Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1537: ""

Learn to grow up, learn to bear, and cry after crying, but also hug Mom and Dad with a smile.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)


"Weichen is here!"

"Ames, I enclose you as the Duke of the Empire, and then reward you with a Duke’s mansion and one million gold coins! In the future, as the director of the Imperial Intelligence Department, your main task is to defend the empire hidden in the dark for me and the empire. Special borders, as far as the internal affairs of the empire are concerned, don’t let your secret guards intervene, all handed over to Hades’s snare net and Cicero’s tragic death.

"Sister, please obey His Majesty's will!"

It is a great surprise for Ames, who has never seen the sun, to live a bright and upright life as the Duke of the Empire and the head of the Ministry of Information; compared with this reward, he surrendered the forces of the Secret Guard in the Empire. , It seems insignificant.

In the final analysis, Ames is a person without much ambition, otherwise he will not choose to betray Charlie the Great and cooperate with Bai Feng when Bai Feng has just risen; for such a person with little ambition and too much love for family , Bai Feng never worried that he would betray himself, even now that the covert guard has a faint trend of faintly.

Unlike Ames’s contentment, the palace ministers were shocked again; they did not expect that, in addition to the secret guards they had taken over, the emperor even had a name called “Luo Wang” and a name called “Sad Song”. Shi's intelligence organization!

A secret guard is enough to make them feel like a needle, and now there is an extra snare and a sad song dead. The nobles present all feel uncomfortable. Looking into Bai Feng's eyes, there is also a trace of indescribable more than before. fear.


"Weichen is here!"

"Hades, I enshrined you as an empire of the empire. You will serve as the deputy general manager of the empire intelligence department and continue to be in charge of the net."

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"


"Weichen is here!"

"Cicero, I enclose you as the Marquis of the Empire, and you will serve as the deputy general manager of the Imperial Intelligence Department and continue to be in charge of the mournful dead."

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

After the three major intelligence organizations of the future Empire surfaced, Bai Feng turned his attention to the group of officials: "I know that each of your families will have its own intelligence channel, which is not necessarily very large. , But it also has a large role; I have no intention of forcing you to hand over intelligence channels, but your intelligence channels must be supervised!"

Speaking of the intelligence channels of various noble families, the first to bear the brunt is the five major families that can represent the imperial noble class; therefore, under the eyes of the nobles, Duke Patel stood up: "Your Majesty, how do you intend to supervise the nobles’ intelligence? channel?"

"My idea is to set up an additional deputy general manager in charge of coordination in the intelligence department to exclusively manage the intelligence channels of all families above the count in the empire; all your family needs to do is to cooperate with him when the empire needs it. "

"Your Majesty, do you mean that this deputy director in charge of coordination does not actually interfere with the operation of the nobles' intelligence channels, but only comes when the empire needs it?"

"Good." Bai Feng nodded and gave an example for the uneasy nobles: "Take the Watson family of the prime minister as an example. If the spy of the Watson family is invaded by spies from other countries, the Empire's intelligence organization lacks a local foundation and it is difficult to play. Function; at this time, the intelligence channel of the Watson family has unconditionally cooperated with the intelligence department's duty to catch enemy spies."

"That's what it is! Your majesty's concern is that the old minister supported His Majesty to set up this third deputy director."

The Duke of Patel has expressed his position, which means that the five major families will support the decision of Bai Feng, and other nobles have no qualifications to object; Bai Feng, who is very satisfied with the performance of the Duke of Patel, immediately called a noble Unfamiliar name: "Zorge."

"Weichen is here!" Zorg, who was standing by the door in the hall, trot all the way to the hall.

"Lord Zorge, although you were the civil officer of the imperial capital, but your relationship with the major families of the imperial capital has always been harmonious, I will now give you a chance to develop your strengths. Can you be sure to do it well?"

Never thought that he would be favored by His Majesty the Emperor Zorge, no matter how desperately he pinched his thighs, he couldn't control his overjoyed ecstasy: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, Weichen must do his best, no, no. Chen will not let you down!"

"Okay! Then I will enclose you as the Marquis of the Empire and appoint you as the third deputy general manager of the relationship coordination of the intelligence department!"

"Weichen must bow to the ground, and live up to His Majesty Ron!" From Viscount to Marquis, but within two or three minutes, Zorge became a hot little deputy general of the Ministry of Intelligence from the imperial capital everywhere.

After the prime ministers, interior, military, justice, finance, foreign affairs, and intelligence were all determined, Bai Feng began to discuss the future development strategy of the empire with the aristocrats in the palace. This was the first time the Duke of Patel spoke first.

The Duke Patel, who had been preparing for a long time, took out a document from his space ring and read out as the prime minister: "Under the premise that the four provinces in the northwest of the empire, the three provinces in the southwest, and the eleven provinces in the west have not been recovered. There are sixty-one provinces in the six provinces in the East, six in the North, twelve in the Central, ten in the South, and five in the South.

"Of these 41 provinces, only the local administrations of the five southern provinces and the six eastern provinces that have not been invaded by the war are still perfect, and the administrative agencies of other regions have been destroyed in the war; The key to local rule is to restore local administrative institutions in these areas. Central ministries need to work out a feasible restoration plan as soon as possible."

"My Excellency, aren't three of the six provinces in the East still in the hands of the orcs?" Duke Amble, the first minister of the Ministry of the Interior, first questioned.

"Before His Majesty led his army to the Imperial Capital, His Majesty had reached a hundred-year peace agreement with the Orc Empire under the status of the Great Metropolitan Government of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, and the three eastern provinces that had fallen were all recovered by His Majesty."

"Your Majesty, the six Eastern Provinces were originally under the jurisdiction of the Great Eastern Governor’s Office. Now that your Majesty has reached a hundred-year peace agreement with the Orc Empire, should the jurisdiction of the Six Eastern Provinces be brought to the center?" Duke Marcus, Minister of the Interior, directly addressed Bai Feng Asked the question.

"I announce that from now on, the empire will abolish all the metropolitan government buildings that have been set up, and all the government buildings and provinces that originally belonged to each metropolitan government will be brought under the central government!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" The nobles who did not approve of the establishment of the Metropolitan Government from the outset immediately drank in unison; because in their view, the direct consequence of the cancellation of the Metropolitan Government was the increase in the provinces directly under the Central Government, which means that the Empire The number of local governors needed will also increase, which represents more opportunities for senior nobles who aspire to power.

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