Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1591: ""

The so-called prejudice is the unequal treatment, the root of which is its selfish nature.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

Leading the Cossack mercenary remnants all the way north to Opman, the northernmost part of the chaotic region, and temporarily stationed in a small town called Brown; the original five or six thousand troops in this small town are in the Cossack mercenary remnants. On the day he entered the city, he was defeated and annihilated by Opman, who desperately needed a victory to boost morale. Bryant then became the site of the Cossack mercenaries.

After the Cossack mercenaries spent a week in the city of Bryant, a transport team from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce delivered the first batch of 20,000 young and 20,000 sets of weapons and equipment to Brown; obtained this batch of young With the weaponry of Opman, he seized the time to expand his Cossack mercenaries, and at the same time, he took the gold coins provided by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and recruited horses in the local area.

Brown City, with a population of tens of thousands or less, can support the Cossack mercenaries with no more than 5,000 soldiers, but there are many towns and villages near Brown City. Opman, who has a lot of gold coins in hand, wants It is not difficult to recruit recruits here.

By the time the Westminster Chamber of Commerce delivered the fifth batch of young and powerful weapons and equipment to Bryant, the Cossack mercenaries, which were only supplemented by 100,000 young and powerful, had restored their army to 200,000; The recruits recruited from the local area are not as strong as the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, but their high morale is what Opman is most satisfied with.

After completing the initial expansion of the Cossack mercenaries, Opman was not eager to lead his army south to revenge against the treacherous city of Hei Yao City, but began to expand the Cossack mercenaries on the spot, focusing on Brown Point. .

There are many villages and towns within a hundred miles of Bryant, and there are about 40 or 50 villages with a population of less than 3,000, and there are nearly 20 cities and towns with a population of more than 5,000; so many urban villages, even if the Cossack mercenaries There are now two hundred thousand troops, and it is impossible to eat them all at once. The consequences of blind expansion are not tolerable by the Cossack mercenaries at this stage.

Another factor restricting the rapid expansion of the Cossack mercenaries is that nearly half of the Cossack mercenaries come from these villages and towns; in order to avoid the instability of these soldiers during the expansion of the Cossack mercenaries, Opman can only take step by step Way, gradually annexing villages and towns around Bryant to ensure the stability of his army.

In the chaotic region of mercenaries, the villages with the smallest population will also have a self-protected militia. This is not only the survival rule of the chaotic region, but also an obstacle to the expansion of the Cossack mercenaries; in order to win these villages as hard as possible. Control, Opman sent five expansion troops to the villages, each with 20,000 soldiers, more than the total population of those villages.

In the face of the 20,000 Cossack mercenary soldiers, most of the villages surrounded by regiments will make wise choices, but some unruly villages refuse to surrender to the Cossack mercenaries; the former Opman will send people in person Bring the gold coins to appease, and the latter will be forcibly occupied by the expansion of the Cossack mercenaries to directly break through the village.

In a village that is forcibly occupied by Cossack mercenaries, all those who take the lead in refusing the Cossack mercenaries to take ownership of the village will be executed. At the same time, some people who take the lead in surrendering to the Cossack mercenaries will be appointed as the village's new generation of management. By.

In this rigid and soft way, the five enlarged forces of the Cossack mercenaries completed the conquest of the forty-nine villages around Bryant in just half a month; with these forty The owners of the nine villages changed, and Opman, who was in Bronte, issued another military order, and transferred 9,800 soldiers from the Cossack mercenaries to the 49 villages.

In addition to the two hundred regular soldiers drawn from the Cossack mercenaries, Opman also ordered each village to recruit 300 young men on the spot to mix with the two hundred soldiers of the Cossack mercenaries; these two military orders were issued from Opman In the beginning, the forty-nine villages directly under the Bronte, each village had a garrison of 500 people.

With 9,800 regular Cossack mercenaries, 24,400 garrison soldiers can be used at any time. This sale is cost-effective; wait until all the garrison troops in the 49 villages After the formation, Opman will recuperate five expansion forces for a period of time, and the number of soldiers in each expansion force will increase to 30,000.

The 150,000 Cossack mercenaries and soldiers divided into five groups launched an attack on the towns around Bryant in a crushing posture; the towns were much larger than the villages, and the militia forces in the town were also in large numbers. But for the expansion of the Cossack mercenary army with 30,000 soldiers, the 2,000 or 2,000 temporary militia forces are really nothing.

Some of the tragic lessons of the villages that refused to surrender were that none of the 17 large and small towns around Bryant actually refused to surrender; the Cossack mercenaries who turned the siege into an armed march were easily controlled by these towns. right.

After winning these 17 directly-owned towns, Opman formed a 1,500-scale garrison in these towns in the same way; these town-level garrisons were only 500 regular soldiers drawn from the Cossack mercenaries. The remaining 1,000 soldiers still came from their own towns, and like the village militia, they belonged to the half-military and half-farm urban militia.

The city of Bryant has a population of 60,000, plus 140,000 people in 49 villages and 250,000 people in 17 towns, and the population of the people under the Cossack mercenary has reached 450,000; Forty-nine village-level garrison troops and seventeen town-level garrison troops also provided a reserve force of 50,000 for the Cossack mercenaries.

The reason why Opman did not hesitate to deploy his own army soldiers to form a garrison troops not only because he wanted to prepare a ready-to-use reserve force for the Cossack mercenaries, but also because he wanted to build a solid rear for the Cossack mercenaries Foundation.

You should know that every town-level garrison commander appointed by Opman is a Cossack mercenary cadre from the empire; each village-level garrison commander is formed from the Cossack mercenaries The veterans of the war in the beginning.

Opman, who was so attentive to towns and villages' garrison forces, was to build Bryant and all the surrounding villages into a rear base that supported the development of the Cossack mercenaries; only then, even if the Cossack mercenaries were defeated again, You can also make a comeback with your own strength without relying on external forces. This is what Opman wants to do.

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