Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1559: ""

I can't tell why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

"Senior see your majesty!" Duke Gerald wearing full armor of the Knights of the Guards and Marquis Eugen wearing full armor of the Bauhinia Knights stood under the side hall, and when they saw Bai Feng coming over, they were respectful It's a great gift.

The temporary duty of the Duke Gerald is a senior official of the Prime Minister’s Office, and the temporary duty of the Marquis of Eugen is the senior staff of the military. They can naturally claim to be their own ministers when they are in the office; however, they are wearing armor today But it does not match well with their duties.

It's not hard to see Bai Feng who came here from the two of them and smiled and asked them: "The two of you are wearing the armor of the Knights of the Guards and the armor of the Knights of the Bauhinia, not because of the recent hustle and bustle of the imperial capital. Is it rumored?"

Bai Feng's open attitude made Duke Gerald and Marquis Eugen inevitably look at each other. After simple eye contact, the older Duke Gerald raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, the rumors may not be credible, but empty There won’t always be a point!"

"You guys!" After shaking his head with a wry smile, Bai Feng, who was in a good mood, explained to the two of them: "I know that the reason why the imperial capital has rumors about my intention to dissolve the three royal knights is partly because I have been There was no order to rebuild the three Royal Knights. On the other hand, it was because I recently formed a new cavalry, but this is not the case."

"Your Majesty, you mean that your purpose of forming the Imperial Cavalry was not to replace the three Royal Knights?" Ou Ren asked in surprise.

"Of course not!" Bai Feng resolutely replied: "I just think that the Yulin Army is pure elite infantry, and the mobility will be slightly inadequate. This is the purpose of forming a pure cavalry, to compensate for the mobility of the Yulin Army. Of deficiencies."

"Your Majesty, since you did not intend to cancel the establishment of the three Royal Knights, why have you been so slow to order the reconstruction of the Three Royal Knights?" Gerald said bluntly: "The Royal Legion and the Royal Forest, and the Imperial Capital Even if the City Defense Army and the Standing Army are rebuilt in front of our Royal Knights, shouldn’t the Garrison Legions also be placed in front of our Royal Knights?”

Duke Gerald, who has always regarded himself as the head of the Knights of the Guards, has a lot of resentment in his words, and Bai Feng does not care about it in his ears; because compared to other senior nobles in the empire, this The two are fairly pure soldiers.

"Gerald and Eugen, you are both the head of the Knights of the Guards and the Knights of the Bauhinia, as well as the famous battlefield empire of the empire. I want to know what kind of troops the three royal knights in your eyes are. "Bai Feng asked what he asked.

Although Gerald and Eugen didn’t quite understand why His Majesty the Emperor had this question suddenly, Gerald replied truthfully: "Your Majesty, the Royal Knights in the eyes of his subjects, are not only the most outstanding contingent of the empire, but also The elite army with the strongest empire!"

"Your Majesty." Ou Ren hesitated before saying: "The Royal Knights in the eyes of his subjects are the troops most loyal to your Majesty."

Gerald, who thought that he had no problems, immediately lit up after hearing Eugen’s answer, and then he looked up his expectant eyes at Bai Feng sitting on the dragon chair, hoping that the emperor His Majesty You can be satisfied with this seemingly impeccable answer.

"The most outstanding troops, the most powerful troops, and the most loyal to my troops, is this your answer?" Bai Feng seemed to say to himself: "Not to mention the outstanding merits, as far as the combat power is concerned. I am afraid that the three royal knights are not as good as the Yulin legions who fought against the orcs; as far as loyalty is concerned, in the old part of the empire in the east, which unit is not more loyal to me than the three royal knights."

"His Majesty……"

Gerald just wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Bai Feng waving: "In my opinion, the three royal knights such a meritorious force that has existed since the establishment of the empire, either with its glorious war history Existing in the history of the empire, either it becomes the pillar of the empire with its superb fighting power; you tell me, which three of the previous three Royal Knights did the same?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is ashamed!" The speechless Gerald and Ou Ren were ashamed.

But Bai Feng didn't stop there. He continued in a bland tone: "The glory of the three royal knights is almost lost in the battle of the imperial capital; if the reconstructed three royal knights have another such defeat. , Then do they still have the value of existence?"

"Your Majesty, as long as you are willing to rebuild the three royal knights, the minister assured you that even if the soldiers died in the battlefield, they would never let the name of the royal knight be humiliated!" Marquis Eugen, who has a deep affection for the Bauhinia Knights, A pair of death-like appearances promised.

Gerald is also unwilling to be weak: "Your Majesty, as long as you are willing to rebuild the three royal knights, the minister will do everything in his power to train you a stronger guard knight than before, open for you and the empire. Frontiers!"

"Are you really so confident?" Bai Feng asked nonchalantly, and then he stood up from the dragon chair and walked out of the palace under the guards of Yulin Tiewei and Blazing Sword Guardian. : "You come with me."

The camp where the Imperial Cavalry is located is located in the deep palace. Although Gerald and Eugene have not seen this newly formed cavalry unit, they also know the location of this unit; after Bai Feng, they Quickly guessed where the destination is.

The closer to the camp of the Royal Cavalry, the more disturbed the emotions of Gerald and Eugene, because their ears gradually sounded a roar of roar; the key to the problem is this kind of wild and deterrent The roar, they are no strangers.

"Your Majesty, were you formed by the Thundercloud Knights of the Dark Council?" Gerald asked, looking ugly.

"Since the Dark Council participated in the battle of the imperial capital, it must pay a price for it." Bai Feng said while walking: "I promised not to pursue them, and even acquiesced in their secret missionary in the north and east of the empire. 100 million gold coins and 5,000 thunder clouded leopards, and promised to provide 20 million gold coins and 1,000 tamed thunder cloud leopards to the empire every year."

"Five thousand tamed thundercloud leopards?!" "One thousand tamed thundercloud leopards every year?!"

Gerald and Eugene, shocked by this number, immediately understood why Bai Feng had not rebuilt the three royal knights; after thinking about it, with Thundercloud Leopard, Thundercloud Knights can be cultivated on a large scale, with Thundercloud With the cavalry as the main force, who can be regarded as the three royal knights formed by ordinary knights? Gerald and Eugen instantly filled with haze.

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