Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1576: ""

The dream is always awake suddenly, like a bubble, blowing bigger and bigger, and finally bursting, nothing, except emptiness. Without something built on the ground, no spiritual or material support can be formed.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Whether the war between Deman and Dessau will break out with Cordel’s intervention, Bai Feng did not care about it, because even if the war broke out between Deman and Dessau, for the current Dragon Empire , Meaning is extremely limited.

Bai Feng, who has chosen the White Horse Kingdom as the target of killing chickens and monkeys, will not miss a good opportunity to provoke the war between Deman Kingdom and Dessau Kingdom, but he will not be too hopeful about it. Anyway, it is a very unattractive gesture. .

On the fourth day when Cordel left the imperial capital again, there was a report from the front line that Marshal Ronderstad and Marshal Albert led the army to the west of the empire. Another western town has been recaptured by the rebel army.

Marshal Ronderstad, who was very good at offensive operations, divided his southwestern rebellious army under his command into six routes: each elite standing corps was paired with two ordinary ordinary corps, forming five offensive spearheads of siege, he himself led The main force is composed of the Legion of Fire and the two yellow flags and two white flags. The soldiers pointed directly at the main force of the Cossack mercenaries.

The true identity of Cossack mercenaries Marshal Ronderstad did not know, so his operational deployment was to use the cavalry advantage of his army to wipe out the main force of the Cossack mercenaries stationed in the province of Saint-Nazaire in one fell swoop. The purpose of quick battle and quick decision.

Opman, who was willing to cooperate with the rebel army in the southwest of the empire, as the commander of the Cossack mercenary, deliberately split the large number of troops under his pretence into a small army and stationed in the west under the guise of holding the town. Go to the towns in the provinces.

The cossack mercenaries that had been reduced to nothing seemed to be holding on to every town under the rule of Prince Harry, but in fact they were dispersing their already limited strength; those Cossack mercenary soldiers who were stationed in various towns, although they were all In the name of the Cossack mercenaries, but they are all temporarily assembled together, they have the strength to withstand the imperial rebel army offensive.

Often the imperial rebellious army of soldiers approached the city, and the Cossack mercenary soldiers stationed in the city would surrender under the banner of chaos anyway; so that some fast-paced rebel troops even created prisoners in four cities a day. Over fifty thousand miracles!

If the Cossack mercenaries stationed in the western provinces of the empire under Prince Harry were deliberately defeated, then the nearly four million troops stationed in the western provinces of the empire under Prince William were killed in fancy. The battle report sent back by the rebels can be seen.

The northwestern counterinsurgency of Marshal Albert was also advancing to the western provinces under the rule of Prince William; the result was that the counterinsurgency troops who entered the rebellious provinces often did not retake the towns by force. It depends on food and clothing.

The nearly four million troops under the complete turmoil of Prince William first split into more than 500 independent warlord forces divided by one side, and then began to desperately search for the people’s fat and cream. After the local search was cleaned, they The internal melee has inevitably erupted; the chaotic situation has caused local people to sink into the water.

Take the first town recaptured by the southwestern rebel army as an example. This town in the province of Rennes was first searched by a local rebel army and then defeated by another rebel army. The military searched it again; in just one month, this town with a population of less than 10,000 people was searched by six rebels in turns seven times!

The last rebel army that seized the town raided it when it first entered the town, and ran a second unscrupulous scourge before learning that the imperial rebellious army was coming; when it was time to withdraw, they still threatened Wrapped away most of the young and strong in the town.

The rebellious troops who first entered the town saw the same scene as **** on earth; the town was full of starving, old and weak and raped women and children, and the tragic corpses of ten houses and nine empty streets. , Let Marshal Albert dispatch a chase force on the spot.

Because of the urgent situation, Marshal Albert allocated a batch of military food from his army to help the people in this town on the premise of not asking for the central government of the empire; Bai Feng, who learned of this situation, not only blamed Albert The Marshal Special made the decision without authorization, but instead ordered the Empire Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior to join forces to transport grain and grass supplies to recover the urban relief refugees at the fastest speed.

Under the offensive of the grain and grass materials launched by the central government of the empire, the western provinces of the empire controlled by the rebels under the prince William returned to the rule of the central government at an extremely rapid rate. As for those who burned and plundered the evil rebels, As long as they are defeated by the rebels, all the criminals will be imprisoned in the military cells, and the less guilty will be transferred to local officials.

Everyone knows that although the rebel soldiers who were handed over to local officials could not escape the suffering of prison and reform, they were able to retrieve a life; instead, they were those rebel soldiers who were imprisoned in a temporary military cell. Is destined not to end well.

From January 7th, when the Southwestern Rebels and Northwestern Rebels launched their recapture attacks at the same time, and on January 30th, when the two armies suspended their offensives for rest, they had fallen into the hands of the rebels in the 11 western provinces of the Empire. The province returned to the rule of the central empire.

The record of the two rebel army is extremely good, but it is still the glory of the Northwestern rebel army under the field of Marshal Albert; this is because in the past three weeks, the field of Marshal Ronderstad The southwestern rebel army annihilated by the southwestern rebel army is only one million, while the northwestern rebel army annihilated by the northwestern rebel army under the command of Albert Marshall is 3.5 million!

This is not to say that the Northwestern counterinsurgency army is more powerful than the Southwestern counterinsurgency army, but that the Northwestern counterinsurgency army is facing more enemies; in fact, the real counterinsurgency battle has not yet begun. The recapture battles between the two major rebels were not so much a battle with the rebels as a armed march because they did not encounter any resistance at all.

Among the eight provinces that have returned to the rule of the Empire, the provinces previously stationed by the Cossack mercenaries are in better condition. The Ministry of the Interior’s assessment is that it only needs a maximum of three to five years of rest and rest to restore the original state; The situation in the province where the out-of-control rebels are stationed is much more complicated. The Ministry of the Interior’s assessment is that it takes at least 20 years of rest and recuperation to return to its original state.

This extremely disparate contrast shows exactly how much the harm of the out-of-control rebels is. The other thing that can reflect this harm is the number of rebel soldiers detained in the two rebel camps; He held 20,000 or 30,000 rebel soldiers, and the number of rebel soldiers held in the Northwest Ping Rebel Barracks was as high as more than 300,000!

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