Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1493: "·Break one by one"

Alive means something must be done, please work hard.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

Salvini's persistent and offensive offensive that he had predicted did not appear, which made the rebel generals who led the defense of the capital relax a lot of hearts; even so, the three-day offensive of the rebel army before the rebellion of the city remained the rebellion of the city. The army suffered a considerable loss.

The counterinsurgency forces surrounding the capital have slowed down their offensive intensity, which is a good thing for the rebels defending the city. They only need to shoot arrows, drop the sashwood, and drop the rolling stones step by step. The attacks of the rebels guarded their city.

After this low-intensity offensive and defensive battle lasted for about a week, the rebels scattered in every corner of these three provinces organized the food transport team that attacked the rebel army; one car after another should belong to The food and grass supplies of the rebel army were all burned on the spot by the rebels.

The grain transported to the front was attacked and burned by the rebels, and these events immediately attracted the attention of Prince Pross; the two-pronged Prince, on the one hand, sent troops to send food to the front, and on the other hand, sent masters to use space rings to Frontline conveying grain and grass.

However, due to the extremely limited number of space rings and storage space owned by Prince Pross, he could not use this method to completely solve the food problem of the frontline army; adding troops to send more food to the frontline is to fundamentally solve the problem of food Problem approach.

When the grain transport team based on the division entered the territory of these three provinces, Salvini, who knew that the grain failure plan had completely failed, immediately launched the siege program; the three alliance main forces with more than 300,000 troops turned from all directions. The rebel army surrounded the capital.

The rebels sticking to the capital are in the center of the battlefield, outside is the large rebel army that can't leak the water around the capital, and then the main force of the rebels surrounded from all sides; this is the drama of war, the role of hunters and prey changes, only in a moment Declared complete.

At this time, the situation in front of the imperial rebellious army is this: their original target of destruction is now firmly controlled by the capital, and their surroundings have been surrounded by countless enemy forces and have fallen into heavy encirclement. The prey has become them.

It is almost impossible to complete the 300,000-element rebels with extremely uneven combat power. It is almost impossible to destroy the regular army of 170,000-80,000 troops. However, if some prerequisites are added, this seemingly impossible is impossible. The task is much simpler.

First of all, the three counterinsurgents sent by Prince Pross are just a group of Uighurs who bear the name of the regular army of the empire. No matter their weaponry and actual combat effectiveness, they are far from the real regular army of the empire. The gap is huge.

Secondly, there are at least one-third of the soldiers in these three rebellious army. They are nominally soldiers of the Imperial Regiment, but in fact they are rebel soldiers who have just surrendered; this part of the soldiers will not be defeated on the battlefield. But it is impossible to kill the rebels.

The last and most important point is that Salvini also personally led more than 50,000 elites under his command and 100,000 elites carefully selected from other rebels, active on the battlefield as an alliance mobile force, and played Plays an extremely important special role.

On the first battlefield selected by Salvini, when the 300,000 rebels launched an attack on the counterinsurgency like a tide, it wasn't the 300,000 war-heavy crowds that drove forward. A well-equipped and powerful alliance mobile general.

The elite main attack of the 150,000 alliance mobile army, more than 300,000 alliance soldiers assisted by the side, the alliance defenders in the city did not take the initiative to attack, but their rock-solid defense allowed the exhibition space to be compressed little by little. The army did not dare to approach the wall.

The fierce and brutal fighting between the two armies lasted for a whole day. When the twilight was approaching, the aggressive offensive troops began to slowly withdraw from the battle; the rebel generals who knew that they had become a Jedi here, but It was an opportunity to choose a direction to launch a breakout attack.

The desperation of nearly 120,000 rebellious soldiers to break through is definitely not something that tens of thousands of alliance troops in a certain direction can stop. Fortunately, Salvini has not ordered the alliance soldiers to intercept each other, and even he has a willingness to try. The rebel army broke through the encirclement circle.

After leaving nearly 100,000 corpses on the battlefield, this counterinsurgent army with a total strength of 100,000 people successfully broke through the encirclement of the alliance army; they were frightened and fled north for more than fifty miles in one breath. Before he stopped breathlessly.

But before they stopped, they breathed a sigh of relief, and a small rebel army came out like they had when they came, and launched a harassment attack against them. In the face of the rebel attack again, it was impossible to deal with it as calmly as before, so that a rebel army with less than 500 people could kill more than 100 rebels and then calmly withdraw.

The rebellious generals who were forced to frustrate could only bear the constant losses while at the same time desperately leading their troops to retreat northward; when they returned to the area where Prince Pross actually controlled, the second One hundred thousand army is already less than 70,000.

Salvini, who successfully defeated an army of rebellion, let only the elite soldiers under his command rest overnight, and led them to the second battlefield early the next morning; in order to speed up the march, Salvini requisitioned three All rally animals in the provinces.

Thousands of stallions and tens of thousands of cattle and mules dragged vehicles, carrying soldiers all the way down to their battlefield; it took only four days to reach the second battlefield. This alliance army completely defeated the second counterinsurgency army.

The 600,000 rebel army divided into three groups, only 150,000 soldiers who could eventually withdraw, and more than 200,000 rebel soldiers were killed in battle. Another 250,000 rebel soldiers became rebels. Army prisoner of war.

Salvini, who won an unprecedented victory, thus firmly seated the original leader of the alliance with a temporary nature. The members of the alliance who tasted the sweetness decided to turn the temporarily formed alliance into a long-term organization. Salvini It is the undisputed leader of the league.

Salvini is a system general with superior ability. He will not be overwhelmed by the small victory in front of him; even though he has become a high-powered alliance leader, he has not relaxed his vigilance against the imperial rebel army, and Actively prepared for the next battle.

All the weapons and equipment seized from the Imperial Army were distributed by Salvini according to the merits of the rebels. His own army did not even leave one; on the contrary, it was a more difficult prisoner of war, and he remained in all. No treatment for the time being in the army.

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