Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1389: "·Alienation Plan·Up"

Fully understand the past, we can figure out the status quo; profoundly understand the significance of the past, we can reveal the meaning of the future; looking backward, is moving forward.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

After an unhappy dinner, Bai Feng was temporarily placed in a large white tent by Huang Taiji, while Du Du and Nikan each had a gray tent; the arch guard was outside these three military tents. It is the camp tent of the soldiers of the Eight Banners.

Near midnight, Bai Feng, who was ready for everything, let Bai San and Bai Si go to Dudu's camp, and Bai Wu went to Nikan's camp; only one, two, Maxi, and Dane were left in the huge military account. When the five people, Er and Bai Sheng, officially entered the implementation phase.

As the most powerful flaming sword saint, Bai Yi's mission is to guard Bai Feng's safety in the military account. Maxi, Darnell, and Bai Sheng are not even saint-level strongmen. It is difficult to perform with limited strength. Can only assume the task of vigilance around the military account.

The soldiers responsible for the night watch outside the military account are the 400 elite knights of the two red flags and the two blue flags; these 400 knights are divided into two groups, one group is commanded by Commander Maxi within 50 meters of the military account , A group patrolled by Commander Darnell 100 meters away from the military account.

Bai Sheng, with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, stood at the door of the military tent and used his sturdy body to block the tent's door tightly and tightly; the only Bai Er who did not have a task was actually the most important to perform. The mission went.

At present, the most prestigious of the Aixinjueluo family is the Aixinjueluo Bayala, which Dudu and Nikan demanded from the Taiji tonight; this man is the brother of Nurhaci, the founder of the Manchu Eight Banners, and he is also famous. The Qingbatulu has unparalleled influence among the upper echelons of the Jianzhou Jurchen and ordinary people. It can be said that the Jianzhou Jurchen is the most threatening person of the Emperor Taiji today.

For such a pro-uncle who can threaten his sweat position, if there is a chance, Huang Taiji will certainly not hesitate to remove it; unfortunately, Huang Taiji, who has been waiting hard for more than two years, has not waited for the right time. Opportunity.

Fortunately, Bayara is not a person who does not know the current affairs. In the years when Huang Taiji ruled Jianzhou Nuzhen, no matter how Huang Taiji strengthened its own power, no matter how Huang Taiji deprived the members of the Aixinjueluo family, He pretends to be silly and ignorant.

Bayara's long history of not asking about things made Huang Taiji gradually relax his vigilance; until this evening's banquet, Dudu and Nikan's request made Huang Taiji aware of Bayala's threat to himself again. Only then did the banquet break up.

Bai Er’s mission is to take advantage of the night to sneak into the Bayarra’s camp and bring Bayarala into Bai Feng’s military account; with Bai Er’s strength second only to Bai Yi’s strength, even Jianzhou Nvzhen is the strongest Saint The strong man worships, not his opponent. Naturally, some of the celebrity servants around Bayara are not to mention, and it is not a difficult task for Bai Er to want to quietly take Bayara.

Twenty minutes after leaving the camp, Bai Er held his hands and stunned Bayala to return to the camp and said: "Princess, the patrol guards outside the tent of Bayala will have someone enter the tent every fifteen minutes. I just It took three minutes to bring back Bayala."

"Well, wake him up first." Bai Feng nodded and ordered.

Waking up, Bayara saw Bai Feng standing next to him and Bai Er, who had just shot him, did not panic, but calmly took care of his messy clothes, and then said: "I don’t know General Bai Feng invited the contempt to come here late at night. What is the so-called thing?"

"Baya La Belle, at the banquet tonight, the true feelings of the Dudu and Nikon brothers were revealed. I wonder how you feel?"

"I don't doubt the filial piety of their brothers, and I understand that there must be some advice from them; otherwise, no matter how reckless Du Du would be, it would be embarrassing to the emperor Taiji in public, and Nikang is a calm person who will not do anything. "Bayarap has a shrewdness to see through everything.

"Now that you have seen through, then I will not tell the secret words." Bai Feng said directly to the preacher: "I want to invite you to our Tianlong Eight Banners, if you want, I can even let you be the Khan of the Tianlong Eight Banners."

"General Bai Feng, my Jianzhou Jurchen has been severely split twice in your hands. If I help you to split again, the result of the efforts of the generations of the I love Xinjueluo family will really be buried in you. In your hand."

"Your Excellency Bayara, you should understand the truth that the situation is stronger than others; nowadays, whether the former Jianzhou Eight Banners and Tianlong Eight Banners are more representative of the Jianzhou Jurchen, or the latter are more representative of the Jurchen, I think you should compare I know better."

"Only from the identity of the flag master, the Tianlong and Baqi are indeed more representative of the Jianzhou Jurchen under the rule of the Aixinjueluo family, but how about that?" Bayara spoke sarcastically and asked: "Lost freedom Grassland eagle, what's the point of being alive?"

Bai Feng said in a low voice: "The significance of Gou's life is that no matter how tragic death can only bring destruction, but Gouhuo can bring survival; only by living in the future can there be infinite hope, if even the living people are gone. , Can that tribe have a future?"

"If you really think that our Jianzhou Eight Banners have no future, how can you come to allies with us in danger?"

"My alliance targets are not only Jianzhou Eight Banners, but also the surnames of Haixi, Yeren and Tiele. This is just my preparation for our Tianlong Eight Banners to resist the Mongolian tribes going south, and it can't represent anything."

"It can represent anything, but nothing, I will not betray my own tribe." Bayara bluntly refused Bai Feng's solicitation: "My guards will go to the camp to check on time. If they find me not, they will Take action immediately."

"Sleeping in your own military account, you still need your confidant guards to check in on time; Your Excellency is the Jianzhou Baqi Baylor, but why live so carefully?" Bai Feng smiled and said: "I am more curious , What action can they take?"

"General Bai Feng, this is the internal affairs of my Eight Banners in Jianzhou, so I won't worry about you.

Faced with Bayar’s third rejection, Bai Feng silenced for a moment, and then bid again: “Your Excellency, Bayarra, as long as you return to my Heavenly Dragon and Eight Banners, except that you are the first king of the Heavenly Dragon and Eight Banners. In addition, I can promise you that all the members of the Aixinjueluo family who are willing to follow you down are real-power shellfish, and ordinary members are real-power Taiji!"


Bayala immediately interrupted Bai Feng when he wanted to refuse: "The real power shellfish, each led 15 cattle records, and the real power Taiji, each led five cattle records; such conditions are enough for you to love Xinjue. The Luo family is stronger than the Nurhaci era."

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