Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1307: "·Recruitment problem"

Only education that can motivate students to self-educate is real education.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Returning to the military department, the Duke of Coulomb began to send a military order to all parts of the empire; he was transferred to the 28 legions in the east, specifically designated as the 115th and 11th of the garrisons in the southern provinces. Six, one eight, one nine army.

The 90th, 97th, 99th, 100th, 101st, and 102nd legions of the garrisons in the central provinces, and the 48th, 52nd, and 53rd legions under the Duke of Reinhardt , The thirty-third, thirty-fourth, and forty-ninth legions of the Duke of Albert.

Eighty-nine, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, one hundred and seven, and one hundred and eighty in the garrisons of the western provinces, and the fifth, six, seven, eight, fifteen, and nineteen in the imperial garrison Legion.

The Imperial Corps needs the newly formed 25 legions in the next month. The Duke of Coulomb did not intend to give these Imperial Legions official names, but planned to name them with temporary reserve numbers.

The difference between the reserve number and the official number of the military department is that once the latter is formed, it will not be easily disbanded. Even after the war is over, the dissolution of the official standing army of the official number cannot be decided by the military department; the former It is not the same. The temporary reserve army, which is of a temporary nature, is not in the standing army of the empire. At any time, the military department can decide whether to disband.

The reason why the Duke of Coulomb wanted to name the new army with the name of the reserve, not because the Imperial Ministry could not support the twenty-five new army, but because he was a strong supporter of the big prince, he could not give the eight princes too much reinforcement. Opportunities for your own strength.

The Duke of Columb's precautionary thoughts were naturally well understood by Charlie the Great; however, he agreed with the suggestion made by the Duke of Coulomb because he did not want the Empire's standing legion to exceed 120.

With the current national strength of the Dragon empire, maintaining 120 troops in the size of the standing corps is already an appalling figure; if the number of standing corps continues to be increased, not only will the Dragon empire’s financial strength be unsupportable, but neighboring countries will also have trouble sleeping and sleeping. .

This is why Emperor Charlie allowed his four sons to expand their own forces, but did not give them an official designation of the expanded military empire headquarters; the private forces of the princes belonging to the four capitals of the government, all of which are local governments. Legion number.

After finalizing the specific name of the new legion, the busy Duke of Coulomb began to send people to recruit large-scale recruits in the central provinces. As a result, a full ten days passed, and the army recruited only 100,000 recruits. One-fifth required.

Seeing that the task of recruiting half a million new recruits within a month of the Imperial Army Department could not be completed, Emperor Charlie personally summoned the Duke of Columb to the palace and reprimanded him and warned him that if he could not complete the task within the stipulated deadline , The military minister of the empire will be replaced!

After leaving the palace and returning to the Imperial Army, the Duke of Coulomb, who did not want to lose his position, directly issued orders to the military officials responsible for recruiting recruits; they must recruit 400,000 new recruits within half a month, and officials who cannot complete the task within the due date All were removed from office.

Emperor Charlie forced the Duke of Columbine, and the Duke of Columbine forced the officers of the military department to return. When the officers of the military department returned, they would force the low-level officials responsible for their specific recruitment; under the high pressure, the recruitment efficiency of the military department quickly increased. .

Earl of Ernst, one of the senior officers of the military department, he was assigned the task of recruiting 20,000 recruits within half a month; in order to complete this seemingly impossible task, Ernst did not want to ruin his future Earl, had to use all the power of his family.

The Earl of Ernst and his wife, who lived in the royal family for a long time, returned to the Ernst family’s enclave and visited all the noble families with close ties to the Ernst family; then, these noble families helped Ernst The family recruited more than 5,000 recruits.

Earl Ernst’s brother-in-law as a legal officer in a central province, provided him with more than a thousand young and powerful criminals; Earn Ernst, who thought this was a good solution, went to visit the legal officers of some other provinces in person. In total, more than 4,000 recruits were received.

At the same time, the low-level officials of Earl Ernst still did little under his pressure; the face of five days passed, and 33 of the officials responsible for recruitment did not In a small town, only 2,000 recruits were recruited.

On average, a city wall with a population of not less than 10,000 people recruited more than sixty recruits in five days. The efficiency of such recruitment is not low, but is the negative work of Chiguo! The furious Earn Ernst, for one time, relieved 27 officials.

Twenty-seven officials who recruited fewer than one hundred recruits in five days were removed from the post by Earl Ernst, and the remaining six officials who were barely performable were too busy; to improve the efficiency of recruitment, en Count Stir thought of another way.

Earlier Earl Ernst ordered his officers to recruit recruits; now he is posting notices for people in cities and towns, as long as someone can recruit at least one hundred recruits for himself, who can be his own Low-level officials.

Although the middle and low-level officials of Count Ernst are not high-ranking officials and have no honors, but there are also official establishments of the Imperial Army Department, and there are naturally many people who are willing to come to grab places; so, within seven days, Count Ernst More than six thousand recruits were recruited.

Seeing that the half-moon period is still two days away, and the total number of recruits recruited by various means is only 18,300 people, and Count Ernst can only spend money to solve it. The last 1,700 recruits were missing.

The so-called money to solve the problem is that Earl Ernst found someone from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and used gold coins to buy 1,700 young slaves from their slave market; in the end, Earl Ernst used Only three times the market price, I bought 1,500 young and strong slaves from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce slave market.

The deadline is approaching, and there is really no way to buy only a sufficient number of slaves from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce. Senior military officials are more than Earl Ernst; these high-ranking officials fight for us, no one will give in, Earl Ernst It took a lot of effort to grab 1,500 slaves.

Earl Ernst, who was only able to complete the mission with only two hundred recruits, finally forcibly recruited two hundred farmers from several estates in his family to complete the mission; as for other senior military officials, even if they were supernatural, Someone still failed to complete the task.

As soon as the half-month deadline expired, the senior officials who completed the task still accounted for the majority. Only four senior officials who did not complete the task; these four people were naturally removed from office by the Duke of Columbine, which made other senior officials who completed the task. Officials are more or less happy.

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