Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1501: "·Full of the Storm·Eight"

No matter how it is explained, the world can only believe what they are willing to believe. The harder we struggle, the more we are in a dilemma.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

Looking at the imperial capital at the forefront of his sight, there was a feeling of unclearness in the heart of Prince Pross. He did not know whether the feeling in his heart was sad, sad, or painful. There was no trace of it. Joy is mixed in.

As a prince born in the imperial capital, growing up in the imperial capital, and having deep feelings for the emperor, Pross didn’t even know whether his current approach was right or wrong; but he did not look back at the bow. Follow the path you chose.

The identity of the Duke of Tras is not only the grandfather of the Prince of Pros, he is also the Minister of Justice of the Empire and the contemporary head of the Rudolph family; in order to avoid the Rudolf family becoming a victim of this matter, the Duke of Tras has A few days ago, Ma quickly whip back to the capital.

I felt the unconcerned Prince Pross, and after watching the emperor not far away sadly for a while, he ordered 20 standing legions and 20 temporary legions to surround the emperor in four ways; the battle for the throne, This officially kicked off.

The 200,000 soldiers of the five standing legions and five temporary legions seem to be not small, but they can barely complete the siege of the wall of the imperial capital; moreover, the soldiers responsible for surrounding the imperial capital cannot be close to the imperial capital Within 500 meters of the city wall, otherwise, all kinds of defensive instruments on the city wall will pour down various attack weapons.

Even if it is 500 meters away, these soldiers who are responsible for surrounding the imperial capital are not absolutely safe, because there are also a large number of magicians in the imperial capital; the foreign aid that the Prince of Pros invited from the light of the Holy See and the dark council is to deal with the Holy Class. The strong and the magician.

After the 800,000 soldiers of the forty legions completed the siege of the imperial capital, the Prince of Pros sent four temporary legions and two standing legions to launch the first wave of tentative attacks on the imperial capital; another guard division The regiment of 10,000 soldiers served as the war supervisor.

For those interim legions that have been hurriedly reorganized by the rebellious rebels, Prince Pross has sincerely distrusted them; but distrust is not trust, it should still be used when it is used, but in the process of use, It is inevitable that there will be some appropriate auxiliary measures.

It was a somewhat cruel method to use the supervising team to force the soldiers in the front to die to the end. This slightly cruel method was not used much at the time. Now the Prince of Pros is also handy to use; under the supervision of ten thousand superintendent soldiers, eighty thousand temporary soldiers are carrying The elongated cloud ladder rushed towards the city wall.

Prince Pross prepared an astonishing number of various siege weapons for the attacking emperors, but in the first wave of tentative attacks, he did not intend to use those siege weapons; anyway, most of the soldiers who entered the battle were It’s rebel cannon foul, isn’t it?

"Brothers, Your Royal Highness has orders! The first warrior who rushed up to the city walls, awarded the hereditary Viscount 10,000 gold coins!"

"Brothers, rush to the city wall and attack the palace to rush for gold coins and knighthood!"

The officers of the Provisional Corps, from generals up to the rank of commander of the regimental division, to the grassroots officers of the squadron leader and squadron leader, all of them are reckless from the rebels; they do not understand politics, they do not understand the gains and losses of honor, they only know What can impress their soldiers.

Rushing up the city wall, they can become the noble masters they admire and admire, and they can have gold coins that they can eat and drink for life. This is the most deadly temptation for them; under the urge of this temptation, they have no turning back Rushed to the wall.

"General, can you say that they can rush to the wall?" Halpe, who was watching, asked Salvini.

"How could they hit the wall?" Schultz took the words and said: "Prince Pross is just taking cannon fodder for us. He just wants our soldiers to consume the defensive weapons of the defenders for him. Prepare yourself for the attack by the troops."

"This war has just begun, you don't have to think about too many other things, you just have to remember one thing." Salvini looked at the imperial capital in the distance, saying one by one: "We will not be anyone to throw away 'S cannon fodder, even if the opponent is the emperor."

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

As soon as Salvini's words were over, the magic crystal cannons of the city walls began their first round of salvo; powerful magical artillery shells smashed into the tentative army soldiers, each explosion can kill a large group of soldiers, and instantly Killed nearly 1,000 soldiers in the charge.

Along with the magical shells, the temporary legionnaires who covered the charge, as well as the dense arrow rain and javelin, various lethal weapons with amazing lethality; the temporary legionnaires who could not lift their heads, each Taking one step further will pay a heavy price.

"His Royal Highness, the terror of these four temporary legions will not last long." Temples whispered to remind Prince Prince.

"This kind of coverage density, let alone four temporary legions, is not necessarily the four royal legions; but this is the war, you are the enemy and the death is me." Prince Pross was unimpressed. : "We don't want to die, we must let the enemy die!"

Impressive Demps immediately arranged two henchmen to send orders to the guard division of the warfare. Unless His Highness ordered that the soldiers in front be allowed to be withdrawn, all the soldiers who withdrew without permission would be treated as deserters and beheaded in place to be effective. .

The temporary legionary that had rushed to the forefront rushed all the way from the position of 500 meters away from the city wall to the position of only 200 meters away from the city wall. Finally, it was still unable to support it. Later he fled, but was stopped by the war team.

The soldiers of the War Corps used their swords to force the defeated soldiers to rush towards the city wall. All the defeated soldiers who tried to flee backward and flinch were directly executed on the spot by the supervision team; in the face of the ruthless supervision team, the defeated soldiers We can only turn around and rush forward.

In the past, there was a cover attack from the garrison of the imperial capital, afterwards there was a butcher knife held up high by the governor’s team, and there were not many options for the temporary legionaries. The only way to survive, so they can only rush forward.

Blindly forcing the soldiers of the interim legion to rush forward without using the standing legion will inevitably dissatisfy the soldiers of the other interim legion; therefore, after the majority of the four interim legion casualties, two are ready to go The standing legion also engaged in battle.

The 40,000 soldiers of the two standing legions are indeed much stronger than the provisional legions in terms of weapons and equipment, but their actual combat strength may not be much stronger; their participation in the war has not played a decisive role, but only scattered Some garrison firepower.

In the end, the soldiers rushed to the foot of the city wall. Just as they lifted the ladder to the top of the city, the defenders on the wall poured down bucket after bucket of fire oil; the thick fire oil exuded pungent The smell of asphalt made the soldiers drenched in spirits.

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