Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1539: ""

Being deeply loved by a person will give you strength; loving someone deeply will give you courage.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Five hundred-hundred-level royal legions, fifty twenty-two thousand-level standing legions, and forty-one ten thousand-level local garrison legions; an army of this size, for the nobles who have just experienced the battle for the throne, also It's not really a shocking number.

Compared with the four princes, each with an army of one million and two million, the Central Orthodox, which has two-thirds of the empire’s territory, only forms a standing army of less than two million, which is not exaggerated; but reality Is that really the case?

"Have you drawn up the specific establishment of these three legions?"

"Your Majesty, the preliminary preparation of the three legions, the ministers have already been drafted, please look over." An hour ago, Quintus, who was promoted by the Marquis and appointed the first minister of the army, was prepared so well? The nobles present knew everything.

"You don't need to submit it, you just take it out and let everyone discuss it together." Bai Feng waved.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Quintus stood up straight and announced the planning plan prepared by Bai Feng himself a few days ago, and announced in his name: "The five royal legions, the designation is still the same, but the new plan is adopted: the brigade is the basic combat unit and will have ten jurisdictions. The 100-person squadron also maintains a single unit; the standard wing has four infantry brigades and one brigade composed of archers and light cavalry."

"The Standard Division consists of four Standard Wings and one Wing composed of heavy infantry. Of the four divisions under the Legion, the first three divisions are the Standard Division and the fourth Division is composed of three A heavy phalanx spearman wing and two heavy cavalry wing were mixed."

"Regarding the standing legion, each legion has two divisions, each division has three infantry wing, one dragon cavalry wing and one heavy infantry wing; each local legion has direct jurisdiction. Three infantry wing, one light cavalry wing and one heavy infantry wing; each infantry wing consists of three infantry brigades and one archer brigade."

As soon as Quintus’s words were over, the Palace of Policy Discussion exploded; not to mention the heavy lancemen and dragon cavalry that the nobles were not familiar with, just the heavy infantry that occupied an extremely high proportion of the various legions were enough to be present. The nobles, especially the officials of the Ministry of Finance, fry the pan.

"Your Majesty, the minister feels that the plan prepared by Marquis Quintus is a little too whimsical!" Knowing that Kuntus is behind Bai Feng, Marquis Krossik still objected clearly: "A division will form one The heavy infantry wing, even in the empire's most prosperous financial period, could not support the formation of such multiple infantry wing."

When the Marquis of Krossick finished, Duke Patel, the prime minister, stood up again, and he said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, a division formed a heavy infantry wing, fifty standing legions and four Eleven garrison regiments need 141 heavy infantry squadrons. Each squadron has 2,000 heavy infantry. That is 282,000 heavy infantry."

"A complete set of weapons and equipment needed for a heavy infantry needs a minimum of 30 gold coins for construction cost alone, which is five times that of ordinary infantry weapons and equipment; the construction cost of 282,000 sets of heavy weaponry and equipment will require 8.46 million gold coins."

"Even if we don't consider the loss of these heavy infantry when they enter the battle, their annual training loss is always inevitable; we will calculate it by one-fifth of the construction cost, and we will need at least 1.7 million gold coins for equipment maintenance every year. cost."

"Your Majesty." The Duke Werner, who really commanded the army, did not delve into the issue of heavy infantry. He was concerned about another armament: "A large-scale formation of a cavalry unit can indeed effectively improve the combat strength of the Imperial Army, but The cost of maintenance is too high."

"Although the minister does not know what the cavalry is, the cavalry is a cavalry. Even if the Jurchen tribe can provide a continuous supply of horses for the empire, it is still difficult for the empire to form a cavalry force of this size, because the cost of providing cavalry is at least five times that of the infantry. !"

"The main cost of reloading infantry is their weaponry, but the weaponry is not changed every day, and the cavalry is different; the cavalry’s war horses eat high-quality grain and grass, supplemented by eggs and grain, every day. The cost of raising is amazing."

"Your Majesty." The Marquis of Krossik followed the words of the Duke of Genna, adding: "The formation of 282,000 cavalry requires a minimum of 600,000 war horses. Each war horse eats two silver coins a day, This alone requires 43.8 million gold coins a year."

Compared with the cost to support cavalry, the formation of the same size of heavy infantry is nothing. The reason why these nobles focused on heavy infantry was because the empire never had a large scale. Formed cavalry.

So much so that when Marquis Krossik said this number, many nobles almost did not stare at their own eyes; when the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Finance clearly objected, how would Bai Feng decide? What? The nobles looked at Bai Feng one after another.

"Salah, you are the Chancellor of the Treasury of the Empire. You have calculated for me on the spot how much military money the Empire will have to pay if the army is organized according to the plan prepared by the Marquis of Quintus."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Salah began to count on the spot.

Almost half an hour later, the calculated Salah raised his head: "Your Majesty, if the army is organized according to the compilation plan made by Marquis Quintus, the Empire will need to pay a one-time payment of 650 million gold coins in order to convert these The army is formed; after it is formed, the empire still needs to pay 230 million military expenses each year to maintain the combat effectiveness of these troops."

"Crossick, what is the annual military expenditure of the Empire of the time of Charles the Great?"

"Your Majesty, before the military expansion, the empire’s annual military expenditure was 45 million gold coins, and after the military expansion, it exploded to 120 million gold coins per year; but this military expenditure includes the military expenditure of the local provincial defense forces, It’s not just the Empire Standing Army."

In the time of Charles the Great, the Imperial Standing Army consisted of five royal legions and 120 standing legions, with a total strength of 2.65 million; plus hundreds of thousands of city defense troops throughout the empire, the total military cost was only 120 million. Ten million gold coins.

Now that Bai Feng only needs to build 1.5 million standing troops and 410,000 garrison troops, he needs military expenses of 230 million gold coins. I have to say that the prime minister and ministers feel unacceptable and normal, because this number is indeed Somewhat horrible.

"That's it." After thinking for a while, Bai Feng made a suggestion: "The 650 million gold coins needed for the expansion of the army are half allocated by the Imperial Ministry of Finance, and I allocate the other half from the royal library; the future annual military expenditures, The Imperial Ministry of Finance only needs to allocate half of it, and the other half still allocates funds from my royal chamber. What does Zhu Qing think?"

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