Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1519: "·Fight the Emperor Capital Seven"

No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be a person who will forgive you for all the difficulties that life has caused you.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Three days is not long, but for Salvini who realized the seriousness of the problem, every minute of the past three days was a kind of torment that the language could not describe; he knew that the strong intervention of the Holy See would govern his own house. How big the influence of the layout is, and understand that the overall strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is not enough to fight against the Holy See, and this is the key to his worry.

The military strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government may have been regarded as the strongest in the territory of the Tianlong Empire. Neither the Prosperous Prosperously supported by the Holy See nor any of the other three princes have the same strength as the Eastern Metropolitan Government. Confronted military forces.

But the Holy See is the Holy See. As the strongest force in the mainland’s strongest ethnic race, all aspects of the Holy See are strong enough to crush the Eastern Metropolitan Government. Even the strongest military strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is worthless in front of the Holy See. Commendable place.

The three major factors of excellent weapons and equipment, good military qualities, and excellent generals at all levels are the main objective reasons for the army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government to win the empire; the army of the Holy See is compared with the Eastern Metropolitan Government in these three aspects. The strength of the army is not weak, the key is that they also have an additional belief advantage that the army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government does not have. This is crucial.

The beliefs of the military officers of the Eastern Metropolitan Government are based on Bai Feng’s invincible personal battle; in other words, if Bai Feng fails on the battlefield one day, the military power of the Eastern Metropolitan Government will be Will instantly drop a grade.

Just like the First Empire of France in another world, the French army commanded by Napoleon was almost invincible and invincible; but once Napoleon was lost or Napoleon was defeated, then the invincible French army would quickly Drop the altar.

Why did the French army who lost Napoleon quickly fall to the altar? Was there a shortage of skilled soldiers in France at that time? No, France, the strongest country in the traditional European Army, never lacks elite soldiers and excellent generals. What they lack is an outstanding leader, and Napoleon is such an outstanding leader who can lead France to glory.

Bai Feng's significance to the Eastern Metropolitan Government is like Napoleon to France, Frederick the Great to Prussia; therefore, the Eastern Metropolitan Government with Bai Feng, its army is extremely powerful, which is their strength It is also their fatal flaw.

In comparison, the faith of the Holy See who madly worships the **** of light, their belief is indestructible; even if the commander who commanded them died, even if the emperor of the **** of light died, their combat power is still powerful because of their Faith never lost!

The army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is definitely not an opponent of the Holy See. The Roman city’s army is temporarily not suitable for large-scale emergence. Seeing that the Prosperous Emperor is about to sit on the throne, Salvini in extreme worry is even ready. In preparation for the attack on the palace.

The elite legions of the Salvini lineage were removed from the city wall, and time was taken to rest and restore the fighting power; the legions that resisted the attack of the northern army on the east and north walls were replaced by the less powerful ones in the various legions. Those loyal teams with low loyalty.

Salvini’s slightly abnormal military deployment did not attract the attention of Prosperus and Demps, because they mistakenly thought that Salvini was deploying for the next decisive battle; it was Archbishop Innocent of the Holy See, quietly Silently made some special arrangements.

On the second day of the withdrawal of the Northwest Army under Prince William and the Southwest Army under Prince Harry from the Imperial Capital, the first day of the three-day deadline designated by Emperor Pross, Bai Feng received an urgent report from Ivan; Ivan Dore, who is already a Holy Power, almost vomited blood.

Salvini didn’t know what promise Prosperus made to the Bright Holy See, and he didn’t mention it in his urgent report, but Bai Feng could roughly guess it; otherwise, the Holy See did nothing at all costs 'S support for the unstable throne of Pros?

Yes, at all costs. From Yue'er and Bing Lan, Bai Feng learned of the cost of the Holy See using the teleport array to send 70,000 Light Knights at once; it is no exaggeration to say that within the next thirty years, the Holy See may not be able to use masses to mass-produce the Holy Spirit. Level.

This is not to say that in the next thirty years, no new Holy Power will be born in the Holy See; but it is much harder to train talented young people to become Holy Power, even if they have profound knowledge. The Holy See where the system has been established is no exception.

At the cost of not being able to mass-produce the saint-level strongmen in the next thirty years, in exchange for becoming the national religion of the Tianlong Empire, this is indeed the consistent style of the Holy See: when implementing strategies, always focus on the 50th, 100th, and 300th Years later, and never pay too much attention to the immediate interests.

No matter how high the price paid by the Holy See, the 75,000 light knights in the imperial city have indeed become a third-party force that destroys all the layout of Baifeng; more deadly, in just two days, Baifeng even wants to do Nothing is too late.

Just let the Holy See become the last winner of this battle for the throne? No, it is not Bai Feng's character to give his own fruits of victory to others; Bai Feng quickly made a decision and left his Metropolitan Palace directly to return to Rome with a teleportation array.

"Elder Alfred, I need the support of your wingmen!"

Faced with Bai Feng’s direct request for help, Alfred, who had seen the sun **** Apollo and the prosperity of the Roman city, replied promptly: "Under the crown of the god, as long as you order, our wing human race can always Send a million soldiers to fight for you!"

One million winged human warrior, that is the figure after counting all the winged human youths, it is impossible for Bai Feng to really use the winged human race in this way, he directly ordered Alfred: "Tomorrow morning, I need you to prepare Three hundred thousand winged human warriors."

"Please rest assured, I will carefully select the most elite 300,000 soldiers for you to drive."

Early the next morning, Bai Feng, who had not slept overnight, came to the rallying point of the 300,000 winged human warriors and sent them batch by batch with the teleportation array in the Bailing ring; the other side of the teleportation array was the distance from the imperial capital Only a hundred miles away, a lonely place in the mountains and deep mountains.

Whether the 300,000 Wing Warrior can wipe out the Holy Knights of the Holy See in one battle, Bai Feng’s heart is still a little bit uncertain; the reason why he has this concern is not because he does not trust the fighting power of the Wing Warrior. It was because he was worried that the Holy See still had a hole card.

Worrying to worry, Baifeng, who has brought 300,000 winged warriors to the vicinity of the imperial capital, is absolutely impossible to beat back at this time; when the arrow is on the string, Baifeng will only subconsciously think about how to be Shoot arrows fast, accurately and ruthlessly!

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