Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1374: "·Mongolian Tribe"

All stubborn depression and anxiety are enough to open the door to various diseases.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

At the beginning of next month, the weapons and equipment currently produced by the Leiyun Base Equipment Manufacturing Center will be shipped directly to Broyangsong City and handed over to the logistics department of the Military Department of the Metropolitan Government; then, the logistics department will follow the priority level Distribute it.

The standing armies that can't be divided into good weapons and equipment for the time being are all temporarily made up of non-standard weapons and equipment; most of these weapons and equipment come from battlefield recovery, and they can still be used after simple repairs of.

Bai Feng spent three days in the Thunder Cloud Base. At noon on the fourth day, after reviewing the large-scale Thunder Cloud Knights, he took his servants to leave the Thunder Cloud Base and used the teleportation array to go to the Northern Empire. Jurchen tribe on the grassland.

The Jurchen tribe, which was still ruined a few years ago, has shown a thriving scene of prosperity after these years of development; groups of cattle and sheep, endless business trips, noisy and noisy sales, all telling The prosperity and harmony here.

This rich grassland is the main habitat of the Jurchen tribe, and also the place where the two yellow flags and the two blue flags are stationed; the two red flags and the two white flags are scattered in the grasslands farther away, and serve as a perimeter alert for the tribe’s habitat. force.

The Roman battalions of Agis, the shogunate camp of Goto Kiji, the shogunate battalion of Wink, and the five military camps of Leonardo, these four Baifeng elite troops staying in the Jurchen tribe, have been with two yellow flags and two blue flags Staying together plays a variety of roles in their stay here.

Returning to Baifeng of the Jurchen tribe, this trip has three purposes: first, look at the development of the Jurchen tribe, so as to decide whether to rebuild the Shenshu camp that has been overwhelmed by the whole army; second, observe that Dorgon and others have No unreasonable ambitions were born in order to decide whether they should be beaten; third, check the control of Alexander and Antico on the two red flags in order to decide whether to draw troops from here.

After returning to this fairly familiar grassland, Bai Feng did not immediately find Dorgon, the supreme ruler of the Jurchen tribe, but first came to Agis and others to understand the Jurchen from these years. Tribal development and change.

"Aguis, when I came, I saw two blue flag cavalry on the outskirts of the prairie. After entering the camp, I found that there were still a lot of cavalry in the two blue flag camps; these two blue flag cavalry. Has the scale been further expanded?"

"Princess, in these years when you were away, the Tianlong and Eight Banners under the banner of the New Eight Banners developed rapidly under the leadership of Dolgun; not only Jianzhou Jurchens and large tribes came to surrender, even the Hercynian Jurchens and Savages There are a lot of Jurchen tribes who have come to trust."

Aegis's answer puzzled Bai Feng. He continued to ask: "Jianzhou Jurchen has a tribe that can't survive. It's reasonable to come to surrender, but Hercynian Jurchen and Savage Jurchen are far away from here. They Why did you come to Dorgon?"

"Princess, in the past two years, there has been a major event in the thirteenth part of the grassland. The Shiwei tribe, which has always been weak, suddenly emerged a strong branch called "Mongolia"; this newly emerged branch actually swallowed the weaker than the strong. Shiwei tribe, their main vein."

"From the beginning of the Whale-Shiwei tribe, the Mongolian tribe formally replaced the Shiwei tribe as one of the thirteen new grasslands. Shortly afterwards, the aggressive Mongolian tribe launched successive campaigns against Xianbei, Rongdi, Rouran, The war of five tribes, including Qianghu and Sushen."

In fact, as soon as Bai Feng heard the name “Mongolian tribe” that shocked him, he already had an answer in his heart, but he still asked Aguis: “How was the result?”

"Whether it is the Xianbei tribe fighting hard, or the two joint Rongdi tribe and Qianghu tribe, they have fallen under the Mongolian iron ride; the weaker Roran tribe and Sushen tribe are even worse, direct The entire tribe was slaughtered by the Mongols!"

"To slaughter the entire tribe?!" Bai Feng, also countless killing the enemy, was shocked by these six words.

"Princess, according to rumors on the grassland, all the men whose height is higher than the wheels of the Roran and Sushen tribes were killed by the Mongols, and the remaining women and children were annexed by the Mongols into their own tribes. This is also the consistent expansion of the grassland tribe."

"What about the defeated Xianbei, Rongdi, and Qianghu tribes?"

"Princess, after the defeat of these three tribes, they became a vassal tribe of the Mongols and became part of the Mongolian tribe."

Bai Feng closed his eyes silently for a long time without speaking. After a while, he said in a low voice: "In this way, this Mongolian tribe has become the six grassland tribes of Shiwei, Xianbei, Rongdi, Qianghu, Sushen and Roran. Consortium?"

"No, protagonist, this Mongolian tribe is far more powerful than you might think of the six grassland tribe consortium!" Aguis explained to Bai Feng with a solemn face: "Half a month ago, a patrol of Zhenghongqi was in Three hundred miles away, I saw with my own eyes that three hundred Mongolian cavalry slaughtered a medium-sized tribe with a population of more than ten thousand in one battle; the three thousand ordinary grassland cavalry, ten to one are not opponents of the Mongolian cavalry!"

Guess the Mongolian Tieqi is very powerful, but I did not expect them to be so powerful as Baifeng, and their brows are almost wrinkled together: "The trace of the Mongolian cavalry was found three hundred miles away. Doesn’t it mean that the Mongolians are Go south?"

"The hero, the Haixi Jurchen and the Savage Jurchen, north of Jianzhou Jurchen, were forced to retreat to the south by the Mongolian Tieqi."

"Since Mongolian Tieqi is gradually going south, what countermeasures have Nadorkun adopted here?"

"The protagonist, Dorgon originally expanded Tianlong Baqi at the speed of one thousand fine rides every six months. After learning about the existence of the Mongolian tribe, he continued to expand at the rate of 3,000 cavalry per month; half a month ago, Tianlong Baqi every Qi’s cavalry reached 18,000."

"What about these two months? What did he do?" Bai Feng was not angry about Dorgon's self-assertion.

"In the past half month, Dorgon first added 7,000 cavalry to each flag in one breath, and then issued a build-up order to all the young and capable horsemen in this camp; the cavalry that has been assembled now has about ten Ten thousand or so."

"How many of the 200,000 cavalry in the Eight Banners can be regarded as elite?"

"The hero, except for the elite 12,000 cavalry per flag is elite, other cavalry supplements are recruited directly from the shepherds; these ordinary cavalry, bow horses are naturally skilled, but compared with the eight flags cavalry There is indeed a gap in combat strength."

"With these 100,000 fine rides, it means that he has done his best." Bai Feng did not say who this ‘he’ is, but Agis knew.

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