Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1542: ""

Only one person can hear his voice when traveling, and it will tell you that the world is wider than expected.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Now there is one month before the arrival of the new year. I will give you all a month. After one month, I will see the central departments of the empire that have fully restored their administrative capabilities; the first quarter after the new year. Before the end, the administrative agencies at all levels in the 41 local provinces will also be re-established. This is a task that each of you must complete!"

"In my empire, I can give each of you a platform to display your talent, and also give you the title and power you deserve, provided that you must keep up with my footsteps; otherwise, if you are in an unstable position, you will There are more capable people to replace you!"

"Chen waits to do everything he can to take care of your majesty!" Like all the rehearsals in advance, all the ministers in the hall shouted in unison.

Late at night, when the ministers and nobles left, the prime minister, Duke Patel, the right phase, the Duke of Gna, the left phase of the Duke of Madison, the Duke of Interior, the Duke of Marcus, the Duke of Finance, the Duke of Salah, the Duke of Justice, the Duke of Auchin Lake, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs The Duke of Ribbentrop, the Duke of Crest, the first Secretary of the Army, the Marquis of Quintus, the first minister of the military, and the Marquis of Moritz, the second minister of the military, were all left behind.

"Patel, I intend to abolish the post of governor of the province's official system. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, the reason for the establishment of the governorship with great autonomy at the beginning of the establishment of the empire was not because the territory of the empire was too large for the central government to effectively rule, but because the nobles representing the noble class needed this office to ensure themselves. interest."

"Now in the empire, the power of the noble class has been weakened to the extreme, isn't it?"

"Your Majesty, even if the power of the imperial nobility has been weakened to the extreme, it does not mean that the nobility of the empire will sit back and watch their interests be fully collected by you; once they start a war against you, the empire will stabilize. It will collapse in an instant."

"Duke Patel, we have millions of elites who are loyal to His Majesty. Anyone who dares to wage war against His Majesty, our army will crush them!" Marquis Moritz, the second minister of the military, expressed his murderous attitude. Road.

"Marquis Moritz, even if your majesty does not have the faithful and elite million elite, I believe that in the name of His Majesty's "Herlin God of War", any war against His Majesty will end in failure." Duke Patel first admitted Mo What Ritz said, but then the words changed: "However, our empire is not in a unified state now, and the enemies your majesty needs to face are not only from within the empire."

"The rebellious William who invaded the northwestern provinces of the empire and many western provinces, the rebellious Harry who invaded the southwestern provinces of the empire and many western provinces, as well as the Deman, Dessau coalition forces, Hakuba, Kassel, and Feiyu coalition forces invading the empire, How should we deal with these enemies?"

In Baifeng’s empire, the so-called Imperial Army was built on the basis of the Eastern Army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, or is still in the process of being organized; such a large army can deal with one or two enemies. If the enemy is If there is more, they will be unable to eat.

The speechless Moritz no longer spoke, and Bai Feng asked Duke Patel: "Do you mean you cannot revoke the governor's office?"

"Your Majesty, the removal of the governor’s office is only a form; if you do not want to distribute local power to the nobility, you can temporarily appoint no one to serve as governor. As for the complete removal of the governor’s office, you can wait until the empire stabilizes. ."

"Then don't appoint the Governor first." Bai Feng nodded and admonished as Liu Liu.

"My Excellency Patel." The Minister of the Interior, Marcus, took the initiative to ask the Duke Patel: "When appointing local officials in various provinces, do you think it is more appropriate for the aristocratic officials to account for a certain percentage of the total number of officials?"

"According to the past practice of the empire, all local middle and senior officials should be served by local viscounts and above, and even local grassroots officials should also be served by local knights; however, the imperial noble class has just been rebelled and battled for the throne Repeated blows cannot provide so many officials in a short period of time, so the Imperial Central Committee can take advantage of this opportunity to obtain about 30% of the number of officials."

"No, 30% are too few!" Bai Feng directly rejected the Duke Patel's secure proposal this time, even more radically: "In all provinces directly under the central government, the local nobility should not exceed 30% of the total number of local officials; the rest Seventy percent of the officials, 50 percent are directly appointed by our central government, and 20 percent are selected by officials from our central ministries to serve as local talented civilians."

"Your Majesty, just 30%, the local aristocracy will probably not be easy to accept." Duke Patel suggested politely.

"Patel, you still don’t understand what I mean; I mean, these 30% just refer to the proportion of local nobles in the local middle and low-level officials, and all local senior officials must be directly appointed by the central government. This is my bottom line that cannot be withdrawn. !"

"His Majesty……"

Bai Feng waved his hand and told Duke Patel not to say anything. He turned and ordered the Marquis of Moritz: "Moritz, you are solely responsible for the formation of the local provincial garrison corps. You must rush before the official appointment of the provincial officials. Assemble the Garrison Corps."

"Your Majesty, rest assured that the ministers must rush to form all the garrisons before the official appointment of provincial officials in the central ministries!"

"Your Majesty, the formation of 41 garrison regiments requires 410,000 soldiers. Under the premise of sufficient military spending, the Ministry of Military Affairs can call on 410,000 recruits to form garrison regiments at any time. The combat strength of the garrison corps may be difficult to cope with the unrest that may erupt next; therefore, the minister suggested that some elites from the Eastern Army be used to form a garrison corps."

The proposal of Duke Kleist, the Secretary of State for Military Affairs, was quite pertinent. Bai Feng agreed with a little thought: "Okay, then I took out the 20 Eastern Legions of the former Eastern Army and combined with 210,000 new recruits, Used to form a garrison army."

"Your Majesty is brilliant!"

"Your Majesty, in addition to the 20 Eastern Legions, there are also 13 temporary legions in the original Eastern Army. See if you can deploy three more temporary legions to expand the provincial defense forces. ?" Marquis Quintus, the first minister of the military, suggested.

"The 60,000 soldiers of the three provisional legions are definitely not enough to expand the city defense army." Bai Feng thought for a while and said, "So, then pick 60,000 descending soldiers from the northern army prisoners to add to ensure city defense. The proportion of veterans in the army can reach one fifth."

"Your Majesty is brilliant!"

In the imperial capital at this time, there were about 400,000 troops dropped by the Northern Army, which did not include the figure of the army of Quintus; the number of troops dropped under the original Pross was slightly less, and the total number was only 300,000. Of course, this does not include Salvini's army figures.

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