Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1361: "·Start Negotiation"

Youth is happy because it has a future.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

After a group of people came to the conference room in the Warlord’s Palace, Bai Feng took out two documents he had prepared and handed them to two people: "His Excellency Wisheim, His Royal Highness Prince Sainsbury, this was signed by His Majesty the Emperor of our country. For a copy of the Armistice Agreement, please see the two."

Wiesheim, who reached for the file, handed over one of them to Prince Sainsbury; this seemingly inadvertent little action made Bai Feng discover that Wiesheim and Prince Sainsbury The relationship between them does not seem to be divided up and down.

The two people glanced indifferently, without showing any abnormal Bai Feng, and asked the two people who had almost read the document and looked dull: "The two, this is the bottom line of His Majesty the Emperor of our country. Negotiate the premise of a truce."

"Sir General, are you kidding me?" The still calm Wisheim, however, seemed to be no longer friendly: "If your country is only willing to pay an essentially fallen Mengdan province as a price to negotiate a truce, Then we can't really talk about it."

"Your Excellency Wisheim, you may have misunderstood. The province of Mengdan is temporarily leased to the orc empire by our country. The rent is one gold coin per year for 50 years, not ceded to the orc empire; no compensation will be made without cutting the land, yes China’s bottom line cannot be changed!"

"Then fight." Prince Sainsbury who threw the document at the center of the conference table calmly said.

"If His Royal Highness wants to fight, he will serve as a companion in the end." Bai Feng, who is not afraid of war, does not want to be weak: "Eastern provinces are just a corner of our country. Even if we lose here, we still have strong strength. , With your country to the end."

Prince Sainsbury chuckled and said: "Then try it to see if your dragon's neck is hard or our orc's knife is fast; after today, my orc army will slaughter every city All the people in the city, kill your Tianlong people and bleed into a river!"

"My people in the Dragon Empire are not the lambs to be slaughtered. Even if the lives of a hundred people change your orc and a warrior, they can fight you to destroy the country. We can try to see if your orc cannot hold it first. Or our empire cannot hold it first!"

"Well, within three days, my army will not attack your city of Mendan; after three days, I will send you five million heads!"

Faced with the threat of Prince Sainsbury’s massacre, Bai Feng pretended to be a face of anger and anger. In fact, he did not take the threat of the other party’s massacre at all; when to pay attention to the people and when to ignore it People, his heart is clearer than anyone else.

"Will these five million people kill you 50,000 soldiers, we will wait and see!"

Seeing that the negotiations had reached the brink of collapse, Wisheim, who had previously believed that the conditions for the opening of the Dragon Empire were too sincere, had to come forward and round the road: "Two people, we can sit together today for the sake of reconciliation, not Why declare a war when you declare war?"

"Wisheim, it's not that I don't give you a face, it's their dragons who are too ignorant!" Prince Sainsbury's expression impatiently said: "In such a situation, let them cede three It’s our tolerance that we can save ourselves, but they don’t accept it!"

"Since the establishment of our Tianlong Empire, there has never been a precedent of ceding the land and summing up. Let us not say that our emperor, His Majesty, is unwilling to be the first emperor of the empire, that is, I and other imperial soldiers. Our hands are ceded!"

"Since you don't want to cut the ground, then we can only take it ourselves!"

Both of them were very firm in their attitudes, and their words were diametrically opposed. Wiesheim, who had a headache, could only persuade Bai Feng, who is in a disadvantageous position, "General, there is not much difference between lease and cession, Can't you give back one step?"

"My Excellency, it is not that I am unwilling to give in, but I have no right to give in." Bai Feng shouted: "It is the bottom line of our emperor that does not cut the land and pay money; even if I give in, without the consent of His Majesty the emperor, this The armistice agreement is just a piece of scrap paper."

"Your Excellency, the principles and bottom line of your country, we can understand and can respect your country; but respect is mutual after all, and your country should also respect the benefits that the orc empire deserves as a victor, do you say that? "

"Sir Elder, if you have anything to say, you don't have to turn around like this."

"Lord General, we are not unacceptable in the way of leasing, but your country only promises to lend a province of Mengdan too little."

Bai Feng had long expected that the orcs would never agree to the conditions he proposed. In the face of Wisheim's bargaining, he did not refuse bluntly, but pretended to think for a moment before saying: "The orcs want to rent a few provinces. ?"

"At least five!" Prince Sainsbury said immediately: "The difference between the nature of the lease and the cession is too large, and there is a fifty-year time limit; if it is leased, there must be five provinces to be able to communicate with To cede the three provinces to equal."

"Impossible!" Bai Feng's attitude is even more fierce: "The nature of leasing and ceding is indeed different, but it has no slight impact on the interests of the orc empire; if you take this as a threat, then our negotiations will stop here. !"

"You!" Prince Sainsbury was on the verge of running away again, fortunately he was caught by Wisheim sitting next to him.

"My excellency, the five provinces are indeed a bit exaggerated, so how many provinces are appropriate in your opinion?"

"Your elder, you have also seen the conditions imposed by His Majesty the Emperor. Although I am the negotiator in charge personally appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, my actual power is very small; I can promise you to rent to the orcs. Only two provinces!"

"General!" Wisheim said in a more serious tone: "The condition for the initial opening of His Royal Highness is that your country should cede the three provinces; now you propose to change the cession to a lease, I can help you persuade your prince, But the number of leases cannot really be less than the number of cedes!"

"My Excellency, it’s not that I don’t understand your good intentions, but I really don’t have the power to do so! I promised to rent two lines to the orc empire without authorization. It was a concession I made at the risk of my life; maybe, this truce As soon as the agreement is signed, I will become the most notorious traitor of our empire. Whether the emperor will take my head for this is unknown!"

"Lord General, if a talent like you can't survive in the Dragon Empire, we Wing Humans welcome you at any time; I assure you of the reputation of the Wing Humans elders, as long as you are willing to work for our Wing Humans, I will do everything I can All your needs!"

Wiesheim's too direct draw, not only made Bai Feng froze, but even Prince Sainsbury, who was with him, was shocked.

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