Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1365: "·Cause of Genocide"

What needs to be considered is not the darkness of others, not the darkness of the world, but the darkness in one's own heart.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

With the wild beast sword Saint Douglas as a medium, the originally tense relationship between Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury eased a lot; after the two armistice agreements were signed, Bai Feng held it in the banquet room next door to the conference room. Had a small banquet.

Not many people attended the banquet, except Bai Feng, Prince Sainsbury and Wisheim, there was only one more wild beast sword Saint Douglas; the moment I saw Prince Sainsbury, Douglas' excitement was overwhelming.

Perhaps all orc races have a heartfelt reverence for their Bimont royalty, so the moment Douglas saw Prince Sainsbury, his face was only unabashedly excited And respect.

Prince Sainsbury, who still felt a little elusive before, also behaved like an orc when he saw Douglas; he stood upright in front of Douglas, and after Douglas saluted, he gave Douglas an instant bear hug.

Looking at the two people who thumped each other's back, even Bai Feng had to admit that the emotions between the orcs were still very pure and pure; the joy of reunion for a long time naturally needs the companionship of fine wine and wine, Bai Feng's The Governor's Mansion is just not short of wine and wine.

Rum in the north of the empire, wine in the south of the empire, spirits imported from the Kingdom of Deman, horse milk captured from various parts of the grassland, all kinds of wine, bottle after bottle, were poured into the belly by two people. It's exactly like a wine barrel.

Compared with these two cattle drinkers, a small glass of Wisheim is more lenient, and Bai Feng, who sits opposite Wisheim, smiled and asked him: "My elder, my here How is the wine, but can it suit your taste?"

"The general's drinks are really delicious, but if the drinker does not care about drinking, how good is the white wine?"

"The Wingren family joined the war for one day, and helped the orcs win the war without losing a soldier. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"It is the orc empire that won the war, not our winged human race, what am I satisfied with?"

Bai Feng, who has long noticed that Wisheim is not right, did not ask too much at the banquet. He just talked about some trivial things with Wisheim and waited until Prince Sainsbury and Douglas drank a lot. After getting drunk, the banquet is over.

A team of guards in the Warlord's Palace sent the drunken two to the backyard room, and Bai Feng returned to the study room with Wisheim; this time, in order to avoid disturb, five flaming swords guards Outside the study.

"Sir Elder, now you can tell me, why did your Wings become an ally of the orcs?"

After a slight sigh, Wisheim was surprised and lost: "General, do you know the history of our Wings?"

"Slightly know one or two, but they are all hearsay, not enough to believe."

"Unbelievable? You can't believe it." Wisheim smiled unclearly, and admitted frankly: "In the history book biography of your human race, our wing human race should have been annihilated ten thousand years ago, right? "

"From the day you appeared on the battlefield half a month ago, the conclusions in the history books have become rumors that have been passed down for thousands of years."

"No, in fact, there is nothing wrong in your history book. Ten thousand years ago, our wing people were indeed almost extinct; at that time, our wing people were in their heyday, with ten million people, but they were slaughtered overnight. There are only more than one hundred old and weak left.”

"How is this possible?!" Bai Feng was shocked at once. He has seen the combat power of the Wing Human Race with his own eyes. The Wing Man Warrior has an unparalleled flying advantage, not to mention a million people, that is, one hundred thousand Wing Man Warriors are a terrible force.

"Do you know how many enemies massacred our thousands of people overnight?"

"It's unimaginable." Bai Feng, who didn't even understand how to deal with the winged soldiers, guessed that he didn't know how.

"Twelve, just twelve enemies who fell from the sky, almost killed our winged people." Wisheim's calm voice, but said, like a thunder, he exploded Baifeng like a thunderbolt.

Bai Feng, who froze for a few seconds before responding, said incredulously: "Even if it is a stronger person above the sacred class, it is impossible to rely on only twelve people to kill millions of wing humans overnight. Wing man?"

"What if they weren't humans at all?" Wisheim's words were simply amazing.

"They are not human? Are they descending from the sky?" Bai Feng flashed in his head, blurting out, "The enemy you are talking about will not be the angel described in the Light Holy Bible?"

"As far as I know, the Dragon Empire should not be a kingdom that believes in light gods; and your General Bai Feng has an irreconcilable contradiction with the Holy See, otherwise there will be a lot of dark parliament holy around you. What about the powerhouse?"

"How do you know those Juggernauts are people of the Dark Council?" Bai Feng, who is not surprised, is curious but inevitable.

"The Dark Council is an organization that believes in dark gods. The temper they cultivated contains very obvious dark attributes. Just like the five powerful swordsmen under your command, they should believe in a fire god. ?"

Although Wisheim used a speculative tone, his expression was very firm; it is impossible to explain Bai Feng, the origin of the flaming sword saint, but he did not deny his speculation, which was regarded as his default.

"Whether it is the Dark Council or the pagans who believe in the gods of the fire department, they are the dead enemies of the Light Holy See, and the winged human race behind you is also the object of the Light Holy See to get rid of it; presumably, this is the reason why you came to me Right."

"General, you should understand that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Our enemy is an unfathomable bright church. If we do not unite, the result will be that they will be defeated one by one, and no one can escape the death of the dead."

Faced with Wisheim's rendering, Bai Feng was unimpressed: "It is not impossible to form an alliance, but I will not form an alliance with strange objects."

"General, if you like, I can take you to see the survival of our Wings in the east of the sunset mountains; only if you see the living environment of our Wings in person can you understand why we should fight the orcs , We have no choice."

"Sir Elder, I believe in your sincerity in forming alliances, but I will also be responsible for my existing alliances; when the orcs withdraw from the army, you can leave a team of winged human warriors, and I will personally pass after the ditch through the dark council Lead the team to visit the nobles."

"Okay, then I will wait for the Lord to come in the family."

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