Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1412: "·War Again·Go"

Once laziness rules, it can do nothing.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

At the same time that the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion and its auxiliary legions were attacked by Jianzhou cavalry, Bai Feng’s temporary camp was again attacked by Mongolian cavalry and the Tyler cavalry; The camp of the army surrounded the regiment.

Yesterday, only 250,000 cavalry were lost. Today, another 500,000 cavalry were dispatched. The crazy practice of the surname Tiele at all costs must have been manipulated behind the scenes; otherwise, how could the surname Tiele make it? So disregarding the survival of your own ethnic group?

The temporary camps of the Roman army were built with thick wooden piles, which could block the frontal charge of the Tiele cavalry, but could not block the bows and arrows in the cavalrymen's hands; more fateful, this fence-style camp wall was once attacked by fire , It is easy to quickly ignite a fire.

Even so, Bai Feng is full of confidence in the Roman army under his command, because although the Tiele cavalry surrounding the camp of the Roman army today is suffocating in number, Bai Feng can see their reality at a glance.

If yesterday’s 400,000 Thunder cavalry had only one hundred thousand cavalry, and the remaining 300,000 cavalry were temporarily assembled together, then today’s half a million Thunder cavalry is not as good as yesterday The 300,000 Ugly people.

Bai Feng, who was standing on the lookout tower in the camp against the wind, even saw some people in the Tiele cavalry who were slowly coming up. They were white-haired old men; even the white-haired old men sent them to the battlefield. The situation, Bai Feng suddenly had a general understanding in his heart.

In addition to the densely packed Thule cavalry, Bai Feng, who stood tall and could see far away, found that a cavalry of the same size was slowly advancing toward the battlefield about ten miles behind the Thule cavalry.

Because of the distance, Bai Feng, who had limited visual acuity, could hardly see the flag of the cavalry; however, he could roughly guess the identity of the cavalry. Eighty-nine of them were the Mongolian cavalry who lost 20,000 people yesterday.

The loss of 20,000 cavalry is not a small loss for any tribe on the grassland; especially the Mongolian tribe with cavalry, which is not expensive, and their war damage when they overthrew the Xianbei tribe was only four or five. The loss of 10,000 cavalry, and the loss of 20,000 cavalry in one battle, is extremely heavy for the Mongolian tribe.

With Genghis Khan’s true hatred and the wolf nature of the Mongolian tribe, how could they be indifferent to the loss of 20,000 cavalry; therefore, Bai Feng had already prepared himself to face the Mongolian cavalry. Here.

Each Banner Corps has fifty teams of artillery gunmen, and four Banner Corps is two hundred teams. Before the Tiller Cavalry officially launched its attack, the twenty-four thousand iron gunners were taken by Bai Feng from their respective Separately selected from the legion.

At the same time, there were also the long archers of other legions and the instrumental forces of the First Roman Eagle Flag Legion; after all the long-range troops in the Roman army were assembled, Bai Feng specially appointed the Lieutenant General of the Shischberg Regiment as the long-range troops Commander.

The long archer with a range of 400 meters and the iron cannonmen with a range of 100 meters can just turn the 400-meter range of the camp wall into a firepower dumping area of ​​the Roman army; the first to enter this area, the Tyler cavalry, will Suffering devastating damage.

The Tyler cavalry who had experienced the painful lessons of yesterday also knew that the person who rushed to the front would be seriously injured and killed; therefore, they deployed all the worst cavalry and the old cavalry in the front, let them fight for the back The stronger cavalry opened the way.

Just before the Tiele cavalry started to accelerate, the long archers and iron artillerymen who were standing near the camp wall raised their weapons in their hands; the long archers were projectile attacks, which could ignore the obstacles of the fence. The spearmen wouldn't work anymore, they were aiming at flat shots.

The distance between each of the two fences is just enough for an iron gunner to lift the iron cannon for shooting; just this way, the shooting density of the iron gunner is slightly worse, and it is difficult to be as dense as before. The formation is intensively fired.

When the Thule cavalry charged at full speed, rushed to the camp from all sides, the long archers withdrew their first arrows from their quiver; one thousand, eight hundred meters, six hundred meters, four hundred meters, the Thule cavalry Just rushing to the position of 400 meters, tens of thousands of long archers instantly loosened their strings.


The long archers specially trained by the system are indeed impeccable in their coordination. Tens of thousands of long archers simultaneously loosen the strings, instantly magnifying the original sound of the loose strings many times times. Thousands of arrows shot into the sky.

The dense arrows hit the sky like a dark cloud, and they covered the Tiele cavalry galloping toward the camp wall like a shower; those old, weak and sick Tiele cavalry, under such a dense arrow rain, suddenly became a piece The fall of the film.

As early as the moment of the loose string, when the arrow rain was still in the air, the fast-moving long archers had already drawn a second arrow from the quiver; a long archer who shot the arrow, Throwing wave after wave of arrow rain towards the Tiele cavalry rushing towards them.

When the Thule cavalry sprinting hard with huge casualties rushed to a position only one hundred meters from the camp wall, the artillery gunmen who held the iron cannons in their hands immediately pulled their triggers.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The moment the iron gunmen fired, the deafening gunshots with pungent smoke, while shooting a large number of Tiele cavalry, also let the lucky horses that had not been shot on the spot run away in fright.

No matter how the Tyler cavalry riding on the war horse tried to use the reins in their hands to control the horses under their seats, the frightened horses did not dare to charge the camp wall; these horses that turned around and ran into the camp wall Cavalry, chaos is unavoidable.

When the Tiele cavalry were in a mess, the shooting of the long archers and the iron artillerymen did not stop; the arrow rain falling from the sky and the oncoming lead shots made the chaotic Tiele cavalry into pieces. Shot on the ground, the battlefield is full of dead Tyler cavalry.

The 30,000 Thunder cavalry who launched the first wave of attack, with the cooperation of the long archers and the artillery gunmen, declared the destruction, leaving only thousands of frightened Tiele cavalrymen to flee back; The deterrent effect has once again been fully exerted.

With the death of more than 20,000 Tiele cavalry, the fierce battle officially kicked off this day; the Tiele cavalry who relaunched the second wave of attack, this time dispatched 100,000 cavalry, and they were among them Young men with relatively good combat strength.

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