Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1392: "·Alienation Plan·Continuation"

People don’t just live for love; do all men’s goals are to control a certain woman, and are all women’s goals to control a certain man? Never!

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

"Five Uncles, your old virtue is highly respected by my love of the Xinjueluo family. Why did you follow the three brothers together and play tricks with them?" The Huang Taiji, who was discussing the matter of going south with the five ministers in the camp, was asked by Hauge. Bayara, who came to the camp, smiled and asked.

It has long been seen that the true face of the Emperor Taiji, Bayarra, is naturally impossible to be fooled by the hypocritical surface of the Emperor Taiji. He just calmly said: "Khan, the deputy capital of Zhenghuangqi, and Volha have committed disrespect for Zhubele and Taiji following the press. The law should be capital punishment."

"Five Uncles, Father Khan, and the laws that were set with Zhu Baile at the meeting of the Minister of Parliament, were not very applicable to today's Jianzhou Jurchen, so Ben Khan has been considering revising the laws these days. "The Emperor Taiji mentioned the revision of the law at the same time: "It happened that Uncle you mentioned the law today. It would be better to stay together and give us an idea."

Seeing that his elder brother first created the Manchuria Eight Banners, the law enacted with Zhu Baile was to be tampered with by Huang Taiji. Even if Bayar knew in his heart that Huang Taiji would not really punish Volha, he still did what Huang Taiji did. I feel extremely disappointed.

"Khan, the senior minister is very old, I am afraid it is powerless." The middle-aged Bayara refused on such grounds.

"Since Wushu doesn't want to worry about such trivial matters, then Khan will not embarrass you." This is just a fake and polite Huang Taiji, returning to the topic: "According to our new new law, the following commits It’s a big crime, but it’s better to be guilty of bullying an official!”

Bayara asked very frankly: "How does King Yihan think that the following offenders should be sentenced? How should the prince deceive the officials?"

"The deputy capital of Zhenghuang Banner is Vorha, and he was punished as a fine for three months, and he was removed from office to observe the aftereffects. Mangguertai and other Zhubele and Taiji deceived the officials to be bad. It’s a first offense to remember that they can be exempted from this punishment and changed to imprisonment for three months."

"Khan, Amin's knighthood was first Khan Qinfeng, but he was exchanged for war power and blood, and he was cut to the rank of knight for only one count of deceiving the officer, which is unfair." On this matter, La uncharacteristically refuted Huang Taiji.

"Five Uncles, I have just said that if you are a first offender, you don't have to cut the rank of Jazz, you only need to be confined for three months."

Looking at the emperor Taiji, who was determined, Bayala's last hope finally broke, he took a deep breath, raised his head and smiled, "Since the King of Khan has already decided, then I will not say more."

"Five Uncles, you are so old-fashioned, I love the Xinjue Luo family's great giants. In the future, the Jianzhou women's affairs will have to bother you a lot!" The most aware of the clan's dignitaries, Congo Belle Bayara, Huang Taiji Never skimp on your own beautiful words.

After Bayara left the camp, the emperor Tai Chi, who suddenly became colder, asked Ho Heli at the bottom left: "How did Volha report, why all Baylor and Taiji followed Bayara Around?"

"Master Qiqi, Volha reported that he found Bayalah's confidant guards arson, and quickly sent troops to suppress these troublesome guards; as a result, he just suppressed the troubled guards and saw Ba Yala appeared with a large number of Baylor and Taiji."

"Where were the Bayara themselves when these guards were making trouble?"

"The exact location where Volha did not know, but Zuo Ling of the Zhengbai Banner reported that they saw Bayara walking out of Baifeng's camp during the night patrol." He Heli reported everything he knew, originally reported Give Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji, whose face became difficult to look at instantly, Shen Sheng asked: "Is Bayara coming out of Baifeng's camp alone, or is someone following him? What about those Baylor and Taiji, and why are they? Will you follow Bayara?"

"Master, when Zuoling of Zhengbaiqi saw Bayara, he was surrounded by four people wearing Belle suits, but who was it because the sky was too dark to see clearly; as for why other Belle and Taiji would follow By Bayara, the minions have not yet been investigated."

"Then send more people to check, we must find out why they are mixed together!" Huang Taiji ordered to He Heli.

"Minions obey!"

"Huerhan, you will tune ten cattle records from Huanghuangqi tonight, and show me all the imprisoned Baylor and Taiji; once they have any wrongdoing, the guards have the right to cut first and then play. One of them is out of control!"

"Minions obey!"

"An Feiyanggu, from tonight, as long as Bai Feng is still in our camp for a day, you are responsible for staring at his camp account, and never let anyone get close; anyone who tries to approach his camp account will immediately catch up. Interrogation!"

"Minions obey!"

The five ministers with different missions left the camp account successively. After all of them left, Huang Taiji drew a sheepskin roll full of characters from the bottom of his desk case; this sheepskin roll is Aixinjueluo Genealogy of the family!

Since the second column below the Takshi, the names of Nurhaci, Murhaqi, Shulhazi, and Yarhazy have been drawn in the red circle, except that only one Bayara remains here. Columns; in the third column, there are many names marked by red circles.

In addition to Chu Ying, Altona, Zasaktu and other members of the Aisinjuelo family members who have already died, the names of the members of the Aisinjueluo family members such as Azige, Dolgon and Duduo are also drawn on the red circle However, these are not all.

Among the brothers of Huang Taiji, six people, such as Abai, Mangguertai, Dege, Abata, Tanggu, and Tabai, were marked with a lighter red circle; in the end, this color was slightly lighter What the red circle represents, only Huang Taiji knows.

Huang Taiji, who picked up a pen again, hesitated for a moment, and put the tip of the pen into the red ink beside the black ink; soon, the eleven sons of Murhazi and the seven survivors of Shulhaqi The son, nine sons of Bayara were drawn in red circles one by one.

That night, dozens of bloodsheds occurred in the Jianzhou Nuzhen camp; the arrogant members of the family members of the Aixinjueluo family, in the face of the punishment of the improper law of the Huang Taiji, all chose to be indignant. And rebelled, but the arm always couldn't screw the thigh.

The yellow flag-bearing commander Huerhan personally took out 20 cavalry soldiers and killed all Belle and Taiji guards who dared to resist; only those Belle and Taiji who lost their last reliance were killed. The cavalry with yellow flags were held in the camp.

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