Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1588: ""

May you not be angry all the time when you get too little; may not be afraid all the time if you get too much.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novel)

The eight battle fronts deployed by Marshal Albert adjusted their original square battle front to a round battle front surrounded by the rebels. All the heavy infantry were blocked at the outermost periphery of the round battle front. Inwards are the pikemen, infantry, and archers.

The spearmen scattered among the eight battle fronts are 15,000 pikemen from the three pikemen's wing of the Fourth Division of the Blaze Corps, and the archers are from the Blaze Corps and The long archer of each wing belonging to the standing legion.

These long pikemen and long archers who had not joined the battle until the rebels flooded like a tide, they only formally entered the war; the long-prepared pikemen put their hands a long gun of three or four meters in length On the shoulders of the heavy infantry, they stabbed at the enemy troops who had rushed in, and immediately dropped the crying father who shoved the rebel soldiers who rushed to the front and shouted.

The more lethal are those long archers, the 6,000 long archers of the Legion of Fire and the 12,000 long archers of the four standing legions, which are evenly divided into eight battle lines. Each battle line can be divided into two thousand long archers. ; It is the two thousand arrows thrown by the two thousand long archers in each round, which has caused a devastating blow to the rebel soldiers who have almost no armor at all!

The overly dense rebel soldiers are all crowded together, the long archers do not need to aim at the time of salvo, and their arrows thrown into the sky at a forty-five degree angle will not be missed when falling from the sky, there is always bad luck Of rebel soldiers were shot.

Each wave of arrows shoots will create a vacuum zone in the dense rebel army; although the number advantage of the rebels allows them to fill the vacuum zone again in the shortest time, but the tragic casualties still let More and more rebel soldiers are fearful.

After the fierce battle lasted for three or four hours, all the long archers in the eight battle lines of the rebels had shot their quiver; thirty ordinary arrows and ten armor-breaking arrows, for these ordinary For long archers, it is already the limit of the limit.

The long archers who carried their long bows to their backs, after resting for a while, pulled out their short swords around their waists and joined the battle as a warrior, assisting the infantry to siege the heavy equipment together The infantry were occasionally deliberately placed into the enemy lineup.

In order to ease the pressure of frontal defense, the heavy infantry on the outer periphery of the round battle array often deliberately open a gap that can accommodate four or five people in parallel, and put about three or four hundred rebel soldiers into the battle array. , They will close the gap again.

The three or four hundred rebel soldiers who entered the battle line often did not even have a chance to react. They would be quickly annihilated by the flat rebel infantry who rushed from all sides; after the last rebel soldier fell in the pool of blood, the outer The heavy infantry will open another gap in the other direction, put rebel soldiers of the same size into the battle array, and then use the same method to destroy this wave of rebel soldiers.

The quantity advantage is so great that the rebels can’t be added, and the command system is also chaotic to the point where they can’t be added. The rebels who are chaotic in a pot are completely fighting each other with the rebels in a fighting stance; How many times is the most simple method of booby killing, and there will still be a blindly unknown rebel soldier plunged into the trap.

When the battle reached the sixth hour, the eight round battle fronts of the rebels were half the size of their original battle fronts, and the rebels’ fourth and fifth platoons had joined. At this time, Kotarelli still had the 200,000 troops in the sixth row who did not participate in the battle, and there were a large number of cavalry who did not enter the battle under Marshal Albert.

In the cavalry cluster hidden by Marshal Albert, in addition to the 40,000 fine rides recorded by the two blue flags and 135 cattle, there are 10,000 heavy cavalry and 6,000 light cavalry of the Fire Legion, and four standing legions The 16,000 dragon cavalry; the so-called dragon cavalry is actually the elite riding infantry created by Bai Feng. Their weapons and equipment are between the light cavalry and the heavy cavalry, and the strength of infantry is stronger than that of cavalry.

Regardless of the fighting strength of the Dragon Cavalry, the cavalry cluster composed of 48,000 Banners of Fine Cavalry, 10,000 Heavy Cavalry, 6,000 Light Cavalry, and 16,000 Dragon Cavalry is still large enough. This is a situation that can reverse the situation on the battlefield. Powerful force.

If there is no external intervention, the Legion of Fire and all the infantry of the four standing legions form eight circular battle arrays, and sooner or later they will be overwhelmed by the 800,000 rebel soldiers who have been put into battle; in front of the absolute number, it does not constitute poor quality The advantage cannot be changed.

As time passed, the eight round battle fronts of the rebels continued to shrink over time. In contrast, the rebels who were on the offensive. Although there were constantly warriors who were scared by the fierce fighting and collapsed, they were in the war team. Under the brutal repression, few collapsed soldiers were able to escape the battlefield. They were either beheaded by the supervising team on the spot to be effective, or were sent back to the battlefield by the supervising team.

When the battle reached the seventh hour, the soldiers of the two armies who had not eaten or drank for almost an entire day were almost unsustainable; more importantly, as the evening approached, this unprecedented scale of the battle will inevitably follow The curtain fell for the night.

Marshal Albert, feeling the time had come, whispered something to a guard next to him, and the guard ran away from Pegasus; just four or five minutes later, about five miles from the battlefield Where suddenly bursts of smoke and dust!

The tremendous movement of tens of thousands of cavalry rushed together, making the whole of the Cambrian Plain tremble, and realized that the rebellious generals of the major event had no chance of reacting at all, and the overwhelming cavalry appeared to them. Within the field of vision.

The cavalry cluster with a clear division of labor. All the dragon cavalry and light cavalry are divided into four groups, each led by 2,500 heavy cavalry, heading straight to the rebels who are still besieging the rebels. Go; the 40,000 fine rides of the two blue flags are divided into two roads with their respective flags as a unit, and the two hundred thousand reserve teams under Kotarelli are left and right.

The forty-two thousand blue flag masters who were proficient in riding and shooting, approached in a parallel position within 100 meters of the rebel reserve battle line, and then a burst of arrows shot at the densely packed rebels; watching his robe The fallen rebel soldiers, daring not to step forward to impact the fast-running two blue flag elite groups, and fearing that they would be the next unlucky ghost to be shot, could only retreat instinctively.

The rebel soldiers in front of the battle line retreated. The soldiers behind the battle line did not receive orders and did not dare to retreat further back. It didn’t take long for the ten battle lines of the rebel reserve team to be divided into two blue flags. The chaos that Jingqi used to shoot and shoot has become a mess.

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