Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1321: "·Enough soldiers"

Without emotion, morality becomes boring and empty talk, and only hypocrites can be cultivated.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

After summoning the Legion to become the Eagle Flag Legion, Bai Feng's mood was very good; in his opinion, if the system can equip the first Eagle Flag Legion with a systematically generated legion chief, it would be perfect, but the system is unfortunate Wish.

Li Xini, who followed Bai Feng to the Legion Barracks, was directly appointed by Bai Feng as the commander of the First Eagle Flag Corps, and Xinrida, who was still idle in the ruling official residence, also became the commander of the First Roman Army.

After all the circumstances of the Eagle Flag Legion were confirmed by Bai Feng, he asked Li Xini and Gregory to take the soldiers of the First Eagle Flag Legion and the First Eagle Flag Legion to the military camp outside the city; Down, he was about to speed up the recruitment of barbarian warriors.

On the side of the Kingdom of Essini, there are the orders of Queen Butika and the specific implementation of the governor Igsen. Without the need for Bai Feng to pay more attention, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Essini will continue to be transported to the city of Rome; , Bai Feng felt that it was time for a trip.

Bai Feng believes in the loyalty of Yamashita and others who are in charge of the power of the kingdom of Luxi, to himself and the city of Rome; but loyalty and ability are indeed two different things. Yamashita and others are typically loyal and have insufficient abilities, otherwise Lu The Kingdom of the West will not have repeated rebellions.

Bai Feng, who was inevitably worried about the situation in the Kingdom of Lucy, took Vipsani to the Kingdom of Lucy on the second day after the First Eagle Banner Corps was called out. The mission of Wipsani was in King Lucy. They have taught Yamashita Yangxi and others for a few days.

After rushing to the capital of King Lucy, Bai Feng directly ordered in the royal palace what he needed to do with Yamashita and others; immediately, Vipsani began to teach Yamashita with what he was good at. How to wait for people to complete their tasks.

The stability of the Kingdom of Lucy, with a population of over one million, has a direct impact on the stability of the Roman city. Therefore, Bai Feng specially stayed a few days longer in King Luxi in order to teach Yanxi and other people under the mountain together with Weipsani. Teaching.

In a blink of an eye, four days had passed, and all the legions of the country left behind in the Kingdom of Lucy had been downsized. The retired soldiers took the soldiers recruited by the city of Rome and the soldiers ordered by Yamashita Yamashita to embark on the journey to Rome. the way.

The two kingdoms that successively completed the downsizing of the army, the Kingdom of Essini contributed 60,000 active soldiers to the city of Rome, and the remaining 60,000 active soldiers are still organized into four legions; of which, the Imperial Guard Corps directly under Queen Budeka There are ten thousand soldiers, the first legion of Nardoba and the second legion of Assam each have ten thousand soldiers, and the third legion of Joshuael has twenty thousand soldiers.

The Kingdom of Lucy contributed 80,000 active-duty soldiers to the city of Rome, and the remaining 80,000 active-duty soldiers remained in their original form of formation. Among them, there were 20,000 soldiers in the Imperial Guard Corps directly under Yamashita, and Xia Chuanping’s first There are 15,000 soldiers in the 1st Army, the 2nd Army in Willet, the 3rd Army in Walker, and the 4th Army in Nishimura.

In addition to the 140,000 active soldiers, the Kingdom of Essini and the Kingdom of Lucy also contributed a large number of young and strong warriors to the city of Rome; among them, the Kingdom of Essini with a smaller number of warriors provided a total of more than 53,000 warriors For the city of Rome, the number of fighters in the Luxi Kingdom provided a total of more than 89,000 warriors to the city of Rome.

The Kingdom of Lucy, which has a relatively limited recognition of the city of Rome, was able to provide the city with nearly twice as many young warriors as the Kingdom of Aisini, because Bai Feng asked Yamashita to take all the old nobles suspected of participating in the rebellion. Soldiers and soldiers were sold to the Roman city as slaves as criminals. This was the supply of an amazing number of young and strong warriors in the Kingdom of Lucy.

Rome City vassal power attribute table

Vassal forces: the kingdom of Aisini (rich) and the kingdom of Lucy (normal)

Area: Eastern Barbarian Land (Aisini) Eastern Barbarian Land (Lucy)

Supreme ruler: Queen Budika (Essini) King Yamashita (Lucy)

The head of government: the governor of Agson (Aisini) and the governor of Xia Chuanping (Lucy)

Force population: 935427 people (Aisini) 857649 people (Lucy)

Forces: 107,642 fighters (Aisini), 12,6958 fighters (Lucy)

Force army: 60,000 soldiers (Aisini), 80,000 soldiers (Lucy)

Force loyalty: 90 (Aisini) 91 (Lucy)

With the establishment of the governor, Queen Budeka and King Yamashita in the'Roman City vassal attribute table' changed from power leaders to supreme rulers, and Egson and Xiachuan Pinggong, the governors of their respective kingdoms, then It has become the new head of the Royal Government.

What really surprised Bai Feng was that the loyalty of the Kingdom of Lucy did not decrease slightly like the Kingdom of Essini. Instead, it increased to a certain extent; after careful consideration, Bai Feng thought that it might be the removal of a large number of uneasy elements, which increased The loyalty of the Lucy Kingdom.

As a result of both killing two birds with one stone, the result was of great joy. As the biggest vested interest, the city of Rome suddenly obtained more than 280,000 soldiers, which temporarily solved the problem of the soldiers of the auxiliary legion.

The formation of the Iron Eagle Legion and the adaptation of other Barbarian Legions used nearly 20,000 soldiers in the Kingdom of Essini, which reduced the reserve of Barbarian Warriors in Rome to 265,000, which is about enough for the new formation of seven and a half Auxiliary Legion of Eagle Flag.

On the day he returned to Rome, Bai Feng started the second call of the Eagle Flag Legion; this time, Vimina was appointed by Bai Feng as the head of the Eagle Flag Legion, and Roderick was appointed by Bai Feng as the Legion of the Eagle Flag Legion. long.

Previously, Li Xini succeeded Sinida as the commander of the First Roman Legion. Simika, who was summoned with Sinida, now succeeds Vermina as the commander of the Second Roman Army.

The summoning of the two Eagle Flag Legions and their auxiliary legions added another 160,000 powerful and elite troops to the powerful city of Rome; then, Bai Feng did not rush to continue to call the third Eagle Flag The Legion, instead, focused on building the city.

The Uesugi Legion, Date Army, Supreme Army, and Hojo Legion have arrived one after another, making Bai Feng have to put the agenda for the construction of the city by Uesugi Kenshin and others; however, even the strong Roman city, the five cities at the same time New construction is not easy.

Especially on the issue of site selection before the city’s new construction, Uesugi Kenshin and others who wanted to maintain a certain degree of independence, hoped to build their respective family cities far away from the city of Rome; Vipsani insisted that Uesugi The distance (carriage speed) between the city of four families including the family and the city of Rome cannot be shorter than three days or longer than seven days!

Because this matter involves the core interests of the Roman city, Bai Feng can only give persuasion to Uesugi Kenshin and others, and obey them to comply with the arrangement of Wipsani; even Bai Feng came out personally, and people had to bow their heads under the roof of Uesugi Qian Xin et al. can no longer insist.

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