Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1348: "· Successive defeats"

Practice, is a great whistleblower, it exposes all deception and self-deception.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

From the border of Mengdang Province to the first line of defense of the coalition forces, within about 60 miles, four cities with a population of about 100,000 were surrounded by the orc army, and eleven cities without walls were brutally destroyed by the orc army. Nothing left.

This is the cruelty of ethnic warfare. Hundreds of thousands of people in the Dragon Empire, from the centenarians to the newborn babies, all tragically died under the orc knife; the orc army's casualties for this were only the death of more than a thousand ordinary soldiers.

The brutal slaughter of the orc army made the invincible allied soldiers fill their chests with burning anger; so that when the wolf cavalry under the wolf king Sacker rushed to the first line of defense, the soldiers of the line of defense They even took the initiative to attack!

The troops that faced the Wolf Cavalry under Sackel directly are the 33rd and 45th Legions under the Assasis; the combat strength of these two legions is not very powerful, especially the Assassins headquarters. The 45th Legion is full of new recruits.

Even so, the forty thousand soldiers of the two legions launched a charge against the wolf cavalry in a fierce and fearless manner; the hearts of the forty thousand imperial soldiers in the heart, and the fifty thousand wolf cavalry fielding in the plains, their The result must be tragic and tragic.

Morale is indeed one of the key factors that determine the outcome of the battle, but it is not the most important factor; the orc warriors are stronger than the imperial soldiers, not to mention the elite wolf cavalry among the orc warriors. Self-defeating battle.

The 33rd and 45th legions with high morale, all the officers of the rank of captain and captain of the coalition are all at the forefront of the soldiers; the result is that in the first face of the battle, these soldiers of the pioneers are stunned. The wolf under the cavalry stepped on his feet.

The death of a large number of middle and high-ranking officers did not seriously damage the morale of the soldiers of these two legions, but instead aroused the blood in their bones; the soldiers who rushed to the wolf cavalry and began to deal with them in any way they could. Their enemies.

Even so, the Wolf Cavalry with speed advantage and combat strength advantage is still slaughtering the imperial soldiers who are fighting **** the battlefield in a crushing posture; this is the difference in strength, and no matter how high the morale is, the imperial soldiers can’t make up for their combat strength. Deficiencies.

Less than twenty minutes into the war, I saw that the soldiers of the two legions were about to be slaughtered by the Wolf Cavalry. Gabittus, who was only one step away from the army of Assassis, sent his spear legion and iron blood. Legion, reinforcement of these two heavy losses.

The Gabion's Lance Corps is no longer the former Phalanx Army, but the infantry Corps under the name of the Lance Corps; the reinforcements of the Lance and Iron-Blood Infantry Corps cannot fundamentally reverse the battlefield. In this situation, the advantages of the Wolf Cavalry are still huge.

Just after the Lance Corps and the Jagged Legion entered the battle, the follow-up main force of the Orc army finally arrived at the battlefield; thousands of loosely formed orc warriors came to the edge of the battlefield, and then directly launched an attack on the first line of defense. .

Of the first line of defense composed of 33 standing legions, only four legions are fighting with the wolf cavalry, and the other twenty-nine legions have remained in their defensive lines that have been digging in the past two days, using refusal horses, etc. Defensive tools are waiting for the orc army to attack.

In the face of the orc warriors who swarmed over, the soldiers in the front row used their large shields to resist the refusal horses that were being pushed by the orc warriors. Then, the soldiers in the second row overpowered them. The spear struggled to pierce.

At the beginning of the battle, the imperial soldiers who had been preparing for a while had a slight upper hand. After the orc warriors who had just attacked paid a lot of casualties, they were able to cross these refusal horses and kill them in the array of imperial soldiers.

After the defensive warfare turned into melee combat, the original superiors of the imperial soldiers disappeared; although the more powerful orc warriors did not understand the coordination of the battle array, and the weapons were not as good as the imperial soldiers, they still suppressed the imperial soldiers completely. Living.

No matter how much the imperial soldiers want to fight back, the orc warriors who firmly grasp the battle initiative will not take a step back; even if Assassis and others have already dispatched their general guards, they still cannot reverse the situation.

The general guard, whose strength is not weaker than ordinary orc warriors, may still have a certain advantage at the beginning of the battle; but as the battle continues, more and more elite orc warriors will join the battle and will lead the guard’s Casualties are also rising rapidly.

Four hours after the battle of the orc army attacking the first line of defense, six hundred and sixty thousand fully-employed soldiers were killed in battle; in contrast, the orc army, less than one hundred thousand soldiers were killed, and its subsequent soldiers are still in flow Went to the battlefield.

On the battlefield where corpses bleed into rivers, most of the corpses belong to the Dragon Empire. The white uniforms worn by these fallen soldiers have long been stained with blood. They look so bright and dazzling.

The huge casualties and the aggressive offensive of the orc army forced the Assassis and others to wait and retreat to reduce their casualties as much as possible; another three hours passed and the army stepped back. The four troops have already withdrawn to the second line of defense.

The second line of defense with only 100,000 defensive forces, including the tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the Royal Legion, was able to successfully respond to the withdrawal of the former friendly forces, and used their defense advantage to temporarily block the orc army from the pursuit.

The biggest flaw of the second line of defense is its own lack of strength; after the stormy offensive of the orc army was officially launched, it took only more than two hours, and the second line of defense, which had over half of the casualties of the soldiers, completely fell apart.

The defeat of two successive lines of defense caused the coalition, which was not strong enough, to lose nearly 400,000 soldiers. At this time, after ten hours of fighting, the night finally came, and the orc army ended their attack today. .

In a day's battle, 380,000 soldiers were lost, and one third of the territory of Mengdan Province was lost. Such a loss is not a heavy one; after the detailed battle report was returned to the Governor's Palace that night, including Prince Gustav All military commanders in other countries believe that the strength of the orc army is too strong, and the coalition forces with insufficient strength should temporarily avoid their edge and cannot blindly die with the orc army.

In this regard, Bai Feng, who has always been reprimanded within the coalition, insisted on his decision to fight with the orc army in Mengdan province to the last soldier; Bai Feng's excessively fierce attitude has the consequences. Direct division within the coalition.

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