Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1596: ""

There are three kinds of lies, one is to deceive others, the other is to protect yourself, and the third is to shield others.

——Kyogo Higashino (The King of Japanese Reasoning Novels)

The loss of the province of Contras, the destruction of nearly 300,000 troops, so that the prince Harry trapped in the city of Bordeaux lost the last chance to overturn; the two yellow flags and two white flags that surrounded the city of Bordeaux were only riding in the city. After waiting for three days, the soldiers won the marshal of Longde Stede in the capital and county of the province of Contras and sent ten reinforcements.

Among the ten legions, the twenty-ninth legion of Louis, the thirty-th legion of Di Maria, the thirty-first legion of Cavani, the thirty-second legion of Tevez, and the third of Reynard The Thirteenth Corps was stationed outside Bordeaux and replaced the two yellow and two white flags to continue to surround the city of Bordeaux. The two yellow and two white flags that were cancelled from the original mission were withdrawn northward to the province of Contras.

Hoy’s 34th Army, Kramer’s 35th Army, Harpey’s 36th Army, Plauen’s 37th Army, Schultz’s 38th Army, these five The legions are based on divisions and march into the three counties of Laitest, Boyac, and Klein in the province of Bordeaux. Their task is to recover the three counties where there are still 150,000 garrisons.

Only two hundred troops of ten legions were dispatched to marshal Marshal Rondestede of Bordeaux. In addition to the ten thousand legions of the ten legions that confronted the Allied forces in Dreux, there were also the Legion of Fire One hundred thousand soldiers, five hundred thousand soldiers of the five standing legions, one hundred thousand soldiers under Bonafide, and one hundred thousand fine riders of two yellow flags and two white flags and four or fifty thousand rebel prisoners of war.

The prisoners of war that can be left in the army by Marshal Rondestad are the criminals of the rebels and are destined to become cannon fodder; therefore, they can also be counted as fighters of the rebels, after all They also want to carry weapons to the battlefield.

Of the 300,000 ping rebel infantry and 100,000 ping rebel cavalry and 50,000 ping rebel cavalry remaining in the province of Contras, only Bonera’s Fifth Army was split by Marshal Rondestede A small group consisting of brigades and squadrons was stationed in various towns in the province of Contras to maintain local order, and other troops were gathered at the border of Lusonghang.

There are as many as 430 thousand Tianlong troops stationed at the border of Lusongxing Province, of which 100,000 are elite cavalry with fighting power far more than infantry, while the army of the White Horse Kingdom stationed in Lusonghang Province has only 100,000, and they are all fighting power. Not strong second-rate infantry.

The disparity in strength between the two sides made Duke Anim, commander of the White Horse Kingdom and the highest commander of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, far from Dreux Province, dared not to send troops to assist the Prince Harry trapped in Bordeaux; not only that, Duke Anim At the speed of one letter of assistance every day, King Baima is sending an urgent battle report in front of the situation.

The king of the White Horse Kingdom and the dignitaries who are difficult to ride the tiger, on the one hand, do not want to confront the Tianlong Empire, which is still powerful in military power, on the other hand, they are reluctant to eat them into the stomach of Lu Songxing and then spit it out. The western and central parts of the kingdom each transferred 50,000 garrisons, recruited another 100,000 recruits, and formed a 200,000-strong army to reinforce the front.

In their view, the 200,000 army is the last army that their kingdom can send to the front. If the Dragon Empire still does not want to compromise, then they can only compromise on their own; otherwise, it is really a Lusong province. Fighting a million-scale battle with the Tianlong Empire is definitely not worth the gains.

Not to mention that the outcome of this war is not necessarily the victory of the White Horse Kingdom. Even if this war will definitely end with the victory of the White Horse Kingdom, the White Horse Kingdom will not fight such a war; because the limited power of the White Horse Kingdom, it cannot bear Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed in battle on the battlefield, so they can only compromise at the last moment of the outbreak of war.

The power leaders of the White Horse Kingdom, who thought the situation was too simple, did not know. When they deployed troops in the western and central regions and recruited new soldiers urgently, information about the White Horse Kingdom's intensified preparations for war has been sent back to Tianlong by the intelligence personnel of the secret guard. empire.

Bai Feng, while granting Marshal Longdestad the battlefield autonomy, also issued an order to the head of the hidden guard Ames to allow the hidden guard to provide all the information about the White Horse Kingdom they collected to Longdeshi A copy of Marshal Ted.

Marshal Ronderstad, who received this information earlier than Bai Feng, from his soldier's point of view, the Kingdom of White Horse decided to add troops to the front line that must be for the purpose of fighting; since this war cannot be avoided, then he Can only choose to start first.

On the sixth morning after the Southwestern rebels recaptured the entire province of Contras, the distant sky had just revealed a trace of fish belly, and all the troops received the order of Marshal Longde Stead in advance, and they crossed Contras at the same time. The border between Xingxing and Lusongxing.

Rodriguez’s Fire Corps, Demi’s First Army, Andrew’s Second Army, Billy’s Third Army, Davis’ Fourth Army, Bonafide’s 100,000 Army, Ten death row camps were assigned to the 50,000 prisoners of war of the various armies, and a total of 330,000 troops launched an offensive against the 100,000 troops of the White Horse Kingdom in the six counties in Lusongxing Province.

Half an hour later, the 50,000-strong army of the Principality of Kassel and the 50,000-strong army of the Feiyu Principality, who were ordered by the rear at almost the same time, left the battalion of the Three-Power Allied Army and moved northward along the border between the Tianlong Empire and the chaotic region; Kasai As soon as the troops of the Principality of Seoul and Feiyu withdrew from the coalition battalion, the 200,000 Tianlong Army was ready to launch an attack on the 300,000 White Horse Army.

The White Horse Kingdom Army with a solid camp as a backing has a very obvious quantitative advantage, but the well-prepared Tianlong Army still firmly occupies the initiative to fight; the magical siege equipment transferred from the rear one after another, with great lethal power 'S catapults and heavy crossbow vehicles can't even lift the head of the white horse army that is trapped in the camp.

Duke Anim, commander-in-chief of the White Horse Army who managed to keep the camp barely by fighting hard with his own soldier's flesh and blood, thought that this day was the most difficult day he had spent since joining the army, but did not know that this was the beginning of their doom. Just the first day.

When Caswar, Paresi, and others led their troops to storm the White Horse Camp, Eric had already led his twelfth, twenty-second, and twenty-seventh legions to the province of Dreux, Giscal also led his thirteenth, eighteenth, and twenty-fourth legions, and Montgomery's fifteenth, sixteenth, and twenty-third legions were no exception.

When the 180,000 troops of these nine legions rushed to the front line of Dreux, the White Horse Army, which had no number of advantages, may have no chance of escape; the Western Xinjiang Army of Savona did not participate in the war because they It is necessary to supervise the armies of the Duchy of Kassel and the Duchy, and withdraw from the border streets of the Empire and Chaos to their country.

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