Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1564: ""

Nothing will hinder people's happiness more than happy memories

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Although Bai Feng was willing to return to Rome, he was always dragged by various endless things and could not make time. Until the night before the new year, the officials of the six departments of the government finally stopped sending them to the palace. Only then did he have time to return to Rome.

In order to prevent the secrets of the city of Rome from being known to outsiders, Bai Feng deliberately disengaged Arthur who had been inseparable with him for a while before returning to Rome, and arranged for the captain of the Flame Sword Guard to ask Arthur to avoid Arthur suddenly. appear.

Late at night, I returned to Baifeng in the city of Rome, but I waited for less than ten minutes. The sleeping Vipsani came to the ruling official residence; before dawn, I had to go back to Baifeng in the imperial capital. When I saw the rushing Vipsani, I started. Ask him about the Westward Expedition of the Five Route Army of Rome.

Among the five-road troops dispatched by the Roman city, the four-way main army of the Western Expedition consists of a Roman Eagle Flag Legion equipped with auxiliary legions as the core main force, paired with two Banner Legions and two Roman Legions, and supplemented by one of the Swift Wolf Legions. A cavalry wing full of two thousand cavalry.

The mobile army consists of Bashirek’s Hammer Legion and Kuroda’s Ninth Banner Legion. Its main task is to reinforce the Western Expeditionary Army that encountered a strong enemy. The secondary task is to **** the captured barbarian soldiers back to Rome. City, to reduce the operational burden of the front-line Western Expeditionary Army.

However, in actual combat, the number of four-way main forces with fierce offensives is not as good as the mobile army with less than 40,000 troops; the mobile army that originally served as a backup reinforcement in the rear has become the main force because of an accidental opportunity. Main force.

The 1st Western Expeditionary Army, the first to enter the central region of the barbaric land, was the army with the first Roman Eagle Flag Corps as the core main force. This army was led by their commander Li Xini to the first A central barbarian tribe launched a fierce attack.

The reason why Li Xini will attack this tribe directly is partly because he wants to use a clean victory to deter other barbarian tribes in the central region. powerful.

The cavalry wing attached to the army of Li Xini has already scrutinized the situation within 50 miles of the Vandal tribe, and determined that this tribe is the most powerful tribe within a radius of 50 miles. The size of several other tribes is only Not big.

In Li Xini's view, a barbarian tribe with a total population of not more than 50,000 in terms of external scale, no matter how strong the whole people are, they can only piece together about 20,000 soldiers; but his troops have nearly 20 Wan's elite division, even sending a legion has the power to destroy this tribe, the strength of both sides is not at the same level.

Unexpectedly, Li Xini's dispatch of the First Banner Corps of the Ministry of Yubu and the First Roman Corps of the Ministry of Xinlida failed to break through the simple wall of the Vandal tribe; Sini was shocked that just this afternoon's battle, the army of two people, Bu Weixin and Sinrida, each killed more than 2,000 soldiers!

The loss of five thousand soldiers in World War I, including the five or six thousand soldiers who were wounded by the two armies and withdrawn to the camp, this level of loss made Li Xini, who was the first independent leader, furious; he was angry, early the next morning Instead of letting the Banner Corps and the Roman Legion fight, the most elite Roman Eagle Flag Corps under his command sent the main force and continued to storm the camp of the Vandals.

After another day of **** battles, the main force of the first powerful Roman Eagle Flag Corps, with the help of tens of thousands of elite long archers, still failed to capture the camp of the Vandals; moreover, today’s losses are more than yesterday For the heavy!

If the defeat of the First Banner Corps and the First Roman Legion shocked and angered Li Xini, then the defeat of the First Roman Eagle Flag Corps made him instantly calm down; as a seasoned general, Li Xini quickly responded that this Vandal tribe is much stronger than the barbarian tribes of the same size in the eastern region!

After Li Xini put away his contempt, on the third day of the attack on the Vandal tribe, he personally led his general guard to the forefront of the battle, in this way to directly feel the Vandal tribe warrior Fighting power.

After personally slashing ten Vandal warriors, Li Xini had to admit that the central barbarian with the same dress and weaponry as the eastern barbarian was much stronger than the eastern barbarian. Intermediate officers do not succeed!

This discovery left Li Xini with a headache, and he could only temporarily stop the attack of his army against the Vandal tribe; after Lukus, who led the army of various roads, arrived at the front line, after his deployment, The attack of the Roman army was resumed again.

This time, the Roman army attacking the Vandal tribe is no longer only the first army of Li Xini, the second army of Vimina has also entered the battle; the more than 300,000 elites of the two routes are fighting against the Vandal tribe A ten-day violent attack.

On the last day of the offensive, the two banner regiments under Li Xini pretended to be defeated, and then the already exhausted Roman army was logically defeated; the more than 10,000 Vandal warriors who thought they had won the war, The patriarch himself led out of their camp and pursued the'broken' Roman army.

The'defeated' Roman army ran back in an orderly manner. Although the Vandal army, who was chasing after it, was in a hurry, it was unable to catch up with the Roman soldiers who fled backward; but with the passage of time, between the two armies The distance is still getting closer.

The soldiers of the Roman army, no matter how outstanding their endurance, they cannot compare with the barbarian warriors who are physically close to the orcs; watching the soldiers of the Vandal tribe will catch up with the Roman soldiers, and Bashirek will lead his heavy hammer army from Wang The rear of the Dar army suddenly killed.

The roaring Hammer Legion reloaded their cavalry and rushed from behind Vandal’s army into their loose queue in an invincible posture; just at this moment, the stopped Roman soldiers slightly reorganized the formation, and Turned back to the Vandal army.

The main forces of the First Roman Eagle Flag Legion and the Second Roman Eagle Flag Legion, plus the 6,000 heavy cavalry of the Heavy Hammer Legion, as well as the Generals of the Banner and the Roman Legions surrounded from all sides, this Vandal army resisted After three or four hours, the remaining 3,000 fighters finally chose to surrender.

At the same time, the Ninth Banner Corps of the Heitian Yicheng Division, which is the mobile army of the Basilik Division's Hammer Corps, also successfully captured the Vandal tribe camp with few soldiers stationed; completely eliminated the Vandal tribe Later, Lucius began to understand the situation in the central part of the barren land through the people of the Vandal tribe.

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