Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1397: "·The fog is heavy"

This is the case of genius. Working for life will become genius!

-Mendeleev (Russian scientist)

Not long after the red flag was put into the camp, a dozen old men hiding in various hidden places were found in the camp; they did not conceal their identities, but they didn’t ask Antioch what they asked. I would like to say the reasons for the migration of the Luo people.

What is the population of Tongluo? How many commanders can ride archery? Why did they give up their camp and migrate northeastward? One after another mystery without an answer lingered in Bai Feng's heart, giving him a feeling of restlessness.

The Zhenghong flag, which attacked the investigation, came back with nothing. They failed to find any traces of horses and horses on the periphery of the camp, and even the traces of the Luo people’s migration to the northeast were found twenty miles away from the camp. Artificially covered up.

Judging from the integrity of the camp, the Tong Luo people should not give up their original camps for more than ten days; in this short ten-day period, the Tong Luo people with at least hundreds of thousands of people are How to achieve the whole migration without leaving traces?

Too many mysteries, thicker and deeper mists, trapped Bai Feng in place like invisible shackles; he desperately wants to break these shackles, seeing the truth behind the mist, but he can’t find it The key to solving these mysteries.

After nightfall, Bai Feng, who was still clueless, let Adrien and Ivan, who had been with him, shoot out; Adrien, the leader of the battlefield, and Ivan, the shadow killer, did not have the ability to torture and confess Of cavalrymen.

Adrien and Ivan, who were ordered to interrogate the elderly of the Luo ethnic group, first divided the sixteen elderly people into two camps connected to each other; then, they deployed a large number of them within a hundred meters of the camp. Battlefield ghost and shadow killer.

Although there were no two red flag cavalry within 500 meters of the two camps, the screams from time to time in the camp still spread to the ears of the two red flag cavalry along the breeze under the night.

After more than an hour of brutal interrogation, eleven of the sixteen Luo people have turned into corpses of flesh and blood, and the five people who were lucky to survive are all traumatized by bruises and scars. They barely live to see the next morning The possibility of sunrise.

Adrien, with an indisputable blood on his body, reported to Bai Fenghui: "Princess, although these people bite the migration with the Luo ethnic group as a result of the persecution of the Mongolian tribes south, but the humble office feels that their confession is not credible. "

"Is the confession of all 16 of them the same?"

"At the beginning, each of them had a different confession. After punishment one by one, their confession changed a few times, and eventually they even gave the exact same confession. Obviously, either what they said was the truth, or they were deliberately misleading we."

"So, do you and Ivan think they are deliberately misleading us?"

"The protagonist, the interrogation process was too smooth. Didn't the Luo tribe even have a person willing to die for their own tribe? What's more, these people are old men who haven't had much time. Why do they want to breathe for their stubbornness? And betray your own tribe?"

Seeing that Adrien said almost, Ivan added, "The protagonist, these sixteen people are elderly people with limited mobility, and at the same time they were discovered by our cavalry, and the confessions spoken were also the same; all of this even Together, the meaning is too strong."

"Whether you want to cover up, there will be an answer soon, and Tu Qian will always see it afterwards." Bai Feng said gloomyly.

Bai Feng, who had almost determined that he had fallen into the trap of others, immediately ordered Adrien and Ivan: "You two each led fifty subordinates to the Jianzhou Jurchen cavalry camp, and put Bei Heqi and Taiji under his command. Let me watch it!"

"Protagonist, if Bei Heqi and his subordinate have a change in Taiji, can we take them down?" Ivan asked.

"If they have any changes, you can control them first; if necessary, you can cut them first and then play!"

"Nuo!" Adrien and Ivan turned and left the camp.

"Maxi and Darnell, you should immediately order Alexander and Antico to let them each leave 10,000 cavalry to spend the night in the camp. All other cavalry will be sent outside the camp to take turns to patrol the night. You must not give anything hidden in the dark. The enemy can take advantage of it!"


"White four, white five, you immediately rush to order Du Du and Nikan, let them beware of the 20,000 cavalry under Bei and Qi, but don't let Bei and Qi be aware; after the order, you two will stay in Du. Doho and Nikon are around to protect them."


Bai Feng took out a slightly rudimentary map and pointed to the red dotted line above to ask Bai San: "Bai San, you have to run 300 kilometers in full speed in this direction. How long does it take to go back and forth?"

"The hero, six hours is enough without considering consumption!"

"I'll give you eight hours. You will leave now. Once you find traces of Tong Luo or other tribes on the way, you will immediately report back."


With the order of Bai Feng one after another, the camp that had fallen into silence has become busy again; many of the two red flag cavalry who have fallen asleep have to wear their armor after receiving the order and leave the warm camp account to ride the horse Go outside the cold camp.

The 20,000 cavalry who remained in the camp with the two red flags also changed their camp accounts. Their new camp accounts were all on the edge of the camp. After confirming that the perimeter and the edge of the camp had been surrounded by the cavalry of the two red flags, Bai Feng started him. The most crucial deployment.

Overnight time is long and short is not short, with the help of the engraved teleportation array in the Bailing ring, Bai Feng used this night to put the three barbarian phalanx corps such as flying leopard, cheetah and sparta and the third eagle flag corps He and his auxiliary legion were transferred to the abandoned camp of the Tong Luo tribe.

The arrival of these 110,000 warriors gave Bai Feng the confidence to face any conspiracy, because the hidden enemies knew nothing but the 100,000 cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags, and Bai Feng’s actual available strength, It is double the enemy's known.

The unknown is the most terrible enemy. Both the enemy and the enemy now have the other’s unknown hole cards, so the role of the hunter and prey is inaccurate; Bai Feng has the intention to dig out the enemy hidden in the dark. Show the slightest horse's feet.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai San, who went to the northeast to investigate the trail of the Luo people, had not returned, and Bai Feng led the army to continue to advance in the same direction; during this period, Bai Feng under the name of "out of consideration" , Leaving a cavalry in the abandoned camp of the Tong Luo tribe.

If the cavalry Bai Feng did not stay, it would seem a little more obvious; therefore, he left the Antico's red flag in the abandoned camp of the Tongluo triumphantly, and did not mind that the enemy hidden in the secret discovered this deployment.

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