasis Corps and Uppadama Corps; as for the soldiers of the Lance Corps and the Jagged Corps, it depends on whether they can survive It's a new day of fighting.

No matter how powerful the Wolf Cavalry of the Orc Empire is, they can't sleep without sleep. The Wolf Cavalry who take turns to rest and fight, and the most real cruising around a single fortress is only more than a thousand rides; to lead these more than 1,000 Wolf Cavalry, It is not difficult for Hades.

After fifty minutes of busy work, Hades successfully took the 200 backbone officers of the 45th and 46th Legions out of the fortress; the price he paid for this was to send out to attract the attention of the Wolf Cavalry None of the more than two hundred combatants returned alive.

Looking at the figures outside the camp, McGovern smiled and said to Lean beside him: "I let you go, you can't go, now you can't go if you want to go."

"General, I like to be lazy when I'm a child studying and doing things. The tired things like rebuilding the legion are really not suitable for people like me who are lazy. I think I should do something simpler." Lian laughed. Said.

"You don't seem to know anything, but you know better than anyone else."

"General, do you praise me?" Ryan exaggerated. "You have never praised me like this before."

"Hurry up!" McGovern kicked Lean's **** with a smile and said to him: "Live well, I hope that the person who will fight with me to the last minute is you."

"General, you can rest assured." Ryan calmed down the smile on his face, pretending to be a deep look: "There is an old saying in our hometown that'good people don't live long, and harm lives for thousands of years'." , A'scourge' like you and me must be..."

Before Ryan finished his words, McGovern kicked it again: "Go!"

Seeing the dawn of dawn, McGovern was preparing to go around the city walls, but was called back to the headquarters by the guards sent by Assassis; this time, Assassis sent Lennon and McGovern The two commanders of the division called, but they did not issue a combat command.

Assisis, who had no worries, called Lennon and McGovern to make them ready for the last battle; to say that it was the end of the battle, in fact, Assassis came up with a A new way to die with the orc army.

This new method is to fill the inside of the barracks with kerosene. Some important positions also need to accumulate dozens of barrels of kerosene that can be detonated at any time; as long as the orc army actually enters the barracks, the one waiting for them will be a piece of Disastrous stretches of fire.

The orc army, which cannot be prepared in advance, will inevitably suffer heavy losses in this continuous sea of ​​fire, and even the mighty Bimon warrior may die; of course, the forty-fifth legion in the camp The generals will also be buried in flames.

Knowing that he might be one of the soldiers buried in the flames, Lennon and McGovern agreed to this idea put forward by their generals; they are already determined to put their lives and deaths out of their minds. Will care about the difference in death law.

The battle on the front was still in full swing. List, who realized that the various legions in the front had fallen into desperation, was planning for the formation of reinforcements in the rear. Attos’ 47th Corps was the first to be defeated. Stewart chose to join the legion of reinforcements.

Assassis, Uppadama, and Atos, who also came from the Parthian bow cavalry, were promoted to system generals in the same battle. The feelings between them are deep; Assassis Surrounded by Uppadama, Atos will naturally not sit back and watch.

Because the six legionary reinforcements sent by Duke Rondestede and Duke Crest will soon arrive in the province of Mendant, List has been downgraded from Dambrosio and Eric The four legions were also included in the reinforcements.

Dambrosio, who was stationed in the province of Lyon, left only the 39th Corps of his own headquarters. The 40th Corps of Beira and the 44th Corps of Giannu were transferred to the province of Mendan. Erik, in the province of Lunhang, is left with the 65th Corps of his own headquarters. The 67th Corps of Krefeld and the 86th Corps of Barao are transferred to Mendan. .

Even with the addition of these four standing legions, the total strength of the reinforcements is still only five legions of 100,000 soldiers. It is still not enough to compete with the orc army; after careful consideration, List decided to take five. Each Eastern Army was also included in the reinforcements.

Just when Lister was busy with the formation of a reinforcement army, Giskar, who had been idle, found him; as one of the three governors of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, Giskar’s status, but Billy Stewart, the chief military officer of the Warlord’s Office, is much taller.

In the face of Giskar who came to the door to take the initiative to fight, List had almost no way to refuse, and only allowed Giskar and his army to join the reinforcements sequence; but List also made a few requests. Giskar must obey.

First, the reinforcements are under the unified command of the Atos Corps Command of the 47th Corps, and no one else can interfere with the command of the Atos Corps Commander; second, the ten Eastern Corps under Giskar cannot play all, at most Only five Eastern legions can be sent to the war.

Thirdly, the five Eastern legions of Giskar’s headquarters must join forces with the five Eastern legions of the Warlord’s Palace in the form of a synthetic legion; that is, every two different Eastern legions belong to a synthetic legion. Chief of the Legion.

This move actually put the five Eastern Legions under Giskar under the command of the Warlord’s Palace. Therefore, in order to compensate for Giskar who lost the command of the Five Eastern Legions, Lister composed five of the ten Eastern Legions. All synthetic legions were given to him for command.

Giskar, who had no objection to this, and his five Eastern legions became a part of the reinforcement army; the total strength rose to 200,000 and the reinforcement army gathered the stars, according to List, Finally, I have the strength to fight against the orc army.

More importantly, with the impending arrival of the two Royal Legions and the Six Standing Legions, the garrison force in Mengdan Province will also reach a new peak; there is no need to worry about Lister in the rear, you can already give it a go Now!

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