Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1451: "·The Advent of God"

A good teacher should know the personality of each child. He should prepare a fixed notebook, not only write "pass" and "fail", but also write down the weaknesses and advantages of each child.

-Krupskaya (outstanding Soviet educator, proletarian political activist)

As soon as Gustav said this, how could Bai Feng not hear the deep meaning of what he said; it is obvious that the current attitude of the Elder Council of the Wings is that they will not recognize what Wisheim promised earlier, and want to Strive for more benefits from changing beliefs.

People don’t care for themselves and are utterly annihilated, not to mention this is a major event involving the future development of their own race. It is normal for the elders of the Wings to have this behavior; after all, the last oral agreement between Bai Feng and Wisheim was not. They are now Doing so is not a matter of course.

"Elder Gustav, after the nobles changed their faith, they could choose to relocate the whole family to the area controlled by my god’s power, or they could choose to stay here; but in any case, you must do two things: First, the whole family Everyone from above and below prayed to my god’s idol every day; second, provide at least 50,000 winged warriors for my **** to drive and serve as my god’s guardian in the world.” Bai Feng Shen Sheng asked.

The two conditions proposed by Bai Feng are not excessive, and they are completely within the acceptable range of the Yiren clan; the thoughtful elders of the Yiren clan, you look at me, I look at you, the eye contact between each other is very intensive, This is especially true of the seven hidden elders.

After a while, these elders had almost communicated the results. Elder Alfred nodded to Elder Gustav, and Elder Gustav said: "Your Excellency Bai Feng, we can agree to your request. The question is What will my family get?"

"The first thing the nobles can get is the protection of the gods by the gods. With the protection of the gods, beyond the power of the world, they dare not dare to fight against the nobles; secondly, the gods will choose the two most devout from the believers of the nobles every year. Or, take them as guardians of my god’s temple."

The so-called temple guard is actually the winged human race version of the blaze sword lord under Baifeng, but the flaming sword lord under baifeng has room for improvement, but the strength of the temple guard selected by the wing man race is fixed, and it is always a fifth-level blaze sword. Holy and unable to go further.

The training speed of the two temple guards in a year is indeed a huge temptation for the Wing Humans with a total population of less than 5 million, because there are only a dozen of Saint-level strongmen in the Wing Humans, which is simply not enough to support the Wings. The human race rises again.

Even so, in the principle of striving for as many interests as possible, Elder Gustav still raised the price and said: "Your Excellency Bai Feng, there are too few guards for the two temples a year, even if you choose one out of a million people , There should be five temple guards this year."

Not to mention that the five temple guards a year do have the suspicion of a lion opening. Even if the elders of the Wings have no lion opening, Bai Feng will not agree to the price they deliberately increased; because this head is open, there are endless problems, so he has to negotiate The initiative is in your own hands.

"Elder Gustav, I think you may not know much about the temple guards." Bai Feng politely refused: "Every temple guard is a pious and honest disciple selected by my god, and has the strength and strength of a five-level swordsman. No less than the fighting power of the Seventh-level Juggernaut.

"Your Excellency Bai Feng, you have a double fist and four opponents, and the two temple guards are even more powerful. That is not the opponent of the five temple guards who are less powerful. Are you saying this?" The current elders of the five major tribes One of Elder Persson interjected in time.

Bai Feng, who sneered in his heart, did not reject the other party's proposal again this time. He directly agreed: "Yes, I will communicate with my **** and raise the noble temple guards from two to five each year; at the same time, each The strength of the guards of the temple will be reduced to three levels of swordsmen."

Two five-level juggernauts and five three-level juggernauts, which one is stronger? Alfred gave Peerson a disgruntled glance and personally came back to say: "Where did Lord Bai Feng say, how to select the temple to protect it is God's will, can I wait to speculate?"

"Since Elder Alfred is so sympathetic, then I don’t need to ask my god, and I am inevitably punished by my god." Bai Feng, who retired from this matter and looked at this matter, looked at Alfred’s The expression knows that he will make new demands.

Sure enough, after quietly changing the five third-level swordsmen back to the two fifth-level swordsmen, Elder Alfred said with a smile again: "Your Excellency Bai Feng, whether we are migrating, or staying here Not to mention, you always have to protect yourself, are you right?"

"The elders don’t have to worry about self-protection. If the nobility chooses to move the clan, I will protect the safety of the nobles through millions of elites. Even if the nobility chooses to stay here, I will reach an agreement with the orc empire and let the orc empire come forward to protect the nobility. "" Bai Feng promised with a light smile.

"With the assurance of His Excellency Bai Feng, then I can rest assured." Elder Alfred said with confidence in his mouth, but his eyes were not idle; Elder Wilhelm, who had swept his eyes, immediately stood up and said: "Bai Feng Your Excellency, pinning the safety of your whole family on the protection of others is not a long-term solution after all; I don’t know if you can talk to your sacred robes, help us to enhance the strength of the Wing Human Race."

"Yes, Your Excellency Bai Feng, you can help us." Elder Bernhard, the concealed elder, echoed with a loud voice: "We have only five million people in the Wing Human Race, and there are less than fifteen strong Saints. , It is really incapable of protecting yourself, so please help us find my **** and talk about it."

Even'My God' shouted, Bai Feng was really speechless to these elders who had no morality and no lower limit; however, this also just shows that the wing people's belief in Apollo has almost become a thing, and some conditional negotiations are not important. The minutiae are nothing.

Just as Bai Feng was going to continue to whisper with the elders of the Wings, a heart-throbbing momentum suddenly pressed against everyone; in the huge conference room, except for Bai Feng and Blazing Sword Saint, the moment on everyone's forehead Covered with fine sweat beads.

With the passage of time, one minute and one second, this coercion is increasing little by little. Everyone in the sweat is obviously wet, but no one dares to move a little; especially Alfred and other hidden Elder Sister and Victoria and the Dark Juggernaut under him, the fear in their hearts is even stronger. They even have no doubt that if they move their fingers a little, they will be killed on the spot.

Within a minute or two, Elder Alfred’s original spine was crooked; just as he was about to fall down, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out: "I waited for the ants, but also with My messenger is bargaining, it's just wanton!"

Wanton... wanton... wanton...

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