Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1436: "·Outbreak of conflict·Next"

Man is undoubtedly the master of the earth, but is also a slave to the stomach.

——Gonchalov (Russian writer)

The special envoy sent by Charlie the Great will allow the angry Prince Philip to die when he arrives in the northern governor’s palace, but the unruly Jurchen cavalry will not obey his orders; Hit hard.

Under the repeated emphasis of the Special Envoy of the Imperial Capital, Prince Philip had to order the garrisons in the three provinces of Metz, Mulhouse, and Alsace to immediately stop their battle with the Jurchen cavalry; even if the Jurchen cavalry took the initiative to provoke provocation, the regiments were not allowed to fight back.

The six regiments under Quintus and the three regiments under Yves force meticulously executed the orders of Prince Philip; it was only that Yves was truly loyal to Prince Philip, but Quintus was in Use the orders of Prince Philip.

Nine regiments in the three provinces of Metz, Mulhouse, and Alsace. On the day of the contraction of forces across the board, tens of thousands of Jurchen cavalry did not pursue them; when the garrison regiments relaxed their vigilance the next day, the Jurchen cavalry surged And the sharp counterattack officially kicked off.

Bai Feng’s mission to the Master, Dutong, and Deputy Dutong of the Tianlong Eight Banners is to try their best to attack the standing corps of the Tianlong Empire stationed in these three provinces; especially the black guards of the various corps. The key attack target of the cavalry.

The fourteenth, sixteenth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, and eighty-fourth regiments affiliated with Quintus have Quintus deliberately arranged behind them. The black guards of the six regiments, In just one morning, the Jurchen cavalry was slaughtered cleanly.

After all the six thousand black guards of the six black guards were killed, their own loss of Kuntus was minimal, and the 12,000 soldiers who had been drawn from the six legions earlier, together with the six thousand black men who were killed Wei, together with the loss to the prince Philip.

In this way, all the deaths of the black guards of the six brigades and the 12,000 soldiers who disappeared under the command of Quintus have a reasonable explanation; there is a command of Bai Feng on the side of Quintus, the leader of the Eight Banners Both of them are very reasonable when they start.

There is no such good treatment in Yvli, because Bai Feng’s order to Alexander and Antico is to destroy the garrison of Metz Province as much as possible, so the cavalry of the two red flags were under the attack. Dead hand.

There are 160 cows and 48,000 cavalry in the Zhenghong flag and the red flag, plus 265 cows in the black flag to assist them; within a day, the three regiments under the force of Yves More than 19,000 soldiers were damaged, and the 114th Army was almost wiped out.

After thinking that the turmoil in the three provinces was about to end, Prince Philip was sent back to the Metropolitan Government by Yvli and Quintus to send him back to the Metropolitan Government that night, and he immediately smashed his favorite pair of antique vases on the spot.

A pair of antique vases worth thousands of gold coins are certainly precious, but compared to the 30,000 or 40,000 soldiers who died in front of them for no reason, this pair of vases is nothing; Prince Philip, who has become irritable, personally took these two The war report was sent to the special envoy from the imperial capital.

After reading the battle report, the special envoy who immediately realized the seriousness of the problem did not dare to delay it for a minute and a second, and drove to the Metz province where the Yvli Warlord was located; if he went late, Yvli and his three The legion is all over, and the situation is really unstoppable.

The goal is only to hit Alexander and Antico of the three standing legions under Yvry. Naturally, it is impossible to really wipe out all three of these newly standing legions; don’t say they don’t have a chance, even if they have a chance, they can’t. Then do it.

The army of the nine regiments in the northern metropolitan government lost a total of 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers, which is still acceptable to the empire; even Bai Feng can make Tachapeng go to the emperor to cry and lie about how many cavalry have been lost by the dragons and flags. In order to deceive the pacification of the empire.

But if the Jurchen cavalry really wiped out one or two of the Empire's standing legions, the nature of this matter would be serious; no matter how much Charlie the Emperor wanted to make a name for Qing Shi, it would not be possible to do the stupid thing of raising tigers. The plan for relocation to the south is bound to suffer severe setbacks.

At noon on the third day, while the cavalry of the two red flags were still in the appearance of the capital of Metz, the emperor's envoy finally came over; there was an anxious envoy to mediate from this, and this artificially controlled'conflict' had almost arrived. The curtain is over.

Tacha Panggu, who had just been sealed by the Jurchen King, with a deliberate pretense of anger, first took the initiative to come to the emperor's envoy to scold a dog, and then said that his tribe lost 100,000 cavalry and 30. The people insisted on compensation from the Northern Metropolitan Government.

Now that we have talked about the issue of compensation, it means that the armed conflict between the two sides has ended. The envoy who secretly sent a breath immediately restored his politician's nature and began bargaining with Tacha.

The Special Envoy has a weak space magician beside him. Although he has no ability to send a person, there is no problem sending some letters across the air; through his back and forth transmission, the negotiation between the Special Envoy and Tacha Pangu has always been Under the control of Charles the Great.

Tacha Panggu said that the Jurchen tribe lost 100,000 cavalry and 300,000 people. Not only did the special envoys not believe it, but Charlie the Great, who was far away in the imperial capital, could not believe it; Bai Feng, who had expected this situation, had a good breath with the secret guard in advance. Now, let them help themselves lie about a number.

Hidden Guard reported the investigation result of Charlie the Great, that the Jurchen tribe lost more than 40,000 cavalry and nearly 150,000 people; for this non-exaggerated figure, compared with the exaggerated figure in the ancient Tacha article, Charlie the Great did not Believe in the slightest doubt.

Think about it too, the well-equipped Empire’s standing army has lost nearly 40,000 soldiers, and it is normal for the Jurchen cavalry as a guest to lose more than 40,000 cavalry; seeing the Jurchen tribe’s loss is indeed heavy, Charlie the Great will have to find a way Appease and appease the Jurchen tribe.

As soon as the Jurchen tribe moved to the south, they suffered heavy losses from the garrison in the north of the empire. If Charlie the Great could not appease and compensate in time, this pair would make the Jurchen tribe chill, and would also completely cut off other grassland tribes or forces to Tianlong. The idea of ​​the empire.

It was impossible to allow this kind of thing to happen. Charlie the Great finally allocated a huge sum of money and a batch of grain and grass supplies from his own treasury, which barely met the compensation requirements put forward by Tacha Pangu; but this matter, in the end Not completely resolved.

Tacha, who was instructed by Bai Feng, requested the three northern provinces of the empire as habitats for the Jurchen tribes, and claimed that only in this way can conflicts be prevented from recurring in the future; for such territorial requests, Charlie the Great refused bluntly.

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