Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1427: "·Execution of the Three Ministers"

As soon as the line you draw begins to shake and disappear, you should quickly shrink the circle to the limit that visual attention can reach.

-Stanislavsky (a famous Russian theorist of drama and performance)

With the death of Emperor Taiji, the fighting spirit of Jianzhou cavalry on the battlefield quickly disintegrated. Even if a few cavalry loyal to Emperor Taiji still insisted on stubborn resistance, they could not change their undefeated end; the merciless Roman army, These diehards are being liquidated.

Bai Feng came to the battlefield from a distance of three miles from the battlefield. The first person he saw was the Jianzhou woman who was captured by the Roman legionary cavalry. The real yellow flag was uniformed by He Heli, which surprised him. After all, He Heli was really in Jianzhou. Identity status is extraordinary.

He Heli, Huerhan, Eyidu, An Feiyanggu, Fei Yingdong, these five are not only the five prestigious ministers of Jianzhou Jurchen, but also the two dynasty elders who have served Nurhachi and Huangtaiji two generations of Jianzhou Khan. It can be said that it is famous and respected.

Especially He Heli, although he is not the most powerful, most powerful, and most prestigious of the five ministers, he is the most trusted confidant of Huang Taiji; otherwise, it is impossible for Huang Taiji to record more than one hundred cattle. Of the Zheng Huangqi, give him the actual commander.

However, such a heavy minister of the Jianzhou Nuzhen, which was deeply trusted and reused by the Emperor Taiji, actually died at the moment of the death of the Emperor Taiji, and Jianzhou Nuzhen was destroyed. Instead of following the death of the Emperor Taiji to the last moment, he was captured under the siege of the Roman legionary cavalry.

Reminiscent of the five ministers headed by him, what he did after Nurhaci’s death, Bai Feng was disgusted from the heart; therefore, when he saw the decadent He Heli, Bai Feng ridiculed him and said: "The Emperor Taiji has already fought Dead sand, why are you still alive?"

"General Bai Feng, Huang Taiji is the Khan king elected by me and other ministers and Baylor. Although he is dead now, I have not yet died in Jianzhou Jurchen; in order to protect the homes of our ancestors, even if the road ahead is difficult, We will keep going."

If Bai Feng didn't understand the shady scenes behind the battle of King Khan of Jianzhou Jurchen, maybe he really believed He Heli with a sad and merciful face; even with his heart in mind, Bai Feng deliberately pretended to be unaware and followed him Said down:

"I'm curious. After the death of Huang Taiji as King Khan, who would you choose to be the real Khan of Jianzhou? Is it one of the sons of Huang Taiji or one of their brothers? Or choose someone else?"

I felt that He Heli, who implied the implied meaning in Bai Feng’s words, tolerated the rejoicing of the rest of his heart, continued in a more subdued tone: “The relationship between Huang Taiji and his brothers is very tense, this is your general. I also know."

"In the view of his officials, whether it is the election of the Taiji brothers to succeed Khan, or the election of the Taiji sons to succeed Khan, it will inevitably cause confusion within Jianzhou Jurchen; in order to avoid further intensification of internal conflicts, the minister thinks that he will choose another side The person who succeeded Khan is the most secure."

From claiming to be "I" to claiming to be a vassal, He Heli once again explained his brazenness to Bai Feng; Bai Feng took a deep look at He Heli, who calmly dismissed, and converged his deliberately disguised smile, sneered:

"Get the Aixinjueluo family's descendants from the Khan position, and replace the Aixinjueluo family with a weak sideline. This kind of Jianzhou Jurchen is nominally the Aixinjueluo family's Jianzhou Jurchen. Actually, It’s already the Jianzhou girls who are your power ministers."

"General, why did you say this?" He Heli, who was scared by Bai Feng's sudden change of attitude, explained subconsciously: "We support the members of the Aixinjueluo family to board the sweat, just to help you better rule. Jianzhou Jurchen!"

He Heli was still explaining that Maxi, who had returned from the subpoena, was holding two people over: "Du Du, he caught two big fish!"

"He Heli, it seems that your five ministers are coming together again." Seeing these two detainees, Bai Feng's tone of speech was completely disdainful and mocking; He Heli, who looked back, looked Suddenly changed.

"Children Baifeng, don't think that you can force me to be loyal to you by trying hard to catch me. I tell you, I'm not a cub like Azige and Dolgon; you will be deceived by you; you either have to kill now Me, or sooner or later I will kill you one day!"

His body is full of wounds, and his fortitude is completely beyond Bai Feng's imagination; perhaps it is because of his preconceptions for He Heli, so that he should reasonably think that the five ministers are all the same. Such a hard bone.

"Do you want to die? Then of course I will fulfill you." Bai Feng ordered Maxi directly: "Maxi, cut him."

"Uh!" The short sword came out of the sheath, Maxi raised his sword, and his forehead was cut off with a sword.

The blood spewed out of the headless corpse, and He Heli was drowned, so that his hands trembling slightly, he was terrified; Huerhan, who was also escorted with the forehead, looked forward calmly: "Come on , Huerhan vowed to die and love the Xinjueluo family!"

Maxi, who had a short sword and blood on his hand, looked at Bai Feng with his inquiring eyes, and Bai Feng said lightly: "Chop!"

"Uh!" Another good head was cut off.

"The five ministers of Jianzhou Women's Reality have now gone to the second place. He Heli, would you rather die unyielding? Or wagging your tail?"

He Heli fell to his knees on the ground, crying and crying to Bai Feng for mercy: "General, no, Master! Master, Master, slaves are willing to allegiance to you, for your liver and soul, to go through the fire! As long as you are a slave!"

"The five ministers of Jianzhou, Huerhan and Fei Yingdong stayed in the camp, and Eyi and Huerhan took the lead to kill. Only He Heli Tian shamelessly begs the tail; it seems that it was you who secretly pushed the five ministers to support the emperor Taiji. ."

"At that time?" He Heli, who reacted in an instant, suddenly lost his mind: "You, you, you..."

"I know more than you think." Bai Feng no longer looked at He Heli who was paralyzed on the ground, just whispered: "Maxi."

"Uh!" The history of the five ministers of Jianzhou ends here.

The third batch of prisoners of war captured before Bai Feng was also the same two, and they were also a pair of father and son. As soon as they saw the father and son, Bai Feng's face was lightly smiled, and he said hello: "Dai Shan Baylor, we haven't seen you for a long time."

"General Bai Feng, we are willing to come down! If you want, we can help you persuade the two white flags, after all, my name of Baylor still has some effect." Dai Shan is the most current person in the Aixinjueluo family, he does not need Bai Feng When he spoke, he actively expressed his position.

Bai Feng, who was planning to surrender the father and son of Daishan, when asked what Daishan said, asked curiously: "The leaders of the two white flags, An Feiyanggu and Fei Yingdong, they are both confidants of Huang Taiji, and you are sure to persuade them to surrender ?"

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