Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 911: "·Prince's Situation"

Honesty is the master key. Don’t lie or cover up under any circumstances, trust your teachers and elders, and be open to them. Don’t be malicious to anyone, don’t say bad things behind others, the most important thing is ‘don’t deceive yourself’, then you won’t deceive others. Treating the smallest things in life honestly is the only secret of a pure life.

——Mahatma Gandhi (the father of modern India, the greatest political leader of India, the founder of Gandhi)

In a Nice family manor outside the city of Nice, Bai Feng chatted with the Duke of Nice for a short day; the next morning, Bai Feng, who left five thousand grassland horses, took his guard cavalry back to where the army was .

For a distance of more than fifty miles, the cavalry who took measures against the gallop of horses could not spend much time; and on this road, Bai Feng, who said nothing, was thinking about the five princes of the empire that have been passed down for hundreds of years. What a deep heritage the family has.

The depth of the Dragon Empire is so profound that Bai Feng knows the experience of the two-line battle of the empire. The depth of the imperial royal family is very deep. The Virgin of the Dark Council, Victoria, has already let Bai Feng know deeply .

Whether it is at least twenty saint-level strong men of the sword sage, or Charlie the great uncle who is said to have surpassed the saint-level, Bai Feng feels breathless; this is just something that the dark mainland and other top mainland powers know, is it an empire? The royal family has no hidden strength?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng felt that his scalp was tingling, and even his original idea of ​​competing with the Prince of Pros to fight for the power of the Eastern Metropolitan Government's power, but also to this end; no way, at this stage, Bai Feng is not willing to fight with the imperial royal family Fight head-on.

Of course, Bai Feng himself knows that no matter how deep the imperial royal family is, after the war, the challenges from all aspects of the empire are enough to make Charles the Emperor exhausted; in this case, as long as he does not overdo it, the Charles the Emperor will Turn a blind eye.

In comparison, what attracts Bai Feng more is the hidden strength of the five imperial families. In Bai Feng's view, it is both an easy and a complicated thing to want to understand the background of the five imperial families.

The easy thing is that the contemporary head of the Crest family, one of the five major families of the Empire, is the Duke of Crest, and Sofia, the favorite daughter of the Duke of Crest, is also a lover of Bai Feng’s fair and decent; in this way, Bai Feng himself Counted half of the Kleist family.

The complication is that, on the one hand, Bai Feng didn’t know how to speak, and asked Sofia or the Duke of Kleist about the Kleist family; on the other hand, the five major families of the Empire were ultimately five independent families, not one. .

Each family will have its own family secrets, especially the five imperial families; this means that even if the Kleist family is one of the five imperial families, it is impossible to know the most private things and hidden things of other families. What strengths have been achieved.

However, in relative terms, the Crest family, which is the same as the other four families, knows more about the other four families than the outside world, and that's all. some.

After some careful thinking, Bai Feng still decided not to mention the matter to the Duke of Krest; as for Sofia, Bai Feng should ask, after all, the girl is outward, Bai Feng believes that Sofia will not ask herself about her things Tell anyone, including her grandfather!

The dangling army walked in the province of Nice for three days before finally crossing the southern province of Nice and entering the northern province of Broyansong. At this time, the army of Bai Feng was away from the capital of Broyansson, the capital of the province. Only less than four days left.

The Prince of Pros, who had long known the location and speed of the Baifeng army, first sent his third messenger to the province of Nice to recall Broyansong. Then he ordered the construction of a magnificent feather for Baifeng in the city of Broyansson. Duke's Palace.

This huge project of the Duke of Yulin's mansion was not the first mansion built by the Prince of Pros at the time when the army was stationed in Broyansong County; before that, he had built a bigger mansion for him than the Duke of Yulin. The Great Metropolitan Palace!

At this point, Broyansong County, which is still under reconstruction after the war, has three daunting mansions, one is the Governor's Mansion ordered by Bai Feng to rebuild, and the other is the Metropolitan Mansion and the Duke of Yulin, which were ordered by the Prince of Pros. Mansion.

These three buildings belong to the residences of Prince Duros, Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, Bai Feng, Duke of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, and Governor of Yulin, and Governor of Broyongsong Province. The palace built by the prince for Baifeng.

A mansion that has not yet been built may not explain anything, but is it also a way for Prince Pross to express his attitude? The reason why Prince Pross was so anxious to do this was, after all, Bai Feng forced it out.

The shadow of the famous tree of man, the present day dragon empire, the name of Yufeng, the **** of war, Bai Feng, and the impressive records of the east-driven orc army and the north chasing the grassland cavalry. Who knows who is unknown? Regarding this, the first-time Prince Prosper can not worry?

What made Prince Prossin more disturbing was that, as his imperial prince and the governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, when he came to Broyansong Province, no one of the provincial nobles swore allegiance to him. This is simply It's incredible!

If it wasn’t for the prince of Pross who came to Broyansong to stop the prince of Pross, the prince of Pross might have sent the purple clothing guard under his command, and went to the palaces to “visit” those who did not know what to do. Provincial nobles.

What Prince Pross did not know is that the current nobles of Broyansong Province are composed of two parts: one part is the no-right aristocracy who survived the fire in the Governor’s Palace in Broyyangsong Province, and the other part is sealed by Baifeng Emerging real power nobles.

Those left-behind nobles who survived the fire in the governor’s palace were all people who passed by on the verge of life and death. They were only looking forward to Earl Abraham and the Woodrow Cavaliers, and they dared not dare to betray Bai Baifeng’s actions and practices.

Even though they were desperately eager to regain power, they still did not have the courage to betray Bai Feng to swear allegiance to Prince Prosper; the blazing fire that night had been put on these people like a nightmare, forcing them to dare One step ahead!

It is not that the noblemen and speculators among the nobles in the Eastern Provinces of the Empire, but that all the noblemen and speculators among the nobles in the Eastern Provinces have been extinguished by the ash of a large fire in Wink. Incompetent who abides by his duty and fears things.

As for the new real power nobles enshrined by Bai Feng, they were all carefully selected by Bai Feng from the Yulin Army, and they were loyal and devoted to him; these people would not even look at Prince Pross at all, even if the other party was An imperial prince above 10,000 people.

The provincial nobles deliberately neglected, the Duke of Nice was avoiding sight, the Bai Feng army was approaching, everything was like a boulder pressing on the heart of Prince Pros; under desperation, he wanted to use the scale of the mansion. Invited to express his attitude obscurely.

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