Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1488: "·Send troops to rebel"

Death is not the opposite of life, but as a part of life forever.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

In the southern provinces, the closest to the eastern provinces is Ravilanit Province. Because Ravilanit Province and Broyansong Province are neighboring provinces, the rebel army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government has not yet been assembled. Bai Feng first sent Reichnu and Slim to lead ten Eastern legions to advance to Ravilanit province to prepare for the follow-up army to enter Ravilanit province.

The Ravilanite province, which has an original resident population of 12 million in the five-county land, which was originally the top ten rich provinces of the empire, is now a paradise for rebels; according to information provided by the Secret Guard There are more than 200 rebels in the province, including 76 with more than 5,000 troops, 43 with more than 10,000 troops, and 100,000 with the strongest rebel army!

There are so many rebels all over the province of Ravilanit. It’s not too much to describe the rebels everywhere; the day Reisenu and Slim led their troops into Milpwa County, they hadn’t captured one. As a foothold, the town was attacked by more than a dozen rebels.

Although the Eastern Legion is the Governor’s Legion of the Great Metropolitan Government in the East, it is the elite legion that Bai Feng has spent a lot of money to build. The actual combat strength is only stronger than that of the general army of the Imperial Army. The rebels who attacked them naturally, naturally There will be no good ending.

Franz’s Third Eastern Army and Mueller’s Fourth Eastern Army each defeated two rebels of about six or seven thousand soldiers; Witzleben’s Seventh Eastern Army and Lothar’s Ninth Eastern Army , Each defeated a rebel army of about 12,000 or 3,000 soldiers.

In addition to these six small rebels, the other Eastern legions also more or less defeated several smaller rebels; just in one day, ten Eastern legions lost more than 1,200 The soldiers killed more than 4,000 rebels and captured more than 70,000 prisoners of war.

One day's fierce battle killed more than 4,000 enemies and captured more than 70,000 prisoners. This incredible record shocked Bai Feng who is still in the Metropolitan Government. What even shocked Bai Feng was the secret letter sent by Ames. The attitude of Charlie the Great made Bai Feng decide to speed up his pace.

Just a week after the Ten Eastern Legions entered the Ravilanit province, Bai Feng led the ten standing legions and the First General Banner Soldier in four routes to the Ravilanit province; at the same time, Hades’s Luowang intelligence personnel have also begun to penetrate into the southern provinces on a large scale.

The tragic deaths confined to the imperial capital cannot be developed in a short period of time. The strength of the secret guard is not Bai Feng’s own thing after all; therefore, the focus on the development of the Luofang Sofia Chamber of Commerce has become the only thing Bai Feng can make. s Choice.

Luowang and the Sofia Chamber of Commerce cooperated with the tacit development in the Eastern Provinces of the Empire. In fact, it is a brand-new high-efficiency and high-speed development model. Now Bai Feng needs to use the opportunity of rebellion to allow the Luowang and Sofia Chamber of Commerce to complete the southern provinces. Secret control.

When Bai Feng led the army into the province of Ravilanit, Reichenu and Slim had spent seven days clearing all the rebels in Milpua County; although they actually killed less than 50,000 rebels, they The captive rebel soldiers have reached an astonishing 350,000.

For these rebel soldiers who surrendered their weapons and surrendered, Bai Feng not only did not investigate the culpability of their rebellion, but also released all the prisoners of war in Milpua County on the spot; the Sofia Chamber of Commerce will provide relief to the refugees in the recaptured towns. Relocation, Bai Feng believes that refugees without a crisis of survival will no longer choose to risk rebellion, after all, the cost of rebellion is death.

Huairou's blindness is not Bai Feng's style. For some criminal rebels or rebellious rebel leaders, Bai Feng cut their heads and did not feel soft at all; because only the dripping blood and the fear of death can deter Other rebels.

Of the 350,000 rebel captives in Milpua County, 24 rebel leaders and more than 3,000 rebels were ordered to beheaded by Bai Feng, and nearly 330,000 prisoners of war were dismissed home. The 18,000 carefully selected people were added to the Dufu Guard.

The 18,000 carefully selected from the 350,000 rebels, this proportion is enough to prove that these people are indeed elite; the former rebel leader Schmidt, because of his superior ability and extremely high Ren Wang was promoted and appointed by Bai Feng as the commander of these 18,000 people.

Winning Milpua County is just the first step for Baifeng to regain Ravilanit province. In Montgomery, the interest rate army regained Carcassonne County, Eric led the army to recover Palmier County, and Giskar led the army to recover Lavola. At the same time as the inner county, Bai Feng led his army into Ravilanite County.

One of the most powerful rebels in the province of La Villanite is the Sebastian rebels that occupy more than half of La Villanite. The army has 130,000 soldiers and occupies the capital of the province. Sebastian, who seems extremely powerful, is not.

Sebastian, who was originally a noble, was the leader of the strongest rebels in the province of Ravilanit, mainly because he wanted to protect his family in a chaotic situation. Compared with other rebel leaders, Sebastian's advantage is that he has a smarter wrist, knows what is called trade-offs, and will not blindly attack the city.

Under his painstaking management, his army became the largest rebel army in the province of Ravilanit, and even the entire empire; the negative effect of this was that his army was too chaotic and complex, more than half The soldier was under the control of other vassal leaders.

Many of the spies, secret envoys, and ninjas that Bai Feng had sent to the province of Ravilanit had many in Sebastian's army, which controlled about 50,000 troops, and they were also the most powerful. That part.

Steve’s First Banner Regiment and Cassow’s Blast Corps, the task of these two units is to appeal to the rebels in other towns in Ravelanit County; head the main army directly to the provincial capital Bai Feng is ready to wipe out Sebastian's headquarters in World War I.

When the three flag regiments of the First General Banner plus ten Eastern legions surrounded the regiment of the provincial capital of Ravilanit, Bai Feng did not immediately order an attack, but sent someone to Sebastian in the city. I sent a letter of persuasion, hoping that the other party could surrender in the city.

In the book of persuasion, Bai Feng did not promise anything unrealistic, but just assured Sebastian with his own family and personal reputation: as long as he is willing to surrender, he can participate in the rebellion without any blame. The family will also be properly placed; if he wishes, he can serve as the Deputy Minister of the Interior in the Eastern Metropolitan Government after his surrender.

If such conditions for persuasion are not superior, then it is a matter of opinion. Anyway, Bai Feng feels that even if Sebastian refuses to persuade himself, this forthcoming battle will not last long; it turns out that Sebastian Not the kind of greedy person.

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