Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1358: "·Dilemma"

Music is the greatest gift from heaven to mankind. Only music can explain quietness and silence.

——Tchaikovsky (Russian composer, music educator)

"Your Majesty, judging from the battle report sent back by the Eastern Metropolitan Government, the main attacking method of the Wing Man is to throw a fine iron spear in flight, which is not unacceptable to us; as long as we can mobilize a large number of magicians , Should be able to inflict heavy damage on the wing man.

"Your Excellency Coulomb, yesterday I checked a history book in the History Museum dedicated to the war between the ancients and the winged people. It did record the battle example of our human army using magicians against the winged people; but then the magicians of the ancient times were not The magician now."

"Since the ancient magician can do it, the current magician can do it with a little training."

Seeing Duke Cullen's eloquent appearance, Duke Trass said no more. Whether the other Dukes agreed with Duke Cullen's opinion, he did not speak before he came up with a practical solution.

"Cullen, do you know how many magicians there are in the empire?" Charlie the Great, who had not spoken, suddenly said.

"Your Majesty, there are a total of 4,278 magicians in the military department of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The total number of magicians in the Guild of Wizards and the Imperial College should not be less than one hundred thousand, enough for the formation of the Empire. An army of magicians dedicated to dealing with wingmen."

"Is it?" Charlie the Great, who was increasingly dissatisfied with the recent inaction of the Duke of Coulomb, turned his head and said: "Prince, you said."

"Your Majesty, you, the total number of registered magicians in our empire is 163,954, of which the number of magic apprentices and junior magicians exceeds 100,000; the magicians we can actually use are actually Only 48,000."

"Your Majesty, 48,000 magicians, isn't it enough to form an army of magicians?" Duke Cullen was confused.

"It's enough for 48,000 magicians to form three corps of magicians, but are our enemies only winged?"

Duke Cullen, who responded in an instant, suddenly understood how stupid he had just asked. He quickly remedied: "Your Majesty, the minister means that we can first form a legion of magicians to deal with them specifically. Human training."

"Your Majesty." Duke Patel agreed with Duke Cullen's opinion: "The magicians of the ancient times were only trained to deal with the winged people; if the magicians of our empire are untrained, I am afraid they will still deal with it. No wing man."

"The formation of the Magician Legion was handed over to the Imperial Ministry to prepare." When Charlie the Emperor ordered, he did not look at the Duke of Columbine, which made the Duke of Cullen, who was already terrified, become more and more uneasy.

"What do you think of the armistice conditions proposed by the orc empire?"

In the face of the new question thrown by Charlie the Great, the ministers who did not know the conditions of the armistice did not dare to speak; everyone knew that even the heavily imperial army had been unable to fight again. If the war continued, the Empire would continue The losses will only get worse.

Even so, the notoriety of ceding the land for mercy is not the appointment of a minister willing to bear; moreover, the ministers do not yet know what the emperor thought in his mind. If the emperor’s thoughts are wrong in this kind of thing, it is not trouble. Playful.

The ministers' careful consideration of this point naturally concealed the emperor Charlie, which made him very helpless but unable to do anything. Why did the emperor call him a lonely one, not because he was too tall to stand alone?

"Patel, you are the prince of the empire. Do you think the empire has the strength to continue this war?"

"Your Majesty, the empire is not without the strength to continue the war, it just takes time to recruit soldiers and form an army."

"Old tyrannical cunning!" The other ministers also scolded inwardly. However, they also have to admit that what the Duke Patel said is really old-fashioned; no matter what the emperor with a heavy face thought, he was not at fault.

"Then you see, how long do we need to prepare to defeat the two million army of orcs and wingmen?"

"Your Majesty, the Empire has lost too much troops in the East this time. The reconstruction of the front-line legions will cost us at least two years of financial income; this is only the cost of rebuilding the various armies. The cost of combat power must be more."

"Patel, as you say, without three or five years of accumulation, will we not be able to defeat the orcs?"

The question of Emperor Charlie's tone increased, and the other ministers present felt a little tighter, except that Duke Patel's face did not change his face: "Your Majesty, even after three or five years of accumulation, we may not be able to defeat the orcs."

The Duke Patel, who has always been smooth, even said such a clear-cut statement on such a matter that is related to the national games, which really exceeded everyone's expectations; even Charles the Great himself looked at it with surprise. Duke Patel.

It seemed to me that what I said was not amazing enough, Duke Patel continued: "Your Majesty, in the humble opinion of the Wechen, the truce agreement proposed by the orc empire, the empire is not unacceptable; because once rejected, we may lose more than once Three provinces in the East."

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely impossible to mow the ground!" Duke Patel's words just ended, and the Foreign Secretary Duke Boris jumped out fiercely and said: "Since the establishment of my empire, it has never been the first to mow the ground. Endless suffering after opening!"

"Your Majesty, the orc's promise is not credible!" Duke Amble, the Secretary of the Interior, also opposed with a clear attitude: "Today they have easily obtained our three provinces, and tomorrow they will be able to measure, this case is absolutely impossible! "

Among the imperial ministers present, those who truly opposed the signing of the armistice agreement with the orc empire were the two foreign ministers and interior ministers; the silent military ministers, finance ministers, and justice ministers, in fact, the silent themselves have already represented their attitude.

The reason why the three of them disapproved of not signing the armistice agreement is also due to the fact that the military department of the Duke of Columbus, the military minister, has no army available. How can he oppose the signing of the armistice agreement? You know, the war needs the army to fight. Is the military department still qualified to continue the war?

The Minister of Finance, Duke Hammond’s Imperial Treasury, could not even get a gold coin out of poverty. Can he hope that the war of burning money will continue? The Duke of Atlas, his grandson, is the Prince of Pross in the province of Broyansong.

Emperor Charles, who was also entangled, saw that the heavy ministers were divided into two distinct groups, and his brows immediately wrinkled; at this time, it was meaningless to ask the opinion of the courtiers. He had to make his own choice. .

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