Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1368: "Before and after redemption"

Sincere agreements between relatives and close friends must be preserved in an unswerving friendship.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

There seems to be only a first-level difference between Cardinal Cardinal and Cardinal White, but in fact the status is quite different; in the system of the Holy See, the Bishop of the Cardinal level is indeed the backbone of the Holy See to strengthen the spread and consolidation of its faith, but it is not The core of the Holy See.

The Cardinal Cardinal who manages a bishopric and the Cardinal Archbishop in charge of the decision-making power of the Holy See are the true core of power of the Holy See. The status of the Innocent Archbishop, who has entered the core of the Holy See, is naturally different from the past.

The Cardinal, who was fully responsible for the affairs of the Dragon Empire, sent a high-powered Cardinal to lead the redemption of the Paladin on the front line of Meng Dan, which is enough to show that the Holy See attaches great importance to this matter and they redeem themselves. The determination to capture the Paladin.

By the time Archbishop Innocent drove with the Holy See to Mendan City, the Orc Army outside Mendan City had only 500,000 left; all the prisoners of war previously captured by the Orc Army were now released by the Orc Army.

In order to entertain Archbishop Innocent from afar, Bai Feng specially held a large banquet in the Warlord's Mansion. In addition to the generals under Bai Feng's command, there were also some people from all over the province of Mengdan. Asylum nobility.

Archbishop Innocent, who gave a smile like a spring breeze, did not show anxiety at the banquet. Instead, he always calmed the asylum nobles who could not bear to complain; he did not take the initiative until the banquet was over. Bai Feng.

When Innocent served as the Cardinal in Llorente, he had always had a good relationship with the Bai family in charge of Llorente; the injury that Bai Feng suffered was that he personally healed the secret law of the Holy See, so Bai Feng Northon's look is still very good.

In the face of the Archbishop Innocent who came to the door on his own initiative, Bai Feng upheld the principle of only saying what he should say, and told him some well-known things about the wing man; he did not have much useful information, but he was still a pair Thank you very much.

After sending off the handsome Archbishop Innocent, Bai Feng, who had previously chatted with the other party and laughed, frowned tightly, and arched his brow tightly; Archbishop Innocent's overly calm attitude made him a little alert, and some said no Anxiety of unclear cleansing.

One night without words, the next morning, the Archbishop Innocent, who changed into a red cardinal's robe, changed to a small hill outside the east gate of Mengdan City, waiting for him under the guard of the twelve Paladins. The appointed wing man came.

Archbishop Innocent, whose red cloak fluttered with the wind, stood at the highest point of the hill, giving Baifeng, who was standing on the wall of the city, a sense of unspeakable heavyness; fortunately, Baifeng didn’t watch for so long. Wing Man flew.

At least 30,000 winged warriors, where they fly are a large part of the sky, like a continuous cloud of clouds; when the dense winged warriors land on this hill, the guards are in Innocent The Paladins around them pulled out their weapons subconsciously.

The only person who didn't change his face was Archbishop Innocent, who had a faint smile on his face from beginning to end; Wisheim, who was very jealous when he met the enemy, had no peace of mind. He looked at the archbishop in red. Innocent in robe, his eyes were full of anger.

What exactly was going on between Wisheim and Innocent, Bai Feng, who was too far apart, had no way of knowing, but Archbishop Innocent took out four space rings at one time and gave it to Elder Wiesheim. Seen clearly by Bai Feng.

With 30 million gold coins to redeem a captured paladin who has become a waste person, the valiantness of the Holy See is not great; even Bai Feng, who has no affection for the Holy See, has to admit that if he is the Holy See People will also be willing to die for such an organization.

After successfully getting what he wanted, Wisheim did not stay for a minute, and took the winged soldiers under his command to the sky; when they disappeared completely into the sky, a small team carried the Paladin John’s Wing talent slowly appeared in the sky.

The paladin John, formerly commander of the tens of thousands of knights, has become a sloppy and crippled man with dry blood all over his body; the twisted left arm and shoulder-shouldered right arm are enough to prove that he suffered during his capture What kind of inhuman torture.

Looking at the terrible John, Archbishop Innocent didn’t say much, but asked the two Paladins to come and support him on the already prepared warhorse; after the group returned to Mondan City, Archbishop Innocent didn’t say much, Take John directly to his room.

Twelve Paladin guards were waiting outside the room of Archbishop Innocent, and this room immediately became the most heavily guarded place in the Warlord's Mansion; even Bai Feng, the master, could not get close to this room.

After two hours passed, Archbishop Innocent walked out of the room still had a gentle smile on his face, but the fatigue between his eyebrows could not be concealed anyway; it was obvious that Archbishop Innocent was saving John once again performed the secret art of the Holy See.

John, who followed Archbishop Innocent out of the room, still had the **** broken knightly armor, but his twisted left wing had returned to normal; more shockingly, his shoulder was cut off The right arm has appeared on the right shoulder intact!

How powerful the secret art of the Holy See is. The guards of the Warlord's House witnessed it for the first time; from then on, they looked at Archbishop Innocent with a trace of strangeness and repulsion, and a trace of worship and awe.

After redeeming the Paladin John, Archbishop Innocent did not stay in the city of Mondan for too long, but after a night of rest, he took the injured John and the twelve Paladins to bid farewell to Bai Feng and left Mondan City.

On the afternoon that Archbishop Innocent and his party were sent away, Bai Feng received the armistice agreement bearing the seal of Emperor Charlie sent back by Knight Leizhe; in the evening, Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury exchanged another armistice agreement At this point, the war is officially declared over.

The orc army that still surrounds Mengdan City will be withdrawn within three days. The Tianlong army stationed in Mengdan City will need to withdraw from Mengdan Province within one month; the garrison matters in Lyon and Toulon Provinces also It needs to be arranged within one month.

At this time, Bai Feng only realized that the commander of the orc army in Mondeng Province, which was left by Prince Sainsbury, was Doug Boda, the clan brother of Beast Sword Saint Douglas; in this way, the Eastern Metropolitan Government and the orcs The peace between them is an additional layer of insurance.

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