Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1580: ""

Unbeknownst to love, going deeper and deeper, is the most beautiful love; hating to be deep into the bone marrow is the coldest human nature; the original sin is magnified, and always has a corner to reflect itself.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

The wind and dust servants returned to Farald in his family city, and quickly wrote a secret letter, and then let his heart take this secret letter to Hei Yao City and handed it to Lu Ze; after that, he wrote two more secret letters. The letter was sent to the Antwerp Empire and the Principality of Hessen by their hearts.

The Westminster Chamber of Commerce is a behemoth that the eight major families have joined together to fight. It is true, but how can the eight powerful families have no secret power that belongs only to their own family; the secret power of the Stuart family is that their family spent a lot of money. For a hundred years, a royal prince allied in the Antwerp Empire and two military marquis supported in the Principality of Hesse.

The royal princes of the Antell Empire and the military marquis of the Principality of Hessen were all high-weight real power figures. They helped the Stuart family, even if the Stuart family broke away from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, In this way, you can keep your own family power.

Of course, the secret allies of the Stuart family and the nobles who secretly wooed and controlled other countries are more than these three; but these three are the strongest of all their allies, so when Farald needs foreign aid, first The three will be contacted.

While Farald was busy convincing Luze and contacting his allies, the heads of the other seven families were not idle; especially Windsor, the head of the Windsor family, after personally arranging the affairs of his family, he personally brought The team went to the Dragon Empire.

It is undeniable that when Windsor first accepted the registration of Baifeng, its purpose was indeed to paralyze Baifeng; but with the acquisition of the title, his mentality also changed slightly. He believes that the registration of Baifeng is not necessarily another remodeling of the Windsor family. A shortcut.

Rebuilding the country belonging to the eight major families, this dream sounds passionate, but how can it be so easy to realize; the ancestors of the eight major families have struggled for thousands of years to this end, and they are still still working hard at the end. Is it medium?

Although at the highest decision-making meeting of the eight major families, everyone said that everyone is now only one step away from realizing their dreams, but whether this step can be crossed in the past is still unknown, and no one can guarantee that this country will Can be built.

Windsor, who is no longer stunned, feels that instead of putting all his family's hopes on the illusory dream of founding the country, it is better to deepen the relationship with the Tianlong Empire and first fight for his family in the Tianlong Empire. the future of.

From the perspective of Windsor, who pretends to be a duke, the Duke of the Tianlong Empire is no worse than the prince of the eight-family self-established country; more importantly, the former is already obtained by the Windsor family, while the latter is killed by the dead. Risk, and may not necessarily succeed.

I already have a clear decision in Windsor. When I personally led the team to the Dragon Empire, in addition to the meeting and compensation for the Dragon Dragon Empire prepared by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, I also prepared a generous gift from the Windsor family to Bai Feng. .

But the development of the matter is always not based on human will. Farald’s secret letter has not been delivered to Hei Yao City, and the two main squadrons of the Blood Guard of Westminster Chamber of Commerce have not arrived to Hei Yao City. The Westminster Chamber of Commerce led by Windsor had not even entered the territory of the Dragon Empire, and Opman’s Cossack mercenaries and Luzer’s Hei Yao had already started fighting.

Pro-Cossack mercenaries with 45,000 main force elitely withdrew Opman in the chaotic realm, and on their way to the Black City, they used them to search for the gold and silver treasures from the Dragon Empire, and recruited more than 20,000 mercenaries who licked the blood , And mixed them into five alliances.

Forty-five thousand elite main force, more than twenty-three thousand congregations of mercenaries, nearly 70,000 Cossack mercenaries, and vigorously headed straight to Heiyao City; Lu Ze who knew his strength was not dominant Then, he gathered all his soldiers in Hei Yao City, preparing to use his home defense advantage to play a defensive battle with the Cossack mercenaries.

Until this time, the secret guards with limited penetration into Hei Yao City did not know the actual size of the Hei Yao Army under Lu Ze; Opman, who was based on the information provided by the secret guard, although knowing that Lu Ze might not easily treat Hei Yaocheng surrendered, but he did not know how many soldiers Hei Yaojun had in Lu Ze's department. He always thought that Lu Ze had only 35,000 soldiers.

Seventy thousand Cossack mercenary soldiers against 35,000 Black Yao soldiers, even if it is an offensive battle, and the other party has advantages in weapons and equipment. I feel that Opman, who has more actual combat experience under his command, is still full of confidence. .

Is this really the case? The answer must be no. The Cossack mercenaries under the city, the first wave of tentative attacks on Heiyao City, were launched by more than 9,000 mercenaries from two mixed alliances; as a result, the mercenaries were just within 100 meters of the city wall. , It was covered by the heavy crossbow arrows of the defenders of the Black Yao City.

Weapons and equipment of various mercenaries, most of them are wearing weak defense armor, where can withstand the strong crossbow fired by the heavy crossbow; dense heavy crossbow arrows array, let the charge in front of the mercenary like The harvested wheat fell like a slice.

The tragedy of the mercenaries in front made the mercenaries immediately behind them crowded together, holding their round shields high in one place to resist the covering shot of the heavy crossbow formation of the defending army; this method is indeed It effectively blocked the attack of the defender's heavy crossbow arrows, but was unable to respond to the second wave of attacks by the defender, because this time the defender changed the more lethal fire oil!

One after another, jars filled with fire oil were thrown on the mercenaries by the defenders on the city walls in various ways; some of the jars were dropped by the defenders with their hands, and some of the jars were small throwing stones by the defenders. The aircraft was thrown out, and some of the jars were thrown out by the defending army with magic. The jars flying all over the sky poured the jars of fire oil on the mercenaries.

When the mercenaries hiding under the shield wall were caught in the fire, they immediately realized what would happen next, but they wanted to turn around and ran away, but they were difficult to escape because they were crowded together; just as the mercenaries were in a mess At that time, a group of defending soldiers with bows and arrows shot the rockets prepared in their hands out of the city walls.

A total of only one or two hundred rockets, mixed in thousands of heavy crossbow arrows, does not matter at all, but the fire they ignited instantly swallowed countless mercenaries with fire oil on them; 'S mercenaries are lucky, because they don't need to endure the burning pain for too long, they will be shot on the spot by the heavy crossbow arrows still pouring down.

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